smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Whoops, I cut down two jungle trees, but they were small and no one lived near them
  2. Not sure where at but someone went through one day and wiped out a ton of trees so we had to replant. Secret has also replanted what he cut down. I tend to do the same.
  3. Andre a.k.a LuxuryMushroom has been clearing land - perfect for farming - and for factories - like producing Charcoal, Cooked Fish and Bread
  4. The Area has been " Marked on a Map " with Letters ( Live Map )

    P.o.I ( Point of Intrest ) - I ( 1st )
  5. I might make a big wheat farm there.
  6. Welcome - but just word of warning - this is untamed land - so there will be exceptional amount of creepers :D
    Here is seeds and and wood to start your enterprise :)
  7. I found a lost mooshroom in the jungle. If a food station is missing a mooshroom, please tell me.
  8. WHat should i build there?
  9. There is plenty unscavenged caves - plenty farmland - great forest :)
  10. I'm coming to help out in a few minutes, if any of you need some manual labor hmu :)
  11. No need to apologize about the first building up there - it's awesome to see construction!
    Thanks guys :p

    I once found this creeper on some guys house, so I lured it into water and sacrificed myself to blow it up in there. :D
    (for those who don't know: explosions don't do any damage to blocks when underwater, just people/mobs)
  12. And the forum is back up :)
    The community has been active during the website down, maybe even more than usual. We are expanding in all direction at the moment. Luckily the larger area is full of awesome looking biomes and the floating continent in contruction will also provide lots of great place to settle.
    How long before we have to talk about a new smp7 wild civilization, not a mere community? ;)
  13. Grrr I hate I'm missing out right now lol my Internet is Down till Monday or Tuesday
  14. Punch your ISP in the face :p J/k. Sorry your net is down :(
  15. Haha yea I prolly do more than punch them in the face...:p but owell going find new ISP this week
  16. Hey.
    Should we enter this as a community? Thinking about making up a history for the outpost.

    We could write this on places like the wiki our pad. Some questions would have to be cleared before tho. What do we do with the money if we win something? Which account gets it? They only allow 1 submission per account. What if someone has an own entry but wants to work on ours too?
    If we want to enter this I will try to clear those thing with the people making the contest. So I am happy for any feedback on this.
  17. Sounds like a good idea :D
  18. I think we need to head north or west for better land