[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. They were talking about Type 2 diabetes....

    EDIT: Ninja'd by Gawa...
  2. Preettty sure that's Communism, not Socialism. There's a huge difference.
    Dektirok likes this.
  3. Socialism is the base of Communism.
  4. I disagree. Let's tweak CJ's metaphor to something relevant that we have been discussing.

    Imagine you are at the gym in a strip mall working super hard, running miles a day to stay in peak physical condition. While you are in there working out, there are people eating ice-cream at the Baskin Robbins next to the gym. Time comes for your yearly physical. You go in, and the doctor is amazed when he gets the blood work back. You're one of his healthiest patients! But in the room beside your's, there's someone waiting for his blood results that has been in Baskin Robbins eating ice-cream while you work hard to get where you are just now. The Doctor walks in and tells him he will need XY&Z, and it'll cost him a large sum of money. But the Government says wait! The healthy guy doesn't have to pay anything. He should pay for part of the other guy's medication. So the Government takes 1/2 of the cost from the healthy man, and 1/2 of the cost from the person who will receive the medications.
    If you're quoting what I've written, take a minute and think about your response. Is it an insult or a fair point?
    That's what Bernie wants to do. How is it different?
    Lance2013 and cj12115 like this.
  5. Errr, no, it's not.

    Yes, Communism wouldn't be here if Socialism was never created, so I guess it's a base for it in that sense. But the way you said that made me think more of you're trying to say it leads to Communism. Which it does not. Communists are Socialist extremists - saying Socialists are basically just Communists is kind of like saying all Muslims are terrorists. It's a poor comparison, I know, but it'll have to do until I can think of something better.
  6. Socialism is the base of communism, like Islam is the base of terrorism... He didn't say that socialist are communists, he said communists are socialists. Just like terrorists are Muslims.
  7. Not all terrorists are Muslims. The Provisional Irish Republican Army were terrorists and performed multiple terrorist attacks on the UK and other places in Europe throughout the 70s, 80s and 90s, and they sure as hell weren't Muslims - they were Irish Catholics.

    I'll reply to your other point in the morning.
    Gawadrolt likes this.

  8. Absolutely, and based on what the republicans say. Here is a list of countries that have have what the republicans like to call socialized medicine or really they like to call communist countries. How many of you live in these communist countries? Yes, because you have some sort of universal healthcare according to the republicans not only are you socialist but also in most cases considered communist. Do you feel like you are communist?


    New Zealand
    United Kingdom
    United Arab Emirates
    South Korea
    Hong Kong
    TuckerAmbr and SoulPunisher like this.
  9. He didn't say socialism was communism. I don't know why he's already been attacked for saying what he said twice. He said communism is based on socialist principles, not vice versa. What he said was true, not another one of those right wing fear conspiracies that apparently dominant our world.
    Lance2013 likes this.
  10. Communist? No. Socialist? Yes.
  11. And I said what I said.
    TuckerAmbr and SoulPunisher like this.
  12. So you say that the United Kingdom is a socialist country? Here is the definition of socialism:
    "a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies"
    I'm sure the management and owners of OCS Group, Swire, Dixons Carphone, Aston Martin and hundreds of other comapanies would be surprised to hear that.
    TuckerAmbr and Gawadrolt like this.
  13. Here's the bottom line. The racist, intolerant, greedy, war mongering, uncaring beliefs of the republican party will float away like a balloon set free. After 8 years of a democrat president there will be yet another one elected this year. I will bet, with the oversight of staff, someone 1 million rupees that will happen. And I have it. And why you ask will that happen. Because underneath what the rest of the world sees as the fat egotistical American, the majority of us really care about each other and humanity as a whole. As hard to believe as that might be. The majority of us are trying to be better humans. Any takers?
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  14. I'm a Republican, but the only thing I'm intolerant of right now is your intolerance towards the views of the Republican Party.

    You calling the Republican party "greedy" was incorrect. Read this open letter.

    Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress.

    Fact: During the Civil War era, the "Radical Republicans" were given that name because they wanted to not only end slavery but also to endow the freed slaves with full citizenship, equality, and rights.

    Fact: The 14th Amendment, giving full citizenship to freed slaves, passed in 1868 with 94% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress. The 15th Amendment, giving freed slaves the right to vote, passed in 1870 with 100% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress.

    Last I checked you guys were winning that whole war-mongering thing 5-3.

    Civil war = Democrats fired on fort Sumter to protect slavery. Lincoln a republican was trying to keep the union together and end slavery without war.
    Spanish American war = McKinley. Republican
    World War I= Wilson, Democrat
    World War II= Roosevelt, Democrat (This one's kind of unfair, as it was 1000% called for)
    Korea= Truman, Democrat (apparently WWII atomic bomb wasn’t enough for him eh?)
    Vietnam= Kennedy, Democrat Kennedy started Johnson escalated.(took a Republican Nixon to end it.)
    Desert Storm= Bush I, Republican
    War on Terror= Bush II, Republican

    And now we have uncaring beliefs. I don't even know what to say in response to that, other than look up.
    Lance2013 and cj12115 like this.
  15. War Mongering??? You don't get it. Isis is putting people in cages and burning them to alive!!! You really expect us to show peace towards people that burn people in cages, drown people in cages, and even cut people's heads off???
    Lance2013 likes this.
  16. I really don't know why this became a debate about the difference between socialism and communism. Then to all of a sudden to what the background of the republican party and Democratic party.

    Honestly if you want my opinion? I want a candidate that isn't a liar, (Hillary Clinton) a dumbass (Donald Trump), and a person who is biting more than he can chew(Bernie Sanders).

    A candidate that has actually has done something to make a positive change than say he will do it. *Sigh* Honestly if it comes down to Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump. I would choose Trump. It is awful saying that sentence it really is. No liar should be behind the desk and that is my final word on this thread.
  17. History lessons <3 but that whole thing about Islam and terrorists just doesn't seem to add up. Ah well, fox news cant be completely washed away
  18. The 2016 presidential race is rather...sad. What kind of shape is our country in if even the candidates for the highest office in our nation can't treat each other with respect?
  19. When I said terrorists, I was referring to Islamic Extremists, although I didn't clarify. My bad.
  20. Just because somebody writes an open letter doesn't make it factual but good try. There is one thing I note several times from what you have written. The total distaste of republicans for any kind of social assistance program. You are exactly correct. Republicans don't want to share a penny to help someone else. If that's not greed and selfishness I don't know what it is. And they dare tout themselves as the party of the Christians. Christ did not advocate any of that and if you think he did you should read the new testament.

    I previously talked about in my home state how the republicans fought increasing the education budget tooth and nail. That's the republican party. And I love the republicans argument about social assistance programs. "We should cut them all and that is really helping the poor", "because then they will have to get a job", "so we (republicans) really want to and are helping the poor the most", "the fact that children won't have food, well that can't be helped". Greed, Greed, Greed, Greed!

    Anyone who wants to know the truth check it out. It's not hard to do. Republicans want to cut the wealth people taxes even more until the middle class is wiped out. They want to eliminate as much funding to education as they can (why not the wealthy can just buy their own). They want to spend more and more on bombs and fight as many wars as they can (but do the wealthy do any of the fighting and dying -NO). They want to deny climate change so big corporations (the wealthy) can pollute the earth (why not the wealthy won't have to deal with the after effects). If any one actually wants to read the actual positions of political candidates instead of just reading us this is what you will find. I urge you all to do this. The future of the planet might depend on it.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
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