SMP8 Public Wild Utilities

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by khixan, Jun 16, 2015.


SMP8 wants ???

XP Grinders 145 vote(s) 46.0%
Iron Farm 63 vote(s) 20.0%
Gold Farm 52 vote(s) 16.5%
Guardian Farm 39 vote(s) 12.4%
Other (leave in comments) 16 vote(s) 5.1%
  1. What's Cooking with SMP8 Public Wild Utilities?
    For those who want to know what's done, what we're currently doing, and what's coming up in the next few months.

    What's Been Done Recently
    • The Wild End Dragon Slaying Arena! Many thanks to everyone who volunteered and/or donated :)
    • Lots of minor griefings lately. All are getting fixed as fast as we can.
    What's In Progress
    • The Fe(II) kill chamber and collection redesign. This actually hasn't started yet, but it is #1 on the list of priorities to get done next.
    • Slime Time is being renovated due to a griefing. The entire Wild South complex is going to be transferred to Slvr and Walrus. They are going to keep the builds public. It's too much for me to run 4 different areas. The slime farm and squid farm will eventually be rebuilt out at Wild North. If you want to help repair and redo Slime Time, please contact Slvr and AverageWalrus or just post here on this thread. They could use some help with that. I believe TBird is already assisting.
    • Find a great slime chunk/s at Wild North at least 100 blocks away from the other builds.
    • Find a witch hut at Wild North if at all possible.
    What's coming up in the future?
    • ThaKloned has offered to do a witch hut build for SMP8 Public Wild Utilities. We need a good witch hut location. Ideally, it would be somewhere in the vicinity of the other public builds (or at least Wild North). This project needs a location and then the planning phase can begin. If you know of a good location, or have a location you'd like to donate, please hit me up!
    • Slime farm at Wild North.
    • Squid farm at Wild North. I need a technical designer with experience on EMC making squid farms please.
    • Wither killing area. Prometha brought up this idea before, and Tuq has raised it again. Corruptedsmile already has a challenge/fun wither killing area. This idea is more about a fast easy efficient wither killing spot. It has many challenges to it. The wither is destructive. The wither's behavior changes with player difficulty settings. Etc. This one is solely in the "throwing ideas around" stage.
    • The Nether Public Utilities Express. This one is likely far in the future. We have other more pressing priorities. Redo all the transportation and put it in the Nether for faster public utility access. Rail, horse, and ice boat transport options. This would also involve perfectly linked nether portals, which is a thing you can google if you've no idea what I'm on about. Having players wind up in Pigmentus unexpectedly would be bad LOL. We'd leave the roads at at Wild North, and NHG is fine as is. The North rail though would be removed and replaced by a Wild North Nether Portal transport hub. Each build at North would get its own "drop off" portal.
    That's everything I can think of for now. If you're interested in any of these projects, please post here on this thread. "In Progress" projects take priority over the future projects, so please, have some patience if your interest is for a future one
    Slime Time is temporarily closed for a renovation due to a griefing. This will take awhile to get fixed. Thank you for your patience.
  2. I would be interested in helping out with the witch hut build and wither killing area in the future!
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  3. Here we go again... Sign me up :)
    Tuqueque, khixan and BenMA like this.
  4. Sign me up as well :p
    Tuqueque, khixan and Vizsco like this.
  5. There is an area for easy wither killing at x0, z-31 at the bedrock cieling, I volunteer to build a wither killing chamber if you want :) I can't build until after august the 8th though, will be away from computer from tommorow until then
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  6. Lil_Spartan_Cat - Thank you! I will pester you in the future once those projects get underway (may be a month or more, just FYI). If you want to start looking on live map up at Wild North for a witch hut, go for it. Thanks!

    Dice and Ben - Thank you! Which ones would you like to be pestered about please?

    crazyminerpete - Thank you! I will contact you when we get to doing that project in the future. No timeline for it yet, so I'm not sure when. That one may be a few months even.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  7. I can do any to all.
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  8. Sign me up for the Witch hut please! :p
    Sachrock, Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  9. Slime Time renovation convo started. Thank you all very very much!

    Jadzia - Thank you! Same thing I said to SpartanCat - This project hasn't started yet, but Step 1 will be to find a witch hut, preferably out at Wild North. Feel free to start looking. Thanks :)
  10. Bump for the newsletter at the top of page 48. Cheers all and thank you!
    Tuqueque and TBird1128 like this.
  11. khixan I have an improvement on your Guardian Farm So basiclly i know that a hopper minecart cant travel if your too far from that chunk but if we placed Hopper minecarts all underneath the floor *Keep The Floor where they Fall* and so when they die the Hopper minecarts will pick it up put it into another hopper and then it will put it in a chest so we dont have so much item lag
    Tuqueque likes this.
  12. Should we do that?? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
    Tuqueque likes this.
  13. when you start with the witchy stuff/farm. Sign me up!
    khixan likes this.
  14. The farm is not an afk farm.We discussed this kind of idea already and we won't do it.

    Also, when we start the witch farm, sign me up. I'm up for some overworld digging.
    Tuqueque, ThaKloned and khixan like this.
  15. Oooo I would like to help in the witch farm =D
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  16. Thanks Proxy, but we will never be doing that at Sushi Drop. It's a public build and it is not meant to be an AFK farm.

    Someone go find me a witch hut, preferably at Wild North, and we'll start pursuing that project! Thank you all for the offers of help :D
    Tuqueque, ThaKloned and Vizsco like this.
  17. JAW DROPS! Mother of the gods Stew, thank you!
  18. The Public Witch Hut Build is ON now!
    ThaKloned has found the witch hut at Wild North. I am starting the conversation for the build. ThaKloned is in charge of all technical aspects (since I don't know what the heck I'm doing with a witch build - zero experience). Many thanks to AmusedStew for putting up prize money towards finding a suitable witch hut!

    My list of volunteers so far for this project:

    If you want to volunteer for the witch hut build, please post on this thread and I will add you to the convo that I am starting shortly. Bring your picks and shovels please! Thank you all!
    Tuqueque, JohnKid and Jadzz like this.
  19. Ben dug us a tunnel in the nether ( I think he dug one) and we got a portal here now.
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.