[Forum Game] Battle of the Sexes

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Unoski, Mar 21, 2016.


Whom do you want to win?

Boy 63 vote(s) 22.6%
Girl 56 vote(s) 20.1%
I am an Apache Attack Helicopter 160 vote(s) 57.3%
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  1. Girls add 3 now, so yours would be -85 not mine.
    Lupafel, TomvanWijnen and UltiPig like this.
  2. Please don't correct other's abilities in mathematics. Boys subtract 1, girls add 3. This will get messed up if this happens again.

  3. -81 girls be makin a comeback!
  4. How did this last 24 pages.... 0.O
    I'm just stunned now
    Patr1cV likes this.
  5. It's to defend our race :p
    haastregt likes this.
  6. What happened guys? -83
  7. The girls now add three.
  8. -78
    haastregt likes this.
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