smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. I found an expensive Phone from buss - batterys is out need to recharge it but i doubt i cant find the owner - so i think i will keep it myself :)
  2. Hi can i join i will build tree farms (if there are none in the outpost) :)
  3. Miguel i can show you to the outpost if u want
  4. Hey miguel, we have a tree farm (or two) but you can never have too many.
  5. How about building a jungle tree farm? There have been some problems with jungle trees been cut down. Building a jungle tree farm close to the jungle might solve this problem.
  6. I get what you're saying, but please don't quote me out of context, it makes it sound a lot more mean than it was intended. (My respects to Curundu's idea)

    What I meant by the 2 sentences is that asking before you do everything is very restrictive on the general creativity. I'd like to think that everyone has the sense not to chop too many trees in a jungle biome, but then again I'm not entirely certain everyone thinks that it's in the best interest...

    If someone chooses a spot for him/herself to settle on, I think they should be able to do whatever they'd like with it.

    I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feeling earlier (Especially PandasEatRamen and Curundu)
  7. I can do that, with the help of everyone.
    I think there are certain boundaries here. In the jungle, for example, we adopted a strict policy of "Cut down no trees, and if you have to, replant." Burning down a section of the jungle to make a mansion for yourself did not go with the feeling of treetop living, nor did it abide by our guidelines that we made clear to everyone who wanted to live there. If you really want to do something like that, at least make sure you ask everyone in the community first.
  8. I don't remember hearing this honestly isn't very clear :p

    Can i recommend signs or something?
  9. I think that's what it means to be a new arrival in an established community. When I arrived I would sometimes wait days before gettting things cleared with the three people that were already there. The delay didn't restrict my creativity. And that's the great thing about us all being together - we have to work with everyone else.
  10. I remember telling you, Matheus, and Inu when you guys first arrived, and I'm sure that Curundu and Pandas reiterated it as much as they could.
  11. I will help this weekend. I will re align some of the roads as they look a bit tacky. (especially the one I live on)
  12. I would like to see street names and some more paths and expansion of the railway system. We have to be careful tho. I suggest several votes on names and how the paths should look like and where they should go. Let's organize a task-force that will come up with ideas and put them up to votes or comments from the community. :)
  13. Hmm what type of blocks do we want a roads, stone brick, stone slab or others. I say this cause I been wanting to make to roads look better and nice looking also creeper spawning should be down now cause of Light barricade lol
  14. Sorry for double post I would edit last post but on a phone right now
    I do believe that poll needs to be made Zulu9 what type of block for roads we want
    Here some from me stone brick or smooth stone slab or lol obsidian " cause I'm fancy lol jk"
  15. As for roads adn stuff well, Secret and I have a couple in the jungle we made outta stonebrick and stuff. I ask that we not use a lot of brick brick because I think it's kinda blargh :oops:
  16. Yea I gotcha change up in some areas like inner town can be one thing and other parts and translate to different blocks
  17. I agree. I like the gravel as it shows where the road is in the sand. I think it should stay as it is.
  18. Consistent roads would be great though i think its going to be a bit of work checking with previous road builders. One person's tacky is another person's beauty ;)

    I built the sandstone roads around the farms and towards the town centre. I don't want to change the sandstone as it fits the biome well but would be happy to take any other suggestions.

    I know sirairbear and some of the founders created some of the gravel streets and then there are stone and cobble roads around the place that are more recent.

    I think we should also look at expanding or even moving the existing rail system that run around town in a circle. When I built that there were only 4 or 5 of use living here. Now there are a lot more residences and the outpost/town/civilisation has expanded in many directions. It would be great to join up this rail with the original mountain/underground rail built by the founders. Or maybe we should put it all underground. Or build a second set of tracks so we can have one going in each direction. Or maybe we should build a hub to spread out through the whole settlement.

    My experience of minecraft rail is that it has some real weaknesses that make multi-destination systems pretty awkward and ugly. A standing cart will only start when next to a block or on a slope which is a real pain when all you want is to stop at a station then start again. I'd be very happy to work with anyone who wants to make changes to improve the existing system.
  19. Hmmm something like a beltway around the community.
    And yea different biome's have their own look to different blocks gotcha, thought about it to
  20. I like the sandstone but I think it only works with the leave border to show where the road is. I don't think that would work in some of the more populated areas. I like the gravel for the more residential roads and the sandstone for roads that are more used and have more space around them.