APRIL FOOLS! EMC and 1.9 combat, what will happen!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by BigDavie, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. The ruthless barbarians who want to assassinate your partner, two children and your dog for their belongings, which they will sell on the black market to players... ;)
  2. I'm not too sure how I feel about this =L. I come on here to get away from the constant threat of death from any player I see. I come on here to enjoy working/mining with my friends and finding and killing mobs. I also enjoy making new friends on here.

    I feel this would take away a large part of what EMC is about. The friendly, safe environment that is unique to this server.

    Don't get me wrong I am looking forward to all that 1.9 has to offer but I feel that this is going to put a slight buffer on that hype train.
    cowland123 and TotoStyle like this.
  3. Can't you see the flaws, guys? It may seem serious, but there's many things in the Waste and Frontier:
    Now we can just go there and kill whoever we want. And what about teamwork events? Defend the Castle? Pfft. More like Defend Yourself While Fighting Withers and Players.

    Mob Arena? Pfft. Just kill other players and you win.

    Kill that Chin? Nah, make it Kill Other Players Because You Forgot About Chin.

    But I don't care about other things like events and towns! Make EMC great again! #PVP
  4. The staffs are immune.. But not the owner/manager. XD
  5. Now that sounds like that would be a really cool empire in the frontier/town (for fun though no real rules broken here). The EMC mafia Godfather MissFable says "Today I settled all Family business, so don't tell me your innocent, Tucker"
  6. Remember this is about money. And how about for $100 you could buy a shotgun that would blow the feather out of the chicken clucker's hand. Think how fast they would run.
    kaptrix likes this.
  7. He went to her wedding too, why would he miss it? He said in his stream he was going to
    AnonReturns and MissFable like this.
  8. This isn't necessarily an update log; other players have posted these before. Krysyy and IcecreamCow have BOTH announced new changes, and if I'm not mistaken, even SS like Davie have made the announcements occasionally in the past. My guess is that since this is more of a "What will happen" thread, Aikar will do the actual, technical update thread once it's really here. :)

    And it's a magic cat, not a magic unicorn. Clearly you haven't been to the Show Aikar Love thread. :p

    Also this, which is a much better explanation in fewer words. :rolleyes:
  9. That would just ruin EMC for most people.
    It would make it extremely biased to those who are richer and have more spare money.
    Minecraft is not real life, so it shouldn't act like it wholly.
  10. The actual update is this! Make EMC great again with PvP! #DAVIETRUMP
  11. This made me laugh. But like Davie said, get better or chicken feather :D

    (I'm proud of that)
    JesusPower2 and TotoStyle like this.
  12. This is just how things are sometimes. EVERYONE has to start out somewhere. You could get money/gear by killing others at your level, taking/selling their stuff, and then moving on up, or, if you want to start at the top of the food chain, go No PVP for a while, get cash the old fashioned way, and then fight. It's not biased toward the rich because anyone can become rich. We all have the same opportunity, so no bias.
    AnonReturns likes this.

    1 in 20 people stay on EMC when they join

    also trump is hacking this website!
  14. I see some good business in my future
  15. Okay if guns and stuff are added, I am leaving. Basically outposts will become places of death and treachery, friend backstab friends and EMC becomes call of duty (HATE!)
    gladranger7 likes this.
  16. emc can't add guns

    they can add trump
  17. It says Donald trump was here near the thread title
  18. I sense a prank
  19. Well once empires has been added presumably the owner/founder of each group can decide if pvp is on in their town or not.
    TotoStyle likes this.