smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Im usually online 8 hours in a day - exceptional days counted, like meeting a girlfriend or internet payment and so on
    oooh shiz, gotta run we are going to go watch the movie Dictator with school :D
    I wouldn't like to late from that - i could take up the cause to preserver the jungle as privatized :)
  2. I think justin has tnt logged just for this very purpose. Pm him, or wait til someone mans up.
  3. I thought so because it has to be logged to detect a diamond supporter. That or charged creepers! :eek: woulnt be that shocked with all the storms, lol
  4. Well there was a storm. But we found TNT lying around at several places. Ans esp. the first explosion was bigger than any kind of creeper I have seen.

    Not to say we do not have a creeper problem too ;) We are starting campaigns to distribute torches and educate people about creeper safety ;) I am also thinking about a kitten program since they scare away creepers.
  5. Zulu I have two ocelot ready to be bred once I get some raw fish
  6. Cool! I am having trouble getting on the server and have to leave soon. I will try to get some fish tomorrow.
  7. Boss illmake my ocelot farm tomorrow
  8. Lol. I am not the boss here. As Curundu said earlier we are a community. Love the idea of an ocelot farm tho
    and I am sure so will the majority of the people here :)
  9. I also managed to get two pigs. Gonna work on a pig farm once I'm able to get back on.
  10. Well... u are working too hard - i have 8 ocelot eggs and 8 pigs eggs :D
  11. We should find ourselves an end portal while we're at it :)
  12. Can we gets something usefull from the End?
  13. Enderpearls?

    Also, after a convo with Curundu, Brit and I are moving back to my original spot. We're gonna make some changes. I missed it too much. So we're gonna do something else with the place we're currently at.
  14. I can show you an end portal if you like but I warn you it's pretty boring. Lots of endermen and endstone and that's it. No dragon, no egg.
  15. We could go dump out our dirt for them. It's fun to watch them carry it around. :p
  16. I was wondering if people wanted me to make a proper map of the outpost and to make street signs and street names and change to street layout a bit so that people don't get lost all the time. It is just a suggestion. Feel free to suggest changes. And street names.
  17. Only the true boss denies his bossness.
  18. Obsidian! :D
  19. I thought anyone could use TNT in the wild.
  20. Nope only diamond supps.