Official Bulk Shop Thread

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by Sgt_Pepper4, Jul 8, 2016.


Do you think cash is a freedom that should be preserved? There is a war on cash. Google it.

Yes: We should be able to make our own choices, free from govt. Free markets are better. 20 vote(s) 62.5%
No: Government should watch us to protect us and centrally plan the economy. 1 vote(s) 3.1%
I don't believe you Pepper that this is a thing. Even after googling it. 11 vote(s) 34.4%
  1. And actually I can use this thread to highlight a market irregularity. The latest DC of glass in an auction went for 10k. Don't I have 1728 signs for over 5k for glass? I kind of forget right now. If not, looks like the 1728 signs will be something like that in the future.
    M4ster_M1ner likes this.
  2. I love +bulk, i use it a lot! This has made life so much easier because i don't have to mine and gather materials for hours, keep up the good work Pepper!
    ShelLuser, Kytula and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.
  3. Thanks!
  4. I really like the fluctuating price system you have. :D
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  5. Awww thanks! Others have done it before me. I just find it the only way to have a large selection and not be investing all my time just running around changing signs all the time. I would like to keep my sanity. Ha
    Kytula and M4ster_M1ner like this.
  6. Maybe M4ster_M1ner was the first? Earlier than me for sure.
    M4ster_M1ner likes this.
  7. I don't know who started with the concept on EMC. Back in 2012, there were few shops using it, but only for few items like diamonds, gold and iron and only limited quantities.
    I think in 2013 one player started a shop which included many items.
    For me, it was important that the shop both has big stock and price stepping for most items.

    When i started 12221, 4 DCs for most items and 8 DCs for high volume items seemed reasonable, but now I can say that it's certainly not too much and I'm thinking about a good shop with 8 DCs for most items :)
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  8. Have you restocked on andesite?
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  9. Bulk is my favorite EMC shop <3 I spend way too much money there :p I think my favorite part is the melon walk on the road. I can easily kill a half an hour of time just jumping on melon plates. :D

    Thanks for your bulk-shop service. ;)
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  10. I need to get on that when I get back from the beach.
  11. I'm glad you like the road! I need to get the bed fixed.
  12. I revamped the emerald exchange! Hopefully more trading can happen, lower prices were created to make some space. Also, we got a mad nether quartz seller. I just kind of noticed nether quartz come up in one direction in the r log a lot recently. Bear market in quartz or temporary good deal? The market shall decide!
    no_thing likes this.
  13. Oh and coal is at the high range of prices! So sellers rejoice!
  14. Packed ice now trading at /v+bulk on smp8!
    M4ster_M1ner likes this.
  15. Also there is prismarine shards upstairs!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  16. May I suggest that you also mention /v +bulk on the first post? When I (re-)read this thread I had a hunch that it should be about /v +bulk but only after I skimmed around a bit did I finally notice the command mentioned :)

    Anyway, I really appreciate your shop. It has fair prices and I think it's pretty much invaluable for those of us who are busy working out specific building projects. Right now I'm working on my Utopia res. and I've used your shop two or three times now to provide me with the mats I needed. And I never ended up disappointed! :)
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  17. I think it's time for a bump! Also I changed stone prices a little while ago. Hopefully they're better now. If something is broke, don't be afraid to tell me! I'm nowhere near perfect.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  18. My wallet is broke every time I go to Your shop lol
    TomvanWijnen and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.
  19. I readjusted prices on slime balls, oak logs, birch logs, jungle logs! So after some anticipated selling they should be in stock soon!
    Tuqueque likes this.