Roses are tall, Violets are shorter, The true enemy of humanity is disorder. Roses are red, Violets are blue, Shield Matrix online, I'm protecting you.
8 days until competitive mode becomes a giant cesspool of people instalocking Doomfist (I'm literally just gonna grind out as Doomfist to get good enough to instalock him before anyone else in my games can, to prevent crappy people from playing him)
After four seasons of being stuck in plat, I have finally reached diamond: Let me tell you, plat is the worst. You basically participate in a lottery to get a good team. I've had countless throwers, 5 dps instalocks, and overall toxic players. On the other hand, I've had teams that communicate well and work together. Let me give you the best advice any player could ever have: Fill. Since the start of S2, I have been in plat. I could easily carry gold games, but when I was in plat, I couldn't outright carry games; I could perform extremely well, but it required a team effort. In S2, I would try instalocking Genji because I knew I was pretty good with him. Sometimes, however, it made my team really negative towards me, resulting in a less effective team. So starting from S3 up, I would wait until one or two teammates had already picked before picking a character. I started branching out from my comfortable characters (Genji, Ana, D.Va) and picked up almost every single hero, mostly in S5. In S5, I have picked up Mercy, Soldier, Lucio, Reinhardt, Pharah, Tracer, Reaper, Winston, and McCree. I can confidently play every single one of these heroes at least at the plat level. My hour distribution for this season has quite the variety: I hope this serves as a reminder to all you fellow Overwatch players that Overwatch is, in fact, a team game. Once you get put into somewhat challenging games, you cannot completely carry games anymore. Be a team player, because if you branch out your hero selection, you're allowing your other teammates, who may not be comfortable with a certain role (for example, forcing a tank to healer or dps to tank), to play at the best of their ability. With a variety of heroes under your belt, you can effectively play any role for your team. Coupled with group queueing as opposed to solo queueing (like I did in the past), filling is what allowed me to ultimately reach diamond. Good luck in your pursuit to a higher rank, guys! Here's my progression all the way from S1 up to S5: Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 (ongoing)
To be honest, I rarely even play competitive after the 10 placements, because no one in high silver/low gold wants to work together. I have 3 heroes for every role I'm decent with, it's simply so hard to try and keep people from becoming negative. I used to have a group I played with in season 1 and 2 when doing placements, and we did great! Now all I do is try to make sure everybody doesn't get salty half way through the match. I can deal with bad players, what I can't deal with is salty and toxic players. Congratulations on diamond too! You're close to getting to a friend of mine who is also a Genji main, who ranks at master on console.
(On mobile now so snipping is a pain) I can imagine how bad bronze and silver are. Used to carry my friends out of that hellhole... Anyways, you should try and find some other friends that you can play with and that you know are somewhat knowledgeable of the game (and of course, rarely get salty/toxic). I was fortunate enough to find some very cooperative players to group with, and we have all risen up the ranks! I am almost certain I would still be stuck in low plat without their help, just as you are stuck in bronze/silver. I wish I could help you out, but for now, I wish you the best of luck!
Yah that's how I was from season 2 to season 4, only it was bronze and low silver. Then I picked up Pharah and until I got high gold, I played nothing but her. I went from 700 to 2200, then played the fill style of play. Took awhile, but eventually I hit 2507
I wouldn't worry to much, I don't have tons of time for competitve anyways and I'm not terribly competitive. I mostly just do it now a days for the sprays I never use. I prefer QM and CTF for the randomness and general less saltyness. If they made a competitive CTF or 1v1, now I'd be doing that all the time.
Doomfist is here! I got a crazy POTG with him too in my second game. How do you guys like Doomfist so far in live? Doomfist's Doomhand
Today is the day when all hell breaks loose in quick and competitive play. Sidenote: The highlights feature is probably my favorite update since I am a montage maker. It makes it a lot easier on us
Doomfist's pixel achievement is way too hard. I aint even know where to get a fully charged Seismic Slam other than on Eichenwalde with the castle spire
Aside from the addition of Doomfist (who was straight away become by best friend and my greatest enemy, thanks Q for that....),I'm more pleased with the changes to Highlights, finally they wont look terrible lol.
The summer games are here once more! Why I've had an amazing time with them so far! Lots of new skins have been added, along with other cosmetics. I even opened the new Winged Victory Mercy skin based on Nike from Greek mythology in my first box. Lucioball is also back with a compettive mode now too! However, if you plan to play with friends, you must all be withen 1000 competitve rating like normal competitve mode. Here is a highlight from a Lucioball game I played with K_Kick. (He was great goalie!) Anyways, hope you all enjoy the return of the summer games! And may I wish you the best of luck in you box openings.
I've repeatedly been referred to as "a GM Lucioballer" so let's see how the placement itself goes (This was my second LucioBall game) EDIT : I was curious what 6 votes would do so I asked the people I played with to all vote me so we could find out. It puts in gold and the announcer screams "What a performance!" and then Lucio says "I make this look easy!"
(On mobile so this is just going to be a long string of text) I got placed at 2594 at the end of my Lucioball placements after going 5-5. After winning three games and losing one, I'm now at 2707. It seems like the game is still using my normal SR to boost me to my normal comp rank, as I'm consistently gaining 70+ SR per game and losing only ~20. Not sure if this is intended, but...yay I guess? Also, I've seen posts on the forums about bugs like the ball disappearing. I haven't personally experienced any of the mentioned bugs, but keep an eye out for them I wish everyone a fun and competitive Lucioball experience!
That seems to be a bug going around. I think someone mentioned that the items you get should be in the hero gallery, even if the box didn't display all 4.