The 1.11.1 Update!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Tuqueque, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. either way, the infinite code will not kick in for rocket use.
  2. Haven't tested the elytra with a firework yet. It would make sense that an Elytra would get used up faster with the firework rocket. Can someone test this theory. Which means you'd have to stop more frequently. Also if we can't place blocks above 256 blocks in height. The fireworks propelling the elytra should theoretically stop working after the 256 blocks above ground.
    Kytula and Tuqueque like this.
  3. I cannot test the first part right now, but I believe that the boosting still works above the 256 block limit. I think that I was actually using boosts up until at least 512 possibly. Can't be 100% sure but I think they still work.
    Tuqueque and 607 like this.
  4. I'm not too sure about the infinite stuff, I don't really get some of Aikar's comments. I hope we/they will figure it out.
    You can go higher, check out tuqueque's video.

    Tuqueque likes this.
  5. Shooting a firework rocket creates a fixed upward-vectored entity. While commands probably can't spawn entities outside of the world, there are ways of producing entities past build limit. Arrows can still be fired past the boundary, as proven by the "Bow Boosting".
    My best guess is that any way of spawning an entity outside of commands ignores world boarders.

    But if there's a problem with players on EMC reaching over thousands of blocks, then they could be teleported down, and I know the "/tp" command ignores build limit.

    For example:

    == if ( Y-coordinate >= 800 )
    /tp [playerName] ~ ~-300 ~
    Tuqueque, ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  6. Whilst playing with the snapshot I finally noticed the new combat mechanic:

    If you activate a weapon then it'll take a moment before it's ready for use (cooldown). Minecraft can show an indicator for that. By default it's off (I think), you can display it next to your hotbar (a sword icon will show and fill up) and you can show it below your crosshair (as in the picture above).

    So if you use crosshair then it will now show you an exclamation mark whenever a mob is within striking range. Well, striking or sweeping. I'm not 100% sure yet, but I assume it indicates the option for a sweep attack.


    The option for the attack indicator can be found under the 'Video settings' option (in the options screen obviously).
    ForeverMaster, 607 and Tuqueque like this.
  7. I can see people using that to illegally PvP, so its best to turn it off.
  8. 1st answer: Elytra doesnt get used faster cause it looses durability to travel time and not distance. Just tested, and this rule stays the same for the firework feature

    2nd answer: You can go above 256 Y, the same as you can fly in creative to 20k Y if you want to. You dont need to be able to place blocks for boosting
    Kytula, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
  9. I actually do see a benefit to firework subflag for elytra. For events reasons. I'll bug chickeneer about it, though it's not exactly crucial...
    ShelLuser, 607, Kytula and 1 other person like this.
  10. maybe the current firework flag just affect the firework boosting
  11. I just tested all this stuff out on a SP world. It is pretty cool, I especially like the iron ingots. Mostly because you can use them as 'money' along with gold ingots for roleplay or maps without a mod :p
  12. Will promo fireworks get used when boosting with an elytra?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  13. Preety sure he will disable boosting for promo fireworks. Regular fireworks will get consumed
    Kytula likes this.
  14. Stacked cake's gonna be worth quite a bit more, methinks.
  15. I think(?) that that indicator has been around. I recall seeing it when I was doing a pvp game the other day in-game not on 1.11 (I think).
    ShelLuser likes this.
  16. The indicator is under the cooldown bar. Is an exclamation mark which indicated if you are in range
    jacob5089 likes this.
  17. The indicator has been around. However, before it only showed when it wasn't completely full, and now it also shows when it's full and you're aiming at a target, which also displays an exclamation mark under the indicator.
    jacob5089 and ShelLuser like this.
  18. In the mean time I experimented a bit more with bows and there's definitely something happening there, not too sure I like this. If you put infinity on a bow and then mending then you'll get yourself a bow with both enchants. But if you do this the other way around: put mending on a bow and then try to add infinity you'll notice that it no longer works.

    So it appears as if they tried to add a limitation yet then also added a bug to that limitation as well.

    But yeah, if might be a good idea to stock up on mending + infinity bows.
  19. Quad 1, or Binary 15, has been released today, December 20th.

    I know there's a demand for Rocket Boosting with Elytra, but can we afford having EMC 1.11 delayed any longer? I honestly can't. Shulker Boxes are number one, for EMC.

    607 and ILTG like this.
  20. The fireworks are extremely overpowered. If you have the right supplies (or the right amount of rupees) you can potentially fly forever. I went into survival, and it took about 4/5 stacks for me to fly from about y:56 to y:2000. I flew vertically the entire time.

    As you can imagine, this could provide infinite flight times, or at least it seems that way. I wasn't sure that this feature would actually be included, but I guess it was. D'you think Mojang has finally run out of good ideas?