The Game of Thrones! - WARNING: SPOILERS

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by batmegh, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. I'm not that into fashion but I think it's best to leave the necklace on :confused:
    battmeghs likes this.
  2. I think it was the potions keeping her young, not the necklace. They didn't zoom in on them purely for cinematic effect, I don't think.
  3. But as she took it off the 'glow' went out.
  4. So, another thing we saw: Whats his name who is/was the friend of Jon going off to the Wildlings for help to kill off the rest of the Night's Watch. Now, something cool to consider.

    Considering all of the Night's Watch NOT in the room with Jon want to murder all those who ARE in the room with Jon, and the ones who are inside have the Wildlings on their side, its very clear all of the ones on the outside are going to die. So, this means most of Nights Watch is going to be dead. Will the Wildlings take up the job for them? It would make sense. They all experienced first hand what the White Walkers can do, so at least some of the Wildlings would join in to protect the rest of the world from them.
  5. Tormund Giantsbane who somewhat the leader of the Wildlings at this time.

    I don't see the whole Nights Watch dying most of them are going to pick the living/winning side when comes down to it and of course only 40 of them left at Castle Black. Hopfully that necklace is used they way most fans are thinking. If Jon Snow is brought make he doesn't have to be part of Nights Watch anymore he kept his oath Lived and Died for them. blah blah blah hopefully He heads down south to get the North ready for the White Walkers. :p

    I CAN'T.



    I mean, I saw it coming - I imagined the scene exactly how it happened - but why did they do it? I can't wait another week (and they probably won't show the continuation of that until at least Episode 4 I think ;-; ).

    Also lol at Ramsey screwing the North over and practically just begging for the Starks or Karstarks to assume the title of Lord Paramount.
    Sachrock likes this.
  7. Yeah I KNOW!!!
    I am counting the hours until next episode!
  8. So, fun fact:
    There was a thread about the series a while back, in which I posted my crackpot theory of Mel reviving Jon.
    Funny how stuff works like that
  9. She didn't necessarily revive him. She did her ritual thing, but there was a delay. She might have, but she's stated Rh'llor doesn't have very much power that far north. This is highly unlikely, but I think he may have turned into a wight - just because of his possible Targaryen ancestry (WE ARE MOST DEFINITELY GETTING ANSWERS TO THAT THROUGH BRAN THIS SEASON YAY) he just got revived instead. I do doubt that though :p

    Then again it may just be the pay-off for burning Shireen.

    I've been through so much stress and so much sadness these past few weeks - this week's episode is the only thing that's brought me to near tears. ;(
    Sachrock likes this.
  11. It was a great episode but also really sad RIP Hodor, I thought it was very interesting finding the origin of Hodor.
  12. Totally unexpected too. I thought maybe he just got a horse carriage or something smashed into his skull as a child.

    Nope, turns out when you do greenseeing stuff it can leak into the real world and it gave him a stroke, in which he could hear what Meera was shouting.

    I'm more sad for Summer. I love all of the direwolves. I love the breed of dog they are too. Most of them are dead now (Shaggydog = unknown, currently. Possibly just him, Nymeria, and Ghost left now). She died so violently, protecting her owners :c
  13. he held the door though
    as much as i hate to say it the direwolves really arent as important as people think they are, direwolves are natural creatures in the north (they are fairly common beyond the wall) i think you will se emore of them before too long.

    also my personal theory is that bran is both bran the builder and the three eyes raven, cause this whole time travel thing means that makes perfect sense
    The_Boulder and Sachrock like this.
  14. Oooooh i was wondering who you were talking about, yeah i absolutely love all of the dire wolves it was really upsetting seeing most of them die, i think if Ghost dies then that will really annoy me.
  15. ;-; HOLD THE DOOR
    PineappleGem and battmeghs like this.
  16. The Stark's direwolves are symbolic though. Plus, they don't show up south of the wall. As far as we know the Stark direwolves are the only ones who came south of the wall.

    Nymeria is important, because she has a huge pack of wolves with her. Its speculated they'll show up at the Battle of the Bastards (<- I'm allowed to say that in that context, right? :p) (Jon vs. Ramsey) and will probably end up ripping Ramsey apart.

    Besides, they're cool.
    battmeghs and Sachrock like this.
  17. Yea we can talk about what's going to bran going to do next or How Stark kids going to gather forces in the North but we all know what storyline we truthfully waiting week to week this season.

    *2-3 week old spoilers and some language.
    battmeghs, Sachrock and Qkazooo like this.
  18. The last Game Of Thrones episode was one of my favorites, it was amazing!!
    battmeghs and Qkazooo like this.
  19. This episode was perfect. A lot of my favourite characters died, and I thought Jon was a goner for a few moments there, but it was amazing <3
    battmeghs, Qkazooo and Sachrock like this.