Economy Crisis?

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by Tah2, Feb 10, 2016.


Is The Economy Having A Small Crisis?

Yes 47 vote(s) 32.0%
It might be true, But it's not effecting me 50 vote(s) 34.0%
No 56 vote(s) 38.1%
I don't know 14 vote(s) 9.5%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Agreed. Paper is definitely not the way to go with 1.8 villagers. We use melons and pumpkin exclusively, and unlock with carrot and sometimes potato. The most time consuming part of the process is crafting the melons into blocks. Omarsgifford and I once knocked out about 6 dc's of melon blocks in about 18 minutes or so; so halve that if working by yourself. I'll make a video with time sped up so you can see how long it takes to craft an entire dc of emeralds.
    ToddV, JesusPower2 and We3_Nub_ like this.
  2. You actually don't need rupees to use shops. You can bring stuff, sell and then buy what you need. It's better you hoard stuff, because it won't change value that easily as rupees do.

    That's very nice - my shop is near revenue of 100M and near 3300 users from start in July 2012. :)
    (50M since Feb. 2015)
    That brings me to the idea to combine anonymized weekly shop records and analyze the economy a bit - perhaps publish some statistics.

    I don't understand how overproduction would make inflation explode ... does not make sense (?)
    Also, you can only automate production of some distinct goods. You still need to mine obsidian, sand, clay, cut wood etc.
    When you "have no chance" to beat the price of mass production, you just produce something else - that's so easy in MC, and you buy mass-produced goods for cheap.

    Shop owners need rupees only if they buy stuff in the shop, and only an amount enough to pay suppliers. Every excess rupee accumulation is a nightmare, because of volatile (decreasing) rupee value.
    When a shop owners fails to update the prices in time, she / he ends up with an empty shop and a pile of rupees that have since lost a significant part of the value.
    Sgt_Pepper4 likes this.
  3. I meant for a week or two :) Longer than that shifts the economy to that xD
  4. Let me give you a real life example. On the other server players had the ability to sell to the server shop. All types of things. I sold cactus. I sold it, as many other players did, because it could be automated and I could AFK while it produced. I have 3 alts so I made 3 huge (bedrock to sky limit) cactus farms with thousands of cactus plants. They were monstrosities with no aesthetic value but boy did they produce cactus. I'm sure they did a job on the server too. I would spend all my time going back and forth to the shop selling cactus and got incredibly rich, over 200 million. The monotony of it finally drove me to look for another server.

    If EMC did this many players would do as I did. The towns would become covered in huge (ugly) farms. And the players with the most alts and reses that had computers they could AFK with would become the wealthy ones. Because they had so many rupees they would have more to spend and bids at auctions would increase. This would just exacerbate what we are talking about. Hyper inflation on many items.

    Eviltoade talks about how he has automated the production of several items. I have seen these farms and they are gigantic. And still being constructed. By the time it is completed there will be thousands of pistons going on one res alone. It is quite spectacular. As he has also said, this is done ultimately for the production of emeralds, which can then be traded for many other items. The price of emeralds has dropped as well as the price of the commodities that emeralds are used to produce. That is a direct product of these huge farms and one other thing.

    EMC has some allowed mods. One being a macro mod. Without the use of this mod proper utilization of these huge farms would be impossible. This mod is a game changer. Even though I also utilize it I have to question its propriety. I understand the rules state that any mod that gives a player an unfair advantage over another player is not allowed. Well, this mod certainly gives the user an unfair advantage over other players. Even the use of minimap gives that player an unfair advantage over the player that doesn't use it. On the other side, the use of xray would not give a player an unfair advantage over another player if they both used it. So, the definition of an allowed and disallowed mod (unless it is on the list(s)) can be difficult to decipher.

    What will happen in the end? Bout the same as is currently happening. Players will become more sophisticated at using large farms to gain an advantage over the economy. As more and more do the prices of these items will decrease as the price of the items that can't be farmed will increase. In the end it will come down to - how much time does a player want to spend doing monotonous, mind numbing activities and how much time do they want to spend doing fun stuff.
  5. OK I just saw this thread, we may not be in an economic crisis but we definitely have deflation, which can lead to one. As people's money becomes worth more, they are less likely to spend it because they expect prices to fall.
  6. I understand where the inflation and problems came from. I now remember seeing an "economy server" that had "no cactus farms" rule. "Real" "economy servers" sound quite boring.

    This would not happen on EMC if done properly. I think it was last year, I've proposed a solution to that problem: dynamically calculated prices and limited amount.
    • the more people sell to the shop, the more the price drops.
    • the shop does not have infinite storage, it is limited and the limit is calculated based on active users.
    Active users are those who have a rupee transaction within last N weeks.

    Agree :)

    To repeat myself, the beauty of EMC economy is that it is not a set up game, but reflects the needs of the community.

    What can stimulate economy and activity on EMC?
    • new challenges
    • more natural rules regarding economic activity, better support in the forum
    • opening new possibilities, new "professions"
    • development of community life and structure
    • more services that can be paid in rupees (like the new res ownership transfer)
    Eviltoade likes this.
  7. Carrots, Potatoes and pumpkins are all great primary trades as they take no additional crafting and the item to emerald ratio is pretty awesome. After that, wheat has a worse ratio but, it has much more flexibility and can be compressed into bails of hay. Melons are my least favorite. Melons and Pumkins have the great benefit of not requiring more entities if thats a concern. Use what you've got though, I have some 1.7 "farmers" I trade wheat and cooked fish with for emeralds since I have plenty of both.

    Also, Lapis, Glowstone and Redstone can now be infinitely farmed from most gold farms using zombie flesh. Most owners throw out tons of flesh, so with a little networking and trip to the frontier this can be a free source of trades if you don't mind putting in the clicking.
    JesusPower2 and Eviltoade like this.
  8. One of the things that I like to do (fun stuff) a few times a year is have a huge party for the community. Since joining I have had 3 big drop parties, a 1 year on emc party (with multiple events involved) and an Amazing Race through the wild which had a payout of 2 million rupees for the grand prize winner, and other promos and vouchers for the 2nd-4th place winners. Recently I have also been including promos from my own collection to other events I run such as Mob Arena, Whack a Toade and Rainbow Dash. My point? These events cost rupees. I do these mundane tasks that are super boring to pay for them. lol. I don't mind doing them because I really do love my events....

  9. That would be interesting to watch. But it will do me almost no good (unless I have every book trade I want & simply want a lot of emeralds) because I'm not just farming emeralds but the enchanted book trades that you can only get from librarians. Paper is not the way to go if all after is the emeralds.
    My only holdover villagers from 1.7 are for saddles and exp bottles.
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  10. This is Cobra Commander.
    Cobra Commander has a economic recovery plan.

    Be like Cobra Commander.
    Burn all the money.
  11. You forgot the part where he is taking over the worlds economy and putting in his own currency. It's like saying (Eviltoade I love you but your my example since of the name :p) Eviltoade removes the rupee and puts in toad eggs as currency :p
    Eviltoade likes this.
  12. You and I are doing what we can to get things where they need to be :).
  13. Instead of crafting melon "blocks" just chop the melons with a silk touch axe. Then they'll already be a full melon.
  14. Due to the type of melon farming we use (pistons), the blocks aren't accessible. :)
  15. That is one way to do it but we are talking huge operations and the number of axes you would go through would be costly (and diamonds from fixing them constantly). Not to mention its more time effective to do it the other way.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  16. Well given that scale, indeed you're right. Me, I only get about 5-6 stacks per harvest.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  17. people arent interested in buying stuff that they can get themselves... economy is slowing down
  18. And chickeneer's iron shop lol.

    Now here's the thing with promos. Are you a collector? Then you probably have all you've been looking for. Are you looking for new promos? Not expensive, there's thousands of them. Old promos? Yah, they're expensive, but chances are if you have one you're not selling it. Promos used to be epic imo. I STILL love them. However the market for them just isn't what it used to be.
    samsimx and Vizsco like this.
  19. Honestly I've been hoarding the same promos for about 18 months now and have very hardly played ever since then.

    And yet, the value of my total assets have gone up way faster than what would be possible through normal gameplay (i.e not grinding farms 24/7).

    I think there's something to be said if I'm making 5x the money of a regular player and I haven't played in 18 months.
  20. Now this data is gonna be a minor outlier due to the MASSIVE amount of items you have. And also, you can say your items are worth that much but at the end of the day, if you can't find someone to buy it it's just an item.

    Edit : The reason I added that last sentence is because of the fact that this is more going for the economy aspect and I for one associate it with more of both value and sell-ability (is that a word?)