smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. My only suggestion is that the entrance/exit on both ends be well concealed. I think the one thing that keeps most griefers away is the long trek across several hostile biomes overground. An easy, quick path for us would also mean an easy, quick path for THEM. Please use care and caution when constructing this highway.
  2. I totally agree. It should definitely be hidden underground or something.
  3. Everyone, I advise you to go through every structure you've built and make sure that it is well-lit. I had to spend over an hour last night putting torches on everyone's rooves.
  4. Agreed. Any extra torches (I know, 'extra', funny, right? LOL) placed around are definitely appreciated. The only exception should be roofs that are tall enough to cause a fatal fall to a mob, although, there's really no good reason why those should not be lit, either.
  5. Well i be in a short vacation - due to my mobile prepaid internet stick :D
  6. Mushroom I visited your place across the bay. Looks like an NPC village from the map.
  7. Dat place where i chop wood?
    Where reads P.o.I - I
  8. Yeah, Virstis and I went over there to clear part of the wooded area. Hope you don't mind, we took a few trees down.
  9. Yeah that's where I went
  10. Yeah Hopes you build there well connected housing - or productivities
    that will highly benefit everyone :)

    since this is original " forest land " you should keep it some what replanted & fertile :)
  11. I could go and make another place for Productive Enterprises - since they are this popular :D
  12. It seems that someone is taking torches. I'm continually relighting the same area. I guess finding coal to make your own torches might be hard for some people. Maybe we should put a good supply in every public shest for those people who don't have the energy to do a little digging.
  13. 1. The whole outpost or what? If you're talking about moving the entire outpost, that means everyone has built stuff for no reason and have spent a lot of time on their buildings. Do you not see what was built in town already? I don't think Eclipsys has that kind of inventory space.
    2. My sister and I have already been forced out of our places because the jungle we were in was "being cleared out" and we felt we had no say. Ever read Dr. Seuss' The Lorax? That's how we felt. I moved to that spot because Curundu was the first person to help me and still helps me out when I need it. He was the only one living in the Jungle then. I never did a thing other than build my house and a small pathway to my house since I always got lost trying to get there. Anything I wanted to do, I ran it past him first since he is a founding member, was first person in the Jungle, as well as a friend and we both agreed to keeping it mostly intact. So that is my verification on "Curundu isn't king >.>" and "This is a community projectlulz".

    /end rant
  14. This is not what the Last Light Outpost is about!! :( There's plenty of land to go around, no one should be forced out of their homes. :(
  15. That's exactly what it felt like. I would say something and then got a reply that felt like "Pfft whatever." and when we would ask for people to not wipe out half the place they never listened. We wanted to keep it as Jungle like as possible. My sister even made her house underground and that was messed up. I guess this whole thing has me irritated because we're supposed to be a community and it sometimes feels like everybody has their own ideas how it should be and they don't see how it affects others.
  16. Remember: despite the huge success that the Outpost has been so far, it's still an experiment. My advise would be, try to maintain that mindset. I'm proud to be a member and I'm excited to see how it will evolve over time.
  17. I am proud to be a member, don't get me wrong. I'm doing my best to maintain that mindset. I'm sorry everyone. I just really love being a member of the Outpost. I just want everyone to treat others as they want to be treated and to listen to one another and we all work together.
  18. We all came out to the outpost for various reasons and with various ideals on mind. Please keep lines of commincation open with neighbors. We have reached a new level of sophistication in the community. This is a good thing, but provides challenges as well.

    I am not king, there is no doubt of that. No kingdom here. Just an outpost. With lots of people with dreams and plans . . . some of which may conflict.
  19. Yea ask Zulu9 to get torches from my chest or all charcoal I been stock piling for awhile now.
    And panda I feel ya, I like where my house is cause view most of the community , also go to my house 3rd floor and look out towards the jungle it's great view but might change last 4 days I haven't been on...