[QUESTIONS] The cat is not dead, but it's not alive yet either.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MissFable, Jul 12, 2017.

  1. The cat is not dead and neither am I.
    I'm thinking of returning and I have a few questions as I imagine that things have changed a bit since I was last active.

    I'm thinking of doing a charity public farm as my reentry into EMC project. Meaning building a public farm for an individual or group I'm not associated with and giving them control/responsibility of it after completion.
    I'm wondering how feasible this would be? With block protection on how hard would it be switch control to someone else?
    Would anyone/any group even be interested in this kind of deal? I would be doing this for free and while assistance/mats would be appreciated they would not be a requirement.

    What is the going rate for labor/employing right now (wasteland work)?

    I'm thinking of paying to get my skin redesigned and I'm wondering if there is a best way to go about this?
    Hold a contest? Place an advert in the buying thread? How much would a good skin cost?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. Like a Outpost? Or like a Public Farm Hub?Kinda confused on what you mean for a group of people.
    Not too hard, but there is a Fee (Cant remember it atm), but it would require SS to come out and change all protected blocks from one player to another. Needs perms of players blocks and all.
    I can see people, I hired someone to do a Iron farm for my build outpost. I supplied mats and a schem of my private working iron farm for them to keep and paying per cell they build. (I asked they not have build mode on, and if there is anything needs changing i can do it myself for any future changes or alters to design.

    If you have any questions just ask.
    MissFable likes this.
  3. I'd say it depends on which SMP, but given the success of SMP8's PWU I'm sure you could find some group to work with. My suggestion would be to team up with a crew first and work out the logistics from there.

    No idea, but posting a price check here would probably be your best option.

    Start a thread here and see where it takes you. I think 5-10k is reasonable, but you may want to offer more depending on the level of detail you're asking for. A quick search only brought up one thread with a stated offer of 15k. Best advice, be flexible.
  4. Meant to say an individual or group (it has now been fixed).
    Most smps have or had groups making public utilities. Their are also financial partnerships who occasionally foray into public works. Also a good number of people work in the wasteland in pairs and it's unheard of for people to do/have only one public farm under their care (me for example) rather then trying to do a whole utilities project/network. In short when I say group I just mean it in its most basic context "more then one person" not necessarily anything of formal recognition or association (it could literally be two or more friends that have the will to manege a public farm).

    If an outpost is the group that comes to me with a proposal for a public farm and is willing to do the upkeep afterwords then yes technically I would be willing to work with an outpost. It would be contingent on the farm I build being truly open to the public (it's location being advertised on the forums and it's usage open to all with no preference or priority in it's use being given to specific any individuals)
    Also I'm not talking about building a farm hub or a whole utilities network as that is project to big for me to be willing to take on right now (let alone by myself and entirely at my own cost). That being said again if a preexisting public farm hub/utilities project puts forth the proposal to build an individual farm connected to their hub/project then that would be a group I would be willing to work with (but not join).
  5. I was going with low long term commitment (beyond the time it takes to design & build a farm) so actually joining a utilities group would kind of be the antithesis of what I want to do here but I might send some direct pm's to utility groups if I get no proposal out of the project thread. Unless of course their exists crews that wander around taking on random but interesting public projects and doing them for free (that would be kind of cool actually).

    Shiny. I will take both of these suggestions; thank you.
  6. I might be interested to get you to build a farm for my public farm hub. I will post link later. On cell right now.
    MissFable likes this.
  7. Just want to mention if the type of farm you are thinking of is a crop farm it's not really worth it since there are so many people who sell cheap crops. Mob farms though are always good
    MissFable likes this.
  8. Their is no rush. I haven't even finished writing up the project thread yet (I will post a link to it in this thread when I do).
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  9. The logic at work was more "provide aid and construction" for a utility, which could ultimately be left in the care of said group when complete. I didn't mean to suggest actually joining one of these groups, except for the time it'd take to build the farm.
    MissFable likes this.
  10. I was mostly thinking mob farms but their are a few renewable crop based ones I might do under the right circumstances (Boredom + lack of any other proposals + they already have all the mats & space needed already).