[AMA] 2022 days on EMC time for celebration?!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Eclipsys, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. Eclipsys (main), iEclipsys (alt1), MistClaws (alt2) and the last one i'll keep a secret :p

    They have a total of 15 residences of which 14 on SMP1 and 1 on Utopia.
    AncientTower likes this.
  2. No more questions to be asked :p?

    And no other skin artists?
    607 likes this.
  3. Eclipsyy,

    Already this old, I cannot believe it. Seems I met you from day one and your still here..been a friendy from day one and I'm grateful cause most get scared away from my gibberish the first few minutes of meeting them, Haha. My question would be, What was your real first project on the Empire, I mean with fireworks, tears and sweat? Just curious cause you seem always busy with many projects, Umm I think I said enough..Hope to see you in-game sometime soon! Cheers...
    607 and Eclipsys like this.
  4. That's an easy one! My first 'real' humongous holy pie etc etc project was when I turned 18 and MR2R2M gave me his Utopia residence to build a project on: The Dragonia Hotel.

    The hotel covered nearly the whole Utopia residence and its facades were made out of sand blocks (not sandstone). The sand was stacked and held togheter by the glass/wood inbetween...

    A hell of a lot of sand went into that one hahaha

    Some pictures:

    V2 (Upgraded lateron)

    Here's the album:
    SirTah and 607 like this.
  5. Way back when... my 111th day hahahaha
    Sachrock and 607 like this.
  6. Congrats on 2000!
    How does it feel knowing you're older than Aikar on EMC? :p

    No joke xD (See spoiler)

    607 and Eclipsys like this.
  7. I'm older than most current EMC staff/admins/etc

    I joined back when JustinGuy & GameKribJEREMY/IceCreamCow ran this place :p

    It's strange haha
    EMC has improved a lot under Aikar and Krysy. I'm that old grandpa on the veranda rambling about the old days hahaha. That role is also a fun one to have :p
    SirTah, Sachrock, 607 and 1 other person like this.