[AMA] 2022 days on EMC time for celebration?!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Eclipsys, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. Greetings EMC,

    So, I (accidentally:oops:) missed my 2000th day (woopsiedaysie), so here goes for the 2022nd EMC day! #HowOriginal #AwwYes #TrendSetter #SomebodyGetMyWalkingCane

    I think it's safe to say that I'm one of only a handfull of people that have been a member of this amazing community for this long! I joined back in 2011 when this was but a small village, a hole in the ground (metaphorically speaking), but even back then we were a really tight family of MC players who assisted each other whenever we could and to the fullest extent of our power.

    I've called this server my sole home for near 6 years now and though I come and go playing MC, but this is still the only server I play on! I remember all the great times I had here and all the great things I've been through with ya'll. EMC just keeps on amazing.

    I can ramble on for hours and hours of bygone adventures, old friends, builds, projects, admins etc but let's not dwell on the past. Let's focus on the future shall we? Here here *raises drink*

    So now for my small say:

    To all the new members who just joined a milisecond ago and all the people that were here for years, months, days, hours: I'm happy to call you all friends and happy you are all members of this great community.

    I haven't decided what to do for my 2022nd day yet eventwise, but I'll come up with something eventually. I'll combine that with my 5 year anniversary event that I forgot to plan back when that day came about...

    So, fire away, questions ahoy! I'll answer them all truthfully, as me any and everything that you want!

    Thanks, godspeed and minecraft!

    A small contest:

    --Skin contest--
    As I've passed my 2022nd day on EMC I think it's time for a new skin, yes?

    To whoever designs me the best new skin and includes a great question to ask me when it's done, will get 50k! 50.000r!

    Blast away.

    Thumbs up from... well, me!

    Imagination is more important than knowledge
    ~Albert Einstein
    jkrmnj, SirTah, Sachrock and 4 others like this.
  2. Congratulation Eclypsys :)
    I don't really have a question to ask, since I've alredey asked you all I can come up with... :p
    607 and Eclipsys like this.
  3. Thank you Jelle68 sir!
    Jelle68 likes this.
  4. Grats!! Lovin the two thumbs up in that pic lol

    I don't design skins so much, but what do you want do you want to accomplish most irl?
    607 and Eclipsys like this.
  5. Become a well known architect/urban designer. I wonder which direction life will throw me in... :p
    607, Tbird1128 and Eviltoade like this.
  6. Congrats on over 6 years!
    Eclipsys likes this.
  7. Well... that's interesting.
    I wouldn't mind trying to design a skin, but I'm not the greatest artist around, and my creations usually only fit my own style - if they fit any at all. What kind of skin would you be looking for?
    I might be able to think of something... we'll see.
    Now, on to the questions.

    Do you wear a watch?
    Have you ever had pets?
    What do you think of Amsterdam?
    ShelLuser and Eclipsys like this.
  8. Are the inner machinations of your mind an enigma?
    Jay2a and Eclipsys like this.
  9. Skinwsie: suit/fancy/wise bit like what I got now, suit on, hat on, monocle. fancy

    I do wear a watch, not always but on several occasions like gala's and such

    I have never had pets :( Parents are allergic

    My parents live in Amsterdam, it's quite alright when you're not in the touristy parts. The touristy parts are overrun, chinese tourists by the millions x_x

    Yes they are, my whole being is one huge enigma.
    PetezzaDawg and 607 like this.
  10. Why do you want to get a new skin, then? :p Just a little changing things up?

    Chinese tourists are the worst! They just won't stop pushing!
    Eclipsys likes this.
  11. Congrats! What's your favourite build on EMC?
    Eclipsys likes this.
  12. Hmm, too many to list m all..

    If I really had to choose I'd say Hasorko's tower/minigames on SMP1. AC also has a few nice ones tho... hard to choose
    607 and Sachrock like this.
  13. Well this white suit hasn't been in the laundry for a while now... it's gettin a bit stinky xD

    Chinese tourists are really annoying!
    607 likes this.
  14. Congrats! :)
    Do you PvP?
    Eclipsys likes this.
  15. Congrats Eclipsys on 6 years!!!! :)

    1. Is Smp7 the best?
    2.Do you like Chocolate Cake?
    3.What keeps you on EMC?

    P.S I like your avatar. :D
    Eclipsys likes this.
  16. Its rare, but sometimes, yes, sometimes :3

    SMP1 is my personal favorite (hence why all my *cough 15 cough* residences are there... however EMC should not be 'each SMP for their own' as EMC is one big family no matter which SMP you call your home.

    I love everything chocolate, who doesnt?

    Friends, MC as a game, social contact, fun. I can expand that list near endlessly :p

    And thanks :)
    607 and Jelle68 like this.
  17. Contest bump?
  18. Ho Eclypsis.
    Always liked that name.. have seen it come up a lot well working on the EMC lore I have written.

    You are one of the few players who are still around since almost the beginning... so q? Are you still enjoying it here and do you oldtimers chat about the old days much over there on 1?

    Congrats on your 2022 days :)
    607 and Eclipsys like this.
  19. I still enjoy it here, yes! Very much :) There aren't alot of old oldies like myself but when I do meet them we talk about everything in the past, present and future. Always fun to catch up with old pixel faces.

    I do think SMP1 has the most old oldtimers, maybe we should turn SMP1 into a oldtimer museum hahaha
    607 likes this.
  20. Congrats on over 2000 days.
    What are your alt names if you don't mind sharing?
    Eclipsys likes this.