Dear EMC staff/players before you disagree on this look at the facts

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by abYoshi, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. True true
    We3_MPO and HaastregtLover77 like this.
  2. Think of it this way, Anyone who joins and is not willing to put the effort to do the tutorial is not wiling to put any effort in at all. Those who join, most leave as they want more a Fractions server.
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  3. Ahhh yes, my favorite type of server! I love it when we get divided in 8 equal pieces and have to add ourselves to 2 equal thirds!
  4. Towny* not factions
    UltiPig likes this.
  5. I disagree if you collect promos who ever does collect promos should disagree chest because that makes the promo not go up.
  6. Nope I'm asking for it to be moved to split emc in half of Smps, then people are crowded its demand for things and it will feel less empty and the community will be stronger because everyone is on the same server.
  7. And for those people who said they go to factions that is wrong*. They go to towny servers I think, one of the most poupular towny servers owner came from EMC.
  8. It might just be me, but I had trouble understanding this.
    We3_MPO and Sachrock like this.
  9. Nope I didn't understand either of these, yoshi please rephrase these?
    We3_MPO and EmpireMall like this.
  10. I'm too tired to even begin to interpret most of this and all of my personal opinions have already been stated by other people here. Getting rid of SMP9 literally makes zero sense, selling promos at /shop doesn't exactly make them trash, and EMC has made a lot of great improvements lately and is fine just the way it is. There might not be as many players lately, but a lot of players have school this time of year, so you're going to lose them for a while. We don't really need anymore players. Most of the new ones these days are like four and just beg for stuff or end up hacking/swearing right away and end up banned. As Slvr said, if players are having trouble finding people to play with, that really is on them. There are so many diverse groups of people on this server that you can easily fit into anyone you want if you try.

    And I think it would definitely not hurt to proofread. I can hardly understand most of your concepts due to broken English and grammar mistakes.

    Just my two cents. I need to go to sleep.
  11. Most cheap promos aren't cheap because they are sold in /shop. They're cheap because they come back each year, or they don't break like tools. Fireworks aren't going to increase in value much because they never run out. The 100k members armor was sold in shop and people bought DCs of them for 10k a piece, now a set sells for well over 200k
    We3_MPO likes this.
  12. I have two permanently protected residences on SMP9 and have spent countless hours working on my frontier outpost there. I see supporters and other regulars on all the time who no doubt have done the same thing. Nothing would cause me and to abandon EMC faster than destroying pretty much everything I have accomplished for going on nearly three years.

    Terrible idea.
  13. First tip: please edit your posts. See the 'Edit' link at the bottom. Don't stack up a list of posts which each only saying one or two sentences. It makes the thread harder to read and understand. If you want people to take you seriously then you should really try to be serious yourself about your ideas and the way you present them.

    Sure: sometimes a double post happens, we all do that from time to time, but 3 - 4 in a row is overdoing it :)

    Minecraft has always first and foremost been a game which you play as you want to. In other words: you'll need to come up with ways to keep yourself going. If you fully rely on others and they drop off.... Villagers are always a good source of work in my opinion. If you give 'm enough stuff then you'll get plenty of emeralds back in return.

    My shop is a very small one and still I see people buying stuff on a regular basis. Small amounts, nothing to make me rich (as if I'd care) but they still buy. And before we go onto the "But most people know you" path, I'm 100% sure that those players had no clue who I was :D

    They are? Promo's have always been sold at /shop for a limited time. Well, at least since I joined up. So I guess that's why the 100,000 armor set got recently sold for more than 100,000r, because its trash? You make it sound as if all promos get sold at /shop while in fact only Prancer is being sold right now.

    Also note that staff are working a bit with this approach. 12 days of Christmas? Not only didn't we get our goodies simply handed to us (like /event, which I really need to finish today! :eek:) but you'll also notice that the Christmas promos have not been available in the /shop.

    Depends. Why assume that every player would want to be a part of that? Last night SMP2 got invaded by the dreaded Streaming Squirrels :D Now, in all honesty I wasn't feeling too well so I didn't pay attention to everything going on, but even with a full server there were plenty of quiet moments.

    Quantity (more people) doesn't make quality (better gameplay) all the time.
  14. Frontier outpost they would add more frontier to the other smps I have thought about this for a long time many, other people have to but they don't play EMC anymore.
  15. Yes I agree but also its because its sold at /shop
  16. Well people might want this in future nobody, making less SMPS will make stronger community. Make it so everybody is on some of the same smps not spreaded out in smps with no players if this happened it would always be someone on to play with, (someone asking for a job), (someone trying to make a local shop not big ones), (someone having a skin comp), Someone doing more of what EMC use to do that that was EMC big community's when everybody joined if you joined in 2013 or 2014.
  17. You can't do that. Many players have farms set up in specific places/biomes that took hours to find. Also, you can't just erase the work of others. What you are suggesting will only break the community and cause outrage., not join it tighter together.

    Your posts are still hard to understand. I would suggest you install a Chrome extension called "Grammarly". It isn't perfect, but it will help you with grammar and spelling so your posts are easier to read.
    We3_MPO, TheCrimeLime and jkrmnj like this.
  18. witherdoggie they would add a 2nd frontier.
  19. I use that, its great because I can type horribly and it corrects it for me everywhere. It's not perfect but it does the job all the time for me. You guys should all get it.
    Here's the site:
  20. And half of the errors come from me, the other half come from my auto correct.