What is this?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ganjaqueen94, May 26, 2017.

  1. Fixed it for you.

    That is the world border.
  2. ahh ok
    AncientTower and Rundercaster like this.
  3. Well.. I'd say that's a broken link ;)
    Carbonyx, TomvanWijnen, 607 and 2 others like this.
  4. A boarder wall. You must be in the waste.
  5. Frontier also has it...
  6. How far out in the frontier do you have to be to hit it?
  7. By default it's 30 million blocks. I'm not sure if it hasn't been changed, though. :)

  8. 3'750000 Three million seven hundred and fifty thousand blocks via the nether - now there's a challenge :)
    RaiinNL likes this.
  9. Is 1.5 mil overworld... I made an out post at world border on smp2
    607 and Silken_thread like this.
  10. Yeah I ran into this when I was on my way to a monument. I thought the smps were infinite but I guess heres the proof haha.
  11. They changed it on the Frontier now that they have spawns at 1 mill out /wild se, sw, ne, nw
    607 and Silken_thread like this.
  12. 1.5mil>1mil. The world border is not a circunference is a square
  13. yes, i know, but they upped it, Aikar and krysyy said they did but cant remember how far for the new spawns....
  14. My outpost is in the current world border. Before the world border was <1mil so people could not grief the new spawns. Now it is ±1 500 000 in any coordinate
    607 likes this.