[SUGGESTION] Apply site bans to players who are permanently banned for serious offenses

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by We3_MPO, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. After seeing repeated misbehavior of people who are permabanned for serious offenses (mainly illegal mods), and sometimes their friends too, I am suggesting that any person who is permabanned for a serious offense (i.e. griefing, illegal mods, scamming) should be banned on forums as well so they can't try to fuss over their ban or get help from their friends. I only want people to appeal the correct way, and it's possible to do that without logging into forums.

    However, I don't think this should apply for temp bans, or bans for lesser offenses.

    Let me know what you think.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. Sorry but a permanent bank player can always appeal. I find that it's fine with the ip banned players are site banned.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. -1. Players who didn't commit the ban or were hacked in such ways shouldn't be on the forums? Doesn't make that much sense. Please clarify for other people. I'm not just talking about myself here, but for other players who've been through the same.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. Well I think the question is, what does a player wish to contribute on the forums when they can't contribute in game? More often than not, I see permanent ban players only talking about their ban on the forums and little else. I'm not fully in support of the suggestion, but I'm struggling to see what implementing this would actually change other than cleaner forums.
    JohnKid likes this.
  5. What do you consider a serious offense is my question.
    jkjkjk182 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. Its harder to unban players from the forums i think only aikar n kryssy can do it. So it should only be done in extreme circumstances
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. -1 When I was banned, it was the first time I interacted with the forums. Nice introduction? Sort of. I didn't know what appeal meant, since my english was bad, and I knew barely what a forum was, so I made 2 of the same thread, since i thought that each section was independent, and a certain group of people only saw one part of the forums... Anyways... People who answered my thread, told me the instructions to appeal, which i find nice. I know that appeal system change, and it take you directly to it, but is still nice, for people who do not read labeled signs...

    Edit: Are there tempbans in EMC? (I know that if you appeal your permaban, it turns into a tempban, but are there direct tempbans?)
    ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  8. Temp bans can be given from what I understand.
    JohnKid and We3_MPO like this.
  9. There are other temp-bans, yes.

    I believe breaking certain chat rules that are more serious than just a mute can lead to temp-bans, and I believe abusing certain features (like the /report feature) can lead to temp-bans as well.

    I believe temp-bans can be put down as warnings, in a way, too, for players doing actions they aren't meant to be doing. I witnessed a case of this somewhat recently, but I'm not gonna go into terrible detail about it. It was just sort of a warning to a person for doing actions they weren't meant to do.

    More often than not, though, you see perm-bans because most offenses are serious and have to call for that. But temp-bans still can occur for the lesser crimes/as a punishment to get someone to learn from their mistakes, from what I've noticed.

    Anyway! I have no comment on this suggestion outside of this, but I just figured I'd note that yes, there are temp-bans in EMC outside of just players getting an appeal accepted and it being changed from perm to temp. Hope I was at least a teeny bit helpful!
    We3_MPO, Tuqueque and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. I'm pretty sure Krysyy said herself that perm bans are more like long temp bans, (however don't take my word for it but I do believe that's what she said) I'll try find the post later.
    Ryan_A_ and bitemenow15 like this.
  11. They may want to keep in touch with their friends.
  12. -1

    Just because some people who happen to be banned misbehave doesn't mean that you should take it out on the whole group. If they misbehave then report it after which staff should sort it out. If they keep misbehaving then I guess we got a bit of a problem but it's not something caused by the whole group of banned players.

    Thing is: I know plenty of players who are hardly to be found in the game yet still heavily enjoy these forums. Not just that, some really add to the community too. So I don't think that absence in the game is a valid argument to also keep them off the forums.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  13. +0

    I have my differences on this. I can see why this would be helpful, it would make the forums cleaner from all the posts from banned people going "ughhh I'm banned" or straight up lying on the forums to make the staff look bad.

    However some people who are perm banned still contribute to the community, helping with suggestions, helping new people that create threads. If this were to be implemented the people like this would be removed from the forums which would not be a great contribution to our community; removing the first type of people would be a contribution.

    As I previously stated, I have my differences on this.

    This is exactly my point.
  14. Probably makes the most sense to look at each separately. If someone is on the forums complaining about their ban, that might be considered unacceptable and at that point be banned from the forums also. If they are not complaining and being good with everyone let them stay on.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  15. Yeah I'm going to be that person who goes against the majority and say +1 here. If you commit an offense that is worthy of a permanent ban, you should be removed from the community. Think of it like this, if you commit a crime and are senteced to jail, you are being removed from your community. A permanent ban is like being sent to prison for life; you are being removed from the community. This is just my opinion; you don't have to agree with it.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  16. I didn't really understand this. You're saying it's commonplace for people to get hacked, as in losing access to their Minecraft account, then the hacker installing blacklisted mods, then going on EMC, then getting banned?

    +1 for this idea
  17. But there are also those who are home arrested, meaning that they cant leave their home, but they do stay with their family... which are not limited from the community completely.
  18. I can hardly think of any permanent bans that have actually been permanent in practice here. Generally, if you want come back badly enough to meet the conditions, you are eventually allowed back. It is also not uncommon for an inmate to receive parole from a life sentence. Like EMC it is not always permanent but it is conditional.

    My thoughts are that if banned players are going to be allowed to return, allowing them on the Forums gives them a chance to demonstrate good(or bad) behavior which can be used to determine their eventual fate while restricting them from doing further damage in game. Banning them from the Forums not only restricts the player but also handicaps Staff.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  19. Home arrest is not commonplace and is used as parole. Being permanently banned is not parole for anything.