[Idea] locked chests and buildmode blocks derelict timer

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Eclipsys, Dec 17, 2016.

  1. G'day EMCians!

    I recently took over an old outpost from an old friend of mine (who is now inactive) and came across some problems with the buildmode built blocks and locked chests. Some buildings are grief protected and I'm unable to break them. The player who built them hasn't been online for over 100 days. I also found old locked chests.

    Now my idea is as follows:

    Can we get the /buildmode blocks and [LOCKED] chests to get a derelict timer? That they go derelict/disappear if a player doesnt log in for X amount of days? Same as the derelict timer on their residences.

    Yes/no/why not/potato/tomato/union?

    Post m below!
  2. -1
    What if one were to go derelict after they just used buildmode on a massive project?
    Maybe they were just unable to get on? And before you suggest voting, while that would help some people may not know about or not be able to do that either.

    As for your locked chests and buildmode blocks I believe you could just ask senior staff to remove them (might be any staff now but back then I think it was just senior staff...)
    Equinox_Boss and Tuqueque like this.
  3. Hm... that's an interesting one.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. This is true, but if a person has been offline for over 100 days I think it's safe to say he/she doesnt care that much about the previously made/built hard work.

    Locked chests can be removed by senior staff, yes. But if a derelict system were to be implemented it'd make things easier.
    Equinox_Boss and ChespinLover77 like this.
  5. I agree with this, however, you can NOT get SS to break build mode blocks no matter what.

    I have a very large project that I was working on with a friend. They stopped on EMC just before the friends update.they haven't been on EMC for over a year. All of the blocks they placed are protected.I can prove the majority of the blocks were placed by me and we have joint locked chests in the area.it is a large iron farm that has a few design flaws I need to fix to make it work. SOS won't break or fix the issue blocks. Nor will they give me break perms to break that players blocks. I had to abandon the site.
    Equinox_Boss, slash14459 and 607 like this.
  6. I like your thinking and I have to admit: the thought also often crossed my mind: if going derelict in the Frontier should be a thing.

    But to be honest I have some doubts about the usefulness. First the most obvious: even if the blocks would be unprotected then it still doesn't change the fact that griefing in the Frontier is not allowed. You can't just break someone elses blocks without their approval (or without staff approval). Even if you have founded an outpost and you run into a disagreement with one of the members then you're still not allowed to remove their buildings without staff approval (to ensure the player gets all his stuff back).

    And then there's the other thing: the ability to build something in the Frontier and basically never go derelict. I'm not sure if that was intended or not, but I always liked the idea because it seems so honest to me: you have a fully controlled residence but the control comes with a price: the derelict timer. Then you have the wilderness where you have less control, but that comes with an advantage: no derelict timer.

    Now, I'm not necessarily against your suggestion but I'm also not fully in favor of it either :)
    Nickblockmaster, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  7. -1

    What about those who can't get online much? Sorry but I say no.

    If you need blocks removed, contact a moderator.
    Nickblockmaster and Equinox_Boss like this.
  8. Just build a hill of grass blocks or something over the locked chests. If your friend ever comes back just have him take down the signs and give you a vouch for the builds you want down.

    Or hey if he is done playing minecraft and you know him out of EMC just ask him for the account info so you can log in with that account.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. Does not solve the problem. some people have bases alone and don't want others.

    And I know people who play emc but can't get on for over a year sometimes.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. First......Did you even get permission to take it over?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. -9!

    It is not ok to grief under any circumstances even if its derelict. If its in your way, staff can delete the protection.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. So I don't have a right to fix/finish what I started? I invested close to 2 months into that project. I built probably close to 75% of it and it was a joint collaboration. All wasted.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. If you own the build, is not griefing... SS provide a service for that to give your build protection from you allowing you to break all blocks
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. +1, I built a full out railline recently to a place where I really wanted to build my outpost. Found a super old build there and wasn't allowed to claim which is annoying cuz I wasted my time.

    If you go derelict than you should lose your spot in the frontier.

    Otherwise EMC should build more outposts farther out. Five outposts just isn't enough.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. Not an official outpost. SS won't do anything. The player is technically not derilict since the vote weekly but won't respond to any PM on forums and haven't been in-game for 434 days.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. I don't feel like derilict in wild should have the same restrictions as town. I was thinking more along the lines of 365 days without logging on in-game.
  17. What may seem old and abandoned, could not be... many players live out in the frontier and take breaks from months to years. If you made a rail... make it longer...
  18. Apart from what others have said, I also feel like this might leave players with an uncomfortable choice to make. Do they choose to use /buildmode and constantly worry about the derelict timer? Or do they choose not to use /buildmode to protect their blocks as it would never go derelict/disappear this way(from what I understand anyways)? I feel like a lot of players might go with the second option thinking they won't ever get griefed and it will last forever, but then it happens anyways leaving a sad player.

    While I do see the benefits when it comes to cleaning up a few blocks someone else placed around your building to grief, staff can also already do this for you assuming it's yours. You also shouldn't be griefing others builds anyways.

    So I guess I will rate a 0...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. There will be more outposts in the frontier. It's been confirmed quite some time ago, but we haven't gotten an ETA.
  20. Note: the suggestion is that when 'derelict', the blocks would lose protection. That doesn't mean they'd disappear, so the uncomfortable choice wouldn't be there, it'd still make most sense to use /buildmode.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.