Official Bulk Shop Thread

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by Sgt_Pepper4, Jul 8, 2016.


Do you think cash is a freedom that should be preserved? There is a war on cash. Google it.

Yes: We should be able to make our own choices, free from govt. Free markets are better. 20 vote(s) 62.5%
No: Government should watch us to protect us and centrally plan the economy. 1 vote(s) 3.1%
I don't believe you Pepper that this is a thing. Even after googling it. 11 vote(s) 34.4%
  1. Idk how popular this will be, but I made a chest near diamonds. It has protection 2 unbreaking 2 diamond chest plates, maybe people will like em and buy them. Enjoy!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  2. Any complaints out there? Constructive criticism isn't bad.
  3. Is there any features or items anyone would like to see?
  4. I think a cool goal to have is to obtain enough liquidity to handle supporter voucher trading. Like the way vault and stable vouchers are setup. I feel like it might encourage more sponsoring of others supportership for those who don't have access to real funds. If people see a sign they know they can get x rupees for, they might be more likely to support the empire. Ill do the maths later. I will probably have to offer new blocks, and make sure things are appropriately stocked to reach this goal. Also love from customers will be crucial in making EMC better. Anyways, Happy New Year everyone!
    deadmon5 and Tuqueque like this.
  5. GL in 2k17 fellow smp8er
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  6. That moment when your tag doesn't work. lol
  7. No idea sgt. Try making it +pyramid
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  8. I'm trying to sell iron supporter vouchers now! Come on down to /v + bulk! It helps the empire and that's why I'm doing it!
  9. So I discovered 2 things. One cobblestone market shifted a lot, and two supporter vouchers don't stack. So it looks like the rupee requirements aren't nearly as bad as I once thought. So I gotta fix cobble and maybe look into gold voucher.
    deadmon5 likes this.
  10. How much will you be looking to spend on a gold voucher?
  11. I have no idea right now.
  12. How much are they? Like 150? And selling iron vouchers for 84k ! Bump
  13. they average around 200k give or take
  14. Oh
  15. Remember that you can trade 2 iron vouchers for 1 gold using the google form
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  16. I had no idea. So does it work 4 iron to diamond?
    Tuqueque likes this.
  17. That is correct, also the other way works too... 1 diamond for 4 iron
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  18. So if I get one price nailed down, I know all of them? Unless maybe gold and diamond have demand premiums.
  19. 1087 days and 23 hours later and I'm still learning stuff here.
    Sealeon, deadmon5 and Tuqueque like this.