Dragon Cave [Forum Signature Game]

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Ritunn, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. I've got like 8 vampires that I can try to bite an egg with. I've used a few of them already, but I'll try.
    Also, no egg has a better chance of becoming a vampire than any other.
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  2. You can only bite your own eggs
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  3. Could use Magi Dragons to transfer, then transfer back.
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  4. Here are my eggs atm:

    607 and AhsokaTower like this.
  5. Nice. I've got what's in my signature. I have 1 open slot. Trying to find a rare in the abandoned pile.
    _Kyoko__Sakura_ likes this.
  6. It pays to play..
  7. I got one of those once.

    I've had this one for close to a year.
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  8. A good ole Leetle Tree. How do you get those anyways?
  9. Well I had just arrived in the forest and it happen to be 1 of 3 choice eggs.
    Shadow_Dcord likes this.
  10. Dragcave does rare egg drops every hour and you can find trees in the forest like you would any other rare egg.
  11. I grabbed the Sapphire, I got the Magi here for whoever wants it.
    MajorHaze likes this.
  12. Xenowyrm's and Vampire eggs are being dropped like crazy right now in the abandoned pile.
  13. I got some failed breeding attempts here for anyone who wants them. I would ask that someone please take them or else they will die.

    Claim my eggs/hatchlings!
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  14. My cheese dragon grew up. Apparently they don't have a sex and can't breed.
  15. Same with the paper dragon and the chicken
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  16. Nabbed this off the abandoned pile.

    Once these Xenowyrms start growing I'll breed them and leave them here for whoever wants them.
  17. Anybody going to take these?
  18. Got Two More Eggs:

  19. So my Vampire grew up and I used it to bite an egg. The bite worked and the egg became a vampire egg. However my other dragons were repulsed by what i did. They banded together and threw out the egg into the abandoned pile. I quickly tried to reclaim it but sadly someone clicked on it faster than I did.