{Fantasy RPG Turn Based} Rings of Caskar

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by NetherSpecter, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. "Yes I remember putting this out. Some prisoners has escaped and holed up in Iceberg Cavern. Although they're highly likely to be in possession of shoddy equipment, I'd be careful of the creatures that dwell in there.
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  2. You will arrive there in 6 posts.
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  3. I make sure to forage for anything that may catch my eye or help me along the way: Berries, Plants, Roots, Bark, Grubs. Staying Alert and Aware for natural predators, caves, bee-hives, and the sort.
  4. I will take Tinder. I look back at the quest board to see if there is anything else for me to do. On my way back, I pull out the scrap of paper from my pocket I picked up earlier and read it.
  5. Did I ever find any cows?
  6. Midnight, Devil's Avenue

    You look at the sky, the moon's reaching about the halfway point and when you reach the city, you should be able to make whatever meeting this is.
    You see a bustling field of wild cattle, you begin to pick them off one by one. Since I've been a bit late with yours, you've finished harvesting the leather and will be able to return to the city within 4 turns.
    NubtherSpecter likes this.
  7. Sorry, I think you might have missed mine :p
  8. After having traversed the forest for hours, with the sun now setting, I wonder to myself... "I hope I find civilization soon". I'm getting hungry, tired, and cold... and could use some fresh water and a meal.
  9. Apologies. :p

    You've arrived in Oak Grove barely able to stand, but he Innkeeper found you stumbling into town and shacked you up and patched you up. You will heal in two turns.


    6 Coins [Coins: 6]
    2 Berries [Junk]
    And have now arrived in Oak Grove.
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  10. Devil's Avenue? Time to ask around. If I fish up no results, I'll head to the screaming door under the waterfall. Maybe that's it.
  11. Arriving in Oak Grove, I change my demeanor all together from a "scavenger of the forest that just broke out of prison", to a well mannered polite individual with a smile on my face. Although I enter Oak Grove very alert; I try and locate the nearest tavern for a CHEAP warm meal and some liquids; perhaps a place to sleep; most certainly a job or someone who could use a favor in exchange for some warmer and sturdier cloths, some coin, or perhaps some clues?
  12. I have arrived in the city. I go to collect my reward for the quest. Then i look for a quest board.
  13. You end up in the back of the city, the word's barely visible on the street sign, "Devil's Avenue" you wait for what seems like an hour or two and you see a hooded figure approaching the dark alley that you hid in.
    You find yourself at the inn, the innkeeper greeted you kindly and offered you a room for 15 coins for the night. You kindly decline as you can't afford it and simply ask for a 2 coin beer and if there were any work to be found. He points to the Help Board and says that every now and then the guards bring by posts from the neighboring towns.

    [Coins: 4]

    1. Kill the Bandits at Hell's Crossing. 200 Coins
    2. Find my wedding ring. 100 Coins
    3. Deliver my message. 300 Coins
    4. Kill the arch-mage at Jordan's Retreat. 600 Coins
    Congrats on finishing the quest!

    [Coins: 60]
    [Exp: 65/25]
    [Exp: 40/25]
    [Exp: 15/25]

    You have learned a new skill!

    The Tower - You are able to take 2 hits without taking damage.

    Stats: 7 DMG, 5 DEF, 3 SPD


    1. Gather up my Lost Horse. 200 Coins
    2. Find my Father's Sword. 150 Coins
    3. Kill the Beast Residing in Tiger's Mouth. 400 Coins
    4. Rescue my wife. 600 Coins
  14. I try to find the sword
  15. I wait for his response, but prepare my magic if trouble arises.
  16. Quest Details

    Travel to Brokecrack Grotto to locate the sword. (2 Turns to Travel)

    "I see you've arrived." the figure said, "You didn't describe yourself but who else would be waiting here at night?" He pulled out a purse, "Do you have the explosives I require? I had sworn I heard something about your arrest but they must've let you go."
    NubtherSpecter likes this.
  17. "The guy you are looking for was arrested. I am just arriving because he left a note that I tracked. Maybe i can do what you need though, just give me some information.
  18. The man looked taken about, he pulled a dagger from his cloak and charged towards you.

    Available Spells

    Summon Familiar - Summons a ghost wolf to fight in your place (last two turns, does not kill, casts instantly. You can also charge another spell immediately after.)

    Tinder - Engulfs your enemies in flames dealing 5 damage (if kills automatically loots, takes two turns to cast.)
    NubtherSpecter likes this.
  19. I arrive in brokecrack grotto and ask around to see if anyone has seen a sword.
  20. You arrive to the grotto to find a handful of bandits had moved into the area, their tents and wagons scattered about and a couple close to you were arguing about who would get the profit from the new load they had raided. You listened even more and overheard that their loot was located in the chief's wagon towards the back of the grotto.

    You can attempt to sneak past or begin to kill them all.
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