I'm a city boy. I'm just giving people ideas they can use, since griefing seems to be such an issue that people haven't figured out hot to stop.
You could also be causing the evolution of griefing... I have many grief-proof techniques, but if I shout about them, the griefers may read it and develop ways to combat it.
We should face it. No structure us ungreifable. If the person is determined enough, they will get through.
Hahaha getting my eff and unbreaking diamond picks, enchanted aqua and protection 3 armor! Potions of swiftness! Coming at you bro, fast.
Ungriefable? If you ask me, all it does is make the griefers question their actions. Which can be good or bad, but you're getting griefed either way.
Improvements can always be made. Actually, people have pointed out several ways already that it can be made harder to get into. This design took me all of 10 minutes to come up with, after all
Ima try to make a building in the near future with a chest in the center. Obsidian all the way arround with a crap ton of traps. Thanks for the idea!!! Add traps. Everything works better with traps.