One DC of redstone blocks! Use it for whatever you'd like. Wave it in your arch-nemesis's face. Build a wither farm. Dazzle your friends. Use it to build a pyramid. Decorate your outpost. It's up to you, it's a whole DC! 1 DC Redstone BlocksStarting bid: 1rMinimum bid: 1,000rEnds 48 hours after last valid bid Pick up: smp2 /v +poof
Congratulations! TomvanWijnen has won the auction with a bid of 123,456. An access sign with be set up after payment.
Aaaaand I suck at things lol, I paid for that other auction I won, but forgot this one, and now my computer's already shut off (it's night here)... I'll make sure to pay you tomorrow, and because it's Friday I'm sure I can. I'm sorry for any possible inconveniences...
Sorry for taking so long to pick up, but I got very busy with school and RL, so I didn't have time, but today is better, yay, so I picked up the stuffs! Thanks!