Seventeen thousand five hundred rupees times one.zerozerofivesevenonefourtwoeightsix, rounded to the nearest integer.
I know this would be an illegal bump, but please don't do that, it makes it really unclear what people should bid Could you put the actual number instead of a calculation, please?
Figured I should put it there too, but it's 17,600r I have a maths test tomorrow though, so I needed some practise
Okay, and now a proper bump! (I bumped illegally by accident this afternoon and reported the post when I found out )
Hm... should I tell MoeMacZap about this? Nah... if he finds it himself, okay, but if I tell him every time, nobody else will win
Well, I think this is over now! Do you want to pick it up on smp7 or smp8, get it delivered, or should I mail?