Overwatch Thread!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Sachrock, Mar 16, 2017.


Do you play Overwatch?

Yes 47 vote(s) 52.8%
No 28 vote(s) 31.5%
I want to 14 vote(s) 15.7%
  1. Thanks :3
  2. Sachrock likes this.
  3. I finally got back into silver this season, but I dropped back into bronze a few days ago. But I'm level 165, with an SR of 1494, and a career high of 1851 in season 2. And I was a reaper main back then....
    Sachrock likes this.
  4. Well Reaper is getting some nice love from Blizz, so get climbing into gold ;)
    Sachrock likes this.
  5. Ya know, I never really thought the old reaper was that bad. Towards the end of S2, the meta was Rein, Ana, Reaper, often two more tanks or Mei and some teams dared to have Ana solo heal.

    It was called beyblade because of the nano + death blossom combo, and it's massive teamwipe potential because of the great damage and speed so he could get everyone. His great damage and solokill potential didn't deter 3 or 4 tanks being normal in team comp, IMO.

    That's just my opinion.
  6. You're right, he really wasn't all that bad; however, as the meta changed to the meta you really see today (soldier, pharah, etc.) and the rise of dive comp (your genjis, lucios, and an overall faster paced style), reaper shrank back a bit because he was slightly less effective except against winston. Reaper was highly effective against triple tank, which you saw quite prevalently in seasons 2 and 3 due to the introduction of the massive healing of Ana. Nowadays, Ana has less healing capability (while still being okay) and has thus led to the reduced abundance of triple tank comps. Reaper was also much more deadly due to the speed boost from Ana's nanoboost (for the beyblade combo) because he could reach more targets with the boosted speed. Now that they removed speedboost, the combo is ever so slightly less deadly; however, by making reaper more sustainable (through health regen and his new reload), he will probably see a lot more play and be more of a threat.
  7. When your power cuts out in a middle of a ranked game and you lose 60 sr :(
    EmpireMall likes this.
  8. 60?! e_e
    But yeah same, I don't think it was my internet, but for some reason, I got booted from Overwatch and couldn't connect for a while. Dropped 40 SR. We were winning too :(
    Sachrock likes this.
  9. We were losing so my team may of thought it was a rage quit but it wasn't >_<
  10. Pfft, I used to have a problem with my video card on one of my machines running waaaaay too hot and probably lost a total of 75 SR and 3 QP games DC'd before I figured out I could turn my fans up so I have to raise my voice to talk to anyone :p

    All good now I actually got to my average spot of 2900 SR :)
    K_Kick likes this.
  11. Help me, I'm stuck in 2500 hell
  12. I am stuck in the 3000 area, I get so many smurfs who are masters and in Diamond, they think they are gods and can take on the whole team and then we just end up losing, it sucks.
    K_Kick likes this.
  13. Yeah, I have never seen so many alts and smurfs in my life until the double XP weekend.

    My career high is 3060 in Season 3, I got there with my old 6 stack mostly by playing Zarya, Reinhardt, and Soldier : 76.
    However, look at my season highs in other seasons and you'll see I really haven't moved much ; 57 (S1) 28something (s2) 3060 (S3) 2927 (S4) and currently 2924 (S5)

    In season 2 I got placed in 2100s and I climbed entirely by using Soldier : 76 who wasn't that great to begin with, got a NEW nerf that made him very inaccurate, and was outclassed by McCree and Reaper was just plain good, even if they don't fit in the same sub-class. Basically, I got gud with my aim, striving for consistent 60% accuracy (not amazing, but something) and I climbed like 400 SR in a day, 200 the next, and another 100 before the season was out. Basically, back then I abused the crap out of my helix rockets :p

    But yeah that's how I got out of gold h3ll. I should note by the way that my winrates as DPS (mainly looking at 76/Phar this season only) are the only ones consistently above 50%, I've come to the conclusion that people in my rank usually just suck at dps man. I kinda returned and was a filler man all day every day because I didn't wanna be rude or take the role from someone better, but I've come to find that rarely is there ever someone better. Just do what you ned to win man.
    Sachrock likes this.
  14. This is going to be awesome!
  15. My prediction: South Korea takes it....again
    Sachrock likes this.
  16. Hey guys! I'm back with another news update :)

    Today we have received the new Horizon Lunar Colony map. It is a 2 CP map (on the moon, of course). Mccree and Reaper were also buffed, and Roadhog took another serious nerf. I'm not here to cover that though. Here's the patch notes if you want to take a closer look: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc/

    Today, along with the patch updates, Blizzard and Twitch prime have banded to bring us the rumored golden loot box! This new gold loot box guarantees you a legendary item. The only catch is that this offer is only available to Twitch Prime members. All you have to do to get a Twitch Prime membership is to have Amazon Prime, which I'm sure many of us have (if you use Amazon a lot, get it. It's totally worth the price.). Good luck everyone, and have fun! In August, Twitch Prime will get us another five free loot boxes (normal ones) and once again in October.
  17. I got insanely lucky with the new map today, probably my best (and luckiest) clip yet.

    Qkazooo, Sachrock and Fexu like this.
  18. ahahah. like I'm ever gonna get into Gold. you're funny xD
  19. it is doable, if you find a character who you are good at and keep playing them
  20. already tried that. just play comp in a 6 stack, but one guy kept timing out and another one started raging and that just put the rest of us in bad moods :(
    Sachrock likes this.