First thoughts...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by StgbtL, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Speaking to moose: "And you're absolutely certain that no one can kill us and steal our stuff while in town?"
  2. this tutorial is awesome!

    Wow, these are big plots!

    Who's this rude guy next to me with 4 reses so me and my friends cant have a square?

    Look at how many rupees I have! (first 75 days I made like 750k farming marlix)

    edit on this one- the good old days when a single piece of marlix gear sold easily for 35k

    My starter gear is sick!

    My shop is so cozy!

    that's about it
    M4ster_M1ner, Kytula and 607 like this.
  3. I had played a long time on a faction server and when it reset I decided maybe a survival server would be better. I did research and tried a couple other ones that were smaller but found there to be little instruction and other players not to be very helpful. So I started the EMC tutorial. Liked the fact that there was a lot of instruction, appeared to be professionally run and especially the unique mobs. When I got dropped on my res it was a bit anticlimactic. Sure, amazing builds but there wasn't anyone around and wasn't sure where to go from there. The faction server I played on had several shared areas and there was always a lot of activity. I initially logged off wondering if there might be a better server. I understood choosing a server is a big decision. I obviously came back and started building a house. Probably the biggest reason I'm still here is because I joined an outpost within the first couple weeks. Haven't looked back since. It takes some time to understand all the advantages of this server and the variety of activities and resources available.
  4. Empire Minecraft was my first server I went on. Before, I had only played local multiplayer on the Xbox 360, or singleplayer survival on the PC. I expected much worse than what I was greeted with. My first thought, however, was, "a tutorial? Oh man, I better read everything here so I don't act up and make myself look stupid."

    And that, ladies and gents, is why I spent 45 minutes to an hour in the tutorial before finally finishing and landing on my residence in SMP2. It was kind of a blessing, though, that I decided to try EMC first. It's the kindest server I've found so far, and one of the only two Minecraft servers I come back to all the time. Boy, I got far better than I expected when I first clicked Connect, haha.
  5. I may or may not have thought I was going to get rich off of shearing 2 blue sheep and selling the wool.

    [EDIT] Oh, okay, other people are providing some background. Back in 2012 (The dark ages), my brother had convinced me to get a Minecraft account. I was getting bored of single player, so decided to try and find a multiplayer server. I think I literally searched "Minecraft server" around 4 times, thinking I was going to get different results (Oh hush), and found this dinky little server. It was quite literally a donut in the sky with a bunch of shops in it, and a wilderness world. I played on that for a bit until someone found (and destroyed) my base, so I went looking for another server. I dinked around on some skyblock servers, but none of them lasted. I was scrolling through yet another server list, and I noticed the phrase, "We are close to Vanilla gameplay, but many improvements made to the base game." Of course, this was the description for EMC, so I hopped on, wasted the 1.5k that I was given to start with on 70r iron ingots at the shop, and I've been here ever since.
  6. I honestly can't clearly remember my very first impressions "Where is the momentus at? is it so tiny you can't see it?" Maybe something like that lol. I know I built around my signs at first so I could get comfortable with the commands and have that there for help. within my first week I participated in fireworks shows, skin comps, diners and such. I played with the townie kids that were charging like 2-20r to do imaginitive stuff. The things I did participate in inspired my imagination.... then I started digging xD wastelands life for like a motnh lol.
  7. I was at Tomvanwijnen's place, or Tom was at mine, at the moment I joined EMC, Tom Did alredey explain to me what kind of server it was, and how everything worked (I still made a few mistakes but...) I still know Tom was sitting bihind the Computter, and I stood next to him, I actually wasn't able to do the tutorial (the first ever maze one) myself, because my Englisch wasn't good enough to read all those signs, Tom actually explained the rules in Dutch to me, so that I could understand :) (He is one year older as I am) but, my first-ever thoughts, well, that's actually something quite hard to explain, since I can bairly think in imagges, I'm actually speaking just hard enough to hear myself if I do think in text, because my brain isn't able to think in text. (I discovered "some people" can a few years ago, I still can't imagine it, actually...) (so that you understand I can come quite close, by thinking just in the meaning of text, so I don't hear something, or think about the words, but just about the thing they mean, if that explains it...) annyways, my first thought about emc was(translated) are there really that many people here? again, let me explain: I really dislike being with much people together That also is the reason I'm usually not traveling by bus, or with a train if it's busy, I'm really bad at seeing all those people going around, that one goes left, that one goes right... That actually also is the reason I dislike fighting games, there is such much happening on your screen, I really don't fell comforteble then.
    annyways, I think I've typed enough... I'll type another essay if I find another thread like this :p
  8. "I'd better rush out and claim an outpost before they're all taken!"
  9. *holy shet their shop system is sick*
    edit: later *Rupees? Wait am i back in pakistan? =P*
  10. He's flying??
    /report (name) flying in utopia

    True fact
  11. "that i had to become an addict, cause my friends started playing EMC 1 month before me... disadvantage =/ "

    "Also, where are the ores or the cobble???" (in res)
    M4ster_M1ner likes this.
  12. These builds are garbage
    M4ster_M1ner and CallumDAKing like this.
  13. when i 1st got onto the empire i was wondering y there were so many ppl on my res talking 2 me and giving stuff 2 me. turned out me joining was a bit of an event ^.^

    but i also discovered how helpful most ppl were, that was very cool. ppl really tried 2 make me feel at home and help me discover the server and that was very cool.
  14. Savage
  15. What are up with all the stoves
  16. Well, I took 2 hours on the tutorial. You can't fault me for exploring every last corner of the example maps of the frontier, wasteland, and town! :p I joined the real server in the middle of the night, and immediately lit everything up. First time off of peaceful mode, first time on a server, instantly forgot everything I'd learned in the tutorial. :rolleyes: When it became day, I realized that a stack of wood was not going to cut it. Natually, I built a tree farm based off of a 6-year-old google image. I needed water. I needed buckets. That's how I met my first friend, AmyDoran. I paid 10 r for the water, and made an infinite water source. Finished my tree farm, and discovered that it only worked properly with oak. Yup, thaat just about sums up my first week. :D I have many, many more stories to tell. First time meeting a 1000-day-old player, first time in the wastelands, first Adventure, first attempt at a video, first uploaded video, the time I met ShelLuser... ;) The list goes on and on.
    M4ster_M1ner, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
  17. My first thoughts?
    'Wow! This is really cool! How do I play?'
    Yeah, my first time playing and I joined this server.
    M4ster_M1ner and Kytula like this.
  18. "There are A LOT of chickens here"

    Ah, the good ol' days.
  19. Yeah, but I was thinking about all of the squawking back in the maze, and when people would egg other peoples' res. The Empire used to be a lot louder, hehe.
    607 and Kytula like this.
  20. "Wow look at all of the awesome builds around me!"

    The very next day I realized one of the reses next to me was constantly launching fireworks. Turned my sound off until I moved a couple of weeks later. xD But I loved emc instantly upon joining. Emc is the first server I had ever joined and it has given me a lot of happy memories and good times. I don't regret joining emc one bit and I don't plan on leaving this amazing server any time soon. :D
    crystaldragon13 and Kytula like this.