We gave Aikar love...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JackBiggin, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. I'm having so much fun reading these. They're making my day, laughing way too much xD
    We3_Nub and IamTheNub like this.
  2. More dank memes? Don't mind if I do.
  3. Lol these are gr8
    We3_Nub, IamTheNub and HannahEB like this.
  4. poor Aikar, but these are extremely LOL worthy
  5. Forgot to add this one:
  6. This realy is laughing out loud :D
    We3_Nub, IamTheNub and 607 like this.
  7. Does anyone else see the whirly gig coming out of the top of Aikars head?

    These are some dang fun! Keep them coming! I'd add to it but not sure how to make them so will just enjoy the creation of others. =D

  8. You save the aikar image by Biggin, then go to imgflip.com and hit create meme. You're all good from there on in ;)
  9. There is noot enough Pingu here!
  10. I love you people :p
  11. 'Realise'? Please, he knew all along it was him :rolleyes: