[Suggestion] Locked Doors

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Blunce, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. Now that EMC protects blocks in the frontier, a locking door functionality (similar to locking chests) would enable players to keep interiors safe from strangers.

  2. Sounds great. +1 I guess :) (Isn't this alredey possible?)

    But, I have made a nice redstone system that opens an iron/piston door for you if you open an locked trapped chest (I still need to make sure it really works, but I think it does) so, you can fix this with some easy redstone aswell :)]

    EDIT: It's nice to not have it actually becuase we now have to find creative ways to still have locked doors in style.
  3. You can place a locked sign above a door to make it locked.
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  4. Gets online and spends 30k locking all the doors. lol
  5. you can't.....

    I know, that in EMC features it says "locking doors" is available(post from like 2013), but i asked Aikar about it like 3 months ago and said that they have never had doors lockable in EMC
    2nd sentence about dirt used as protected doors...

    FadedMartian likes this.
  6. I've been lied too........... I use dirt anyway. I only have 1 door to protect. lol
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  7. Interesting. Thanks for the info. Obviously, since we're looking to prevent players from using the door/lever/button, Aikar's suggestion about build mode would be insufficient.

    Now that normal blocks are protected in the frontier, I think making doors lockable would add a lot of utility for players.
    Tuq_SolidColor likes this.
  8. Once Empires comes out all that will be solved. You can have any be able to use/not use buttons,levers, and what not just like you can in town.
  9. use sedstone to lock it then buildmode the redstone in and problem solved
  10. somone can just put a redstone block next to the door and it will open. Either way, the ender fruits exist, so no place is safe =P
  11. depends on the redstone system you use
    Tuq_SolidColor likes this.
  12. True, but I've tested this at my own outpost. Took me half a stack of fruit to finally get inside.
    I don't think someone is going to load up an inventory full of fruit just to get into someones place.
  13. Why not make a Coded Door? One where you need a Code to get in, and then have it open once you get in. I built one for M4ster_M1ner, then he just refined it.

    I can show some screens if you want to see....
    FadedMartian likes this.
  14. Even if you found a way to prevent the fruit from tping you in, there is still enderpearls...
  15. It's way more easy to lock a trapped chest, to take an redstone output on it when it's opened (since trapped chests give out a signal when opened) to make it open an redstone door (I'd just use an 2*2, since those don't break if you weirdly open the chest) I've not tested it this actually works 100% btw, but I don't know why it wouldn't.
  16. +1

    A very interesting suggestion indeed. And also a good one because although we can indeed "lock" items, the main intent has always been to protect them from getting removed. So more "claimed" than "locked", with a few exceptions of course (chests, bed, brewing stand, etc.).

    But when looking at doors it makes sense to add these too. And it should be doable: many redstoners have already discovered that the anti-grief system can be quite a hindrance with circuitry.

    However, there are a few good ways to lock your stuff. Did you know that you can (ab)use a shulker box to pull you down into the ground? And because such a box is an uncommon block it will also be automatically protected from griefing. Better yet: because it's also a chest you can lock it and only give a few friends access to it:

    Credit where credit's due: Tuqueue discovered this and showed it to me.

    So if you open this shulker box while standing directly above it you'll be pushed up, pulled in and then moved down, allowing you to effectively access something while also having a solid way to actually lock it.

    My personal favorite though is a design by Dramanya: a redstone (piston) door which gets activated by placing a redstone torch in a specific location. So basically the torch triggers the actual redstone contraption behind it. Simply use uncommon blocks to build the walls and you should also be home free. Of course there is a small risk here that players could stumble upon the door by accident. But even then... it's kind of hard.
    Tuqueque, Blunce, Jelle68 and 2 others like this.