smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. That sounds like a sensible approach mba. To be honest I hate gravel but I'm pretty sure it's my texture pack (John Smith). I'd be very happy to edit the texture pack so I could some to love gravel if anyone can suggest one where it looks better.
  2. I think instead of ripping up what track we have we just expand on it. I think for one, everyone is used to where it is. We would just have to build on some extensions etc.
  3. Reply tnx but when?
  4. This has been my contention. I have chosen an area for myself and others had been doing what they liked with it, including you, Virstis. My feelings are not hurt. I just wish more respect was shown to myself and to other members of the community.

    Such respect would include:

    1 - Reading this thread and our website to get to know us
    2 - Consult with the community at large before considering starting a major project (Kudos to mba2012 for doing just that).
    3 - Observe a general respect for the areas other people inhabit (if xyz construction/object/landscape wasn't there to begin with, there is probably a reason why).
    4 - Consulting with neighbors when you plan to construct near/above/below them.

    Zulu9's FAQ's on our website covers this in more general terms, but it would seem that we need to be more specific.

    As Runewulf stated and which I will paraphrase, having respect does not limit creativity, as you put it, Virstis, it simply limits impulsiveness.

    We have had a rash of impulsive and disrespectful behavior including TNTing our base, stealing and griefing.
    With respect and cooperation we can restore order to our beloved Last Light Outpost.
  5. I'd just like to say that the TNT was not me :p

    Anyways, putting the darker argument behind us, I think the railway system should spread from 1 main station. Like a hub that leads to each destination. It would make the outpost (city) a lot more easy to navigate :D
  6. Havent seen the crater? Imma see it soon
  7. Here's my $0.02 on a few things:

    Roads: I like the idea of having different road materials; it gives more freedom to the builders, and allows for variation and aesthetics. Otherwise, when all the roads are the same, it looks like only one person built the whole thing. It's cool to have some new roads, but still be able to see where the 'old' parts of town are.

    Rail: Same as with the roads, keeping the current system would be the best option, adding more 'routes' to distant locations as needed. I don't know the current map of routes or where they go, but a central hub or 'station' may be a great idea, incorporating the old tracks into it. Also, aside from the utility tracks, I think a 'tour loop' around the major sections of the city would be awesome, and facilitate easier tours to new community members.

    I also want to inform the community (well, those who care enough to read this thread) that I am still encouraging members to flesh out the floors of my skyscraper (I know, it's ALMOST to the clouds; not quite scraping sky
    The only 'rules' I ask be followed:
    1. Please do NOT change the lobby floor. The pattern is all natural, and I like it. ;D
    2. The general structure should be obvious by this point. Please do not change the general structure of the floors, the central elevator shaft, and the 4 'solar light shafts' around the center. Again, the pattern should be obvious, and if you are so inclined, feel free to continue upwards adding more floors. I've been building more floors as fast as I can, which is to say, 'at a snail's pace'.
    3. Any changes made, please account for any light changes and re-torch accordingly. The last thing we need is to be blown out a 15th story window by an errant creeper.
    4. Any help with filling in the spaces between the outer columns with glass pane is greatly appreciated. ;D

    Beyond that, be creative, have fun with it. I can't even imagine what people will use it for, but I'm building it kinda for the same reason as a real skyscraper; to lease out space to other 'businesses' for them to use; only I won't be charging rent. It would be cool to grow it into some sort of 'hub of commerce', and/or general gathering place for the community. I AM planning for a subway system to run through the subterranean levels (currently under excavation) with a rail station somewhere down there, too.

    Final thought.......I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY. You guys all seem like good folk. Peace. ;D
  8. Instead of power to the players, freedom to the builders :)
  9. " Excellent" in Mr. Burns voice, lol I help you with your when I get back for 3-4 days going on road trip so away from computer :(
  10. I will join to conversation tommorrow :>
  11. I think that we need to spend time ironing out kinks in the rail system. Adding more stations would be great, along with a small map of town that indicates where the rail line goes. Keep in mind that I can always help build a subway, if only to supplement the above-ground rail.
  12. I will assign as a volunteer miner -
    food supplies
    water bucket
    pick are only things what i need :)
  13. The top floor of the Community Tree Farm has jungle trees:

    Concerning the preservation of the jungle, my impression is that it was sort of a suggested rule (not an official one) since the beginning. Personally, I'm against the clearing of large areas of jungle. I think it's OK to create tree houses and pave paths on the jungle floor, but I don't agree with clearing large areas just to build a building.

    I like the gravel roads myself. I think they look good against the desert sand.

    I'd love to help clean up the rail system. I've already spent some time taking the redstone torches that power the powered rails and moving them below the rails so that they are not visible. It makes them a little more grief-proof and just looks nicer IMHO.

    Also, there are some areas of track that use WAAAY too much powered rail (like the two-way rail line that goes to a tree house in the jungle). Gold is a rare resource. If we want to expand the rail system, we have to be conservative in our placement of powered rails.

    Runewulf, I love the rail stations you've built. I just recently (last weekend) found out that there are TWO buttons that let you go in BOTH directions!! :eek: I think the buttons should be made to stand out more. If the button is on a smooth stone or cobble block, then the gray color of the block makes it hard to see the button.

    Also, I think the rail station by the animal farms should be upgraded to support duel directions (Runewulf's design). Right now, you have to pick up your cart and place it on another track to continue your journey. And I think there should be a rail stop for the Community Tree Farm. In addition, the rail track that goes to the Lighthouse doesn't contain an actual rail stop--it just loops around and sends you back in the opposite direction. I could work on this, since I'm not familiar with how to create a two-way rail stop.

    I don't personally like the idea of creating a subway system. Often times, if I'm not near a rail station, I will just place my minecart on the track, give it a push, and go. If the rails are underground, you can't do have to walk all the way to the nearest station.
  14. Yes i know it contains jungle trees, but apparantly that Tree Farm is too far away from the jungle to keep others from cutting down the jungle. That's why a second (smaller) tree farm might work.
    Besides this, i'm planning on building something that will greatly increase the amount of planks the community has access too (yes, without cutting down a forest of any kind).
  15. Haha thats where I get my pine and jungle logs from nowadays, hope next update will do something about jungle sapling output, yea I think of the railway In community like the beltway's highway's of Houston , Texas
  16. I wondered who did that. Nice touch. I'll see if there are other places I can do this.

    I've tried to hide the redstone dust as much as possible but then I ended up with enormous buildings.

    Agreed. Maybe the founding fathers had more gold than they could handle ;)

    Good point. This mainly applies to the two stops near the town centre I think.

    My fault. I changed the animal farm station a little while ago when I wasnt happy with the dual direction system. I'll change it back. The changes to the town centre station made me realise there's a much simpler way to do it though it does mean having redstone dust on the surface. I'll try it out tonight.

    We should definitely have a stop for the tree farm and definitely work on the lighthouse rail link. Especially as there are lots of settlements out that way now. Zulu is probably the expert on that but we should have a chat about it.

    I guess before we get building too much we need to find out who uses the rail (from the number of carts that disappear I'd say everyone on smp7 ;) and what they use it for. Are there 2 or 3 particular destinations? for me it is town centre and the farms.

    I love your station by the way. The arrival sound is great and the signs are very clear. Though I'm not so keen on the sloping rail which I found a bit buggy when I was using it on my stations it does give you a much better idea that you are going in a particular direction.
  17. I have been scouring the markets for jungle saplings with little luck for the past few days. They can hardly be found.
  18. I could probably help with that. I have fairly good redstone skills.

    Yes I actually built that BEFORE I realized that your rail stations were bi-directional. :confused: I thought that they only went in one direction, so I was trying to think of a better way to make a rail stop.
  19. Reading through all of this i think this is a WONDERFUL idea and could be great fun
    I would love to come out there sometime and make a "summer home" of sorts for when i am not doing shop stuff or want to get away from the crowded town :p
    Whoever is able to give me the coords or lead me out there PM me when you can i would love to be apart of this :)
    I can also bring out a LOT if melons if you guys need food i have like 4-5 stacks of melon blocks........
    Also i will bring some cow eggs out cause i have LOTS :)