[Idea] locked chests and buildmode blocks derelict timer

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Eclipsys, Dec 17, 2016.

  1. also i would find it hard to believe in our hyper connected to the internet society that someone has open internet access for only 14 days of a year. colleges and a lot of jobs REQUIRE you to own a smart phone so the whole "my real life got in the way of going on the internet in free time for 5 minutes and voting on 1 site" does not really fly. or at least i would find it incredibly hard to believe, i know someone who works 2 different night shifts from 4pm to 7 am and owns a razor phone who could still find time to get on the internet and send me memes
  2. Exactly, I hope this tp home from your outpost or more outposts update comes soon
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. \/