A Survey

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by BenMA, Dec 13, 2016.

  1. I do have what I see to be unedited data. There are a LOT more issues listed than Ben put in his post, as he was trying to summarize. I will state that he didn't do so objectively though, as that is impossible when giving a limited view into results. The complete raw data I will join with the results of the annual survey that will open up in a few days when reviewing for things that need work.
    607 and SoulPunisher like this.
  2. Just sharing my opinion, I don't think anyone entered that in... Plus, why were you so compelled to reveal the results? More proof? I put down drama because a lot of that stuff happens on the forums. But, I don't believe that people actually put those (words in red) down.
    If these are the real results, I'm fine. But, if they aren't, this isn't right.

    REMEMBER: Just my opinion. :)
  3. They are real, but they are a very limited view into the long list that he received. It's impossible not to show bias there.

    EDIT: Some others...
    • not being Able to TP (/home or /spawn) in the Frontier
    • Hmm, I'd have to say the way the market prices always shift and change so frequently.
    • Griefers
    • Lack of players online
    • At times we discuss controversial topics without respecting each other's opinions and beliefs. It's a great entertainment for the 3rd party, but in a digital space we have to realize there are real emotions and personal experiences behind the screen. A typed message should be no different than a face to face discussion, otherwise it's just cowardly.
    • Elitist-like environment on the forums
    • Certain shortcomings of (this version of) XenForo
    • I'm banned, I don't like that I cannot play right now XD
    • People seem hostile, loner-like, or completely inept at everything
    607 likes this.
  4. Additionally. This is a great point I want to mention. I want to believe we are willing to change (the staff). Does that mean we can accommodate all players? No. Some players are fine and happy with where EMC is currently while others have brought criticism. The struggle between these two forces is what we strive to appease. It would be easy to simply reject any suggestion of change. It would make our lives so much easier to simply censor anyone that disagrees with us. My opinion though, is that we strive to explain why things are the way they are currently; then, if a compelling argument is made against that reason, the process is initiated to change said policy/procedures.

    Surveys can be useful in determining the broader picture. They can prove or disprove what some vocal individuals on either side of issues are spreading on the forums.

    Insight from a staff member's perspective (I have been doing this a long time). It is very common for us to get frustrated with a player who is being critical of us. We have joked about simply banning people like this. But, the reason we have not done this (as you could probably guess), is that this would certainly hurt the community more than what their criticisms are causing. Therefore, we will continue the discussion, despite our personal frustrations.

    We are human. So even if we don't show our frustration (or maybe we do), often times we can become more close minded when criticized. This is a side effect of our human nature. The fight or flight response perhaps. When criticisms are approached objectively and politely, I would like to believe we stay open minded to just about anything.

    Another component resisting change is that we desire to maintain the structure that currently exists. As mentioned earlier, we know that many players have enjoyed and like the current semantics of the server. Therefore, to avoid inconveniencing or upsetting those players, there is a natural desire to stay far away from change. I consider this a natural response. Mistakes have been made in the past, and we have suffered for them.

    Point: When ideas are presented and approached respectfully, those ideas are more likely to be considered seriously. But, also keep in mind why we may want to keep things the way they are.

    These are some of my thoughts.
    607, khixan and CoolKitty13 like this.
  5. I hope I'm not too guilty of this one. :oops:

    Edit: Honestly, though: it says 'Elite Member' beneath my name!... :p
    UltiPig likes this.