Overwatch Thread!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Sachrock, Mar 16, 2017.


Do you play Overwatch?

Yes 47 vote(s) 52.8%
No 28 vote(s) 31.5%
I want to 14 vote(s) 15.7%
  1. pfft, i played the game the best i could. i HATE that game with a damn passion. it is stupid. i never want to waste another second of my life on the crap.
    so i'm sure it seems like people are throwing the game because no one knows how to play and blizzard is promoting the thing so in intake of a ton of random people who have never played it ( like me ) who just want the overwatch stuff. lol
  2. No, I mean people literally join the game and just AFK. I could care less you aren't too good. Also, all the cosmetic stuff and 10 loot boxes come in the following weeks.
  3. eh, how can you afk? that game kicks you after 20 seconds even if you're running around the map looking for someone to kill.. which is stupid. i've gotten kicked twice just trying to find a way around the map to something to kill. lol

    they at least have to be active killing *something* to not get kicked. lol. it took me until my 8th game to figure out how to actually play. the first five i played to get the genji skin since my friend wanted it was HELL. lol

    i'm sure people thought i was trolling. xD
  4. Li-Ming is bae. Disintegration final upgrade OP :D
    Shadow_Dcord likes this.
  5. If you damage something or use an ability, you aren't counted as AFK, so they just shoot a Merc camp every 45 seconds.

    Li-Ming if my fav burst Assassin. Though I prefer to play her as Melee Ming with a teleport build.
    K_Kick likes this.
  6. Me as Mei annoying the hell out of Simon who was Rein
    Sachrock likes this.
  7. Poor Rein D:
  8. I went to play heroes of the storm on the second week thinking that I could skip the oni genji quest and go straight to the d.va skin, that was not the case I needed to play 5 games for the oni skin then another 5 games for the d.va skin >_<
  9. Same. I still need to play 3 more games for Po Po D.Va because I had to go back and do Oni again too >.>
    Sachrock likes this.
  10. I also realised that I used to play that game a lot, and I bring all of the high levels Into my games xD
  11. Lol nice.
    Blizz blessed my games up with that free bundle. Li-Ming and Tracer ftw
  12. I play Varian, he is over powered :p
  13. I gotta play my Overwatch main, Genji ;)
    (RIP 750 gems)
    Sachrock likes this.
  14. It's all about Kerrigan man
    K_Kick and Sachrock like this.
  15. You can play your Kerrigans, your Genjis, your Varians, but at the end of the day, it all about the one and only slug, Abathur. You don't even need to physically be in the fight to cause chaos. He puts the slug in slugfest.
    Sachrock likes this.
  16. My friend just stays on me the entire game as Abathur :p
    Shadow_Dcord and Sachrock like this.
  17. Well then, he could work on that! Just remember to body soak as Abathur and you'll be on your way to doing great! But, don't take it from me, I'm a Panda main not an Abathur main, instead take it from guides.
    K_Kick and Sachrock like this.
  18. Just finished the first game of my own custom game mode, Super Shimada Bros. A point capture game on Hanamura with only buffed Genji and Hanzo and no health packs. It was beautiful, if any of you want to try it yourself I can give you all the presets.
    K_Kick likes this.
    Shadow_Dcord likes this.