[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. All Bernie is going to do is put our country trillions of dollars in debt.... He's going to take money from those who work hard for it, and give it to those who waste their money and don't work hard for it.
  2. To educate our children. When did we become such a hateful society?
  3. To educate our children.....:p He's just gaining support from young people. How exactly is his plan on free education going to work in 3-4 years?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. It's a hell of a lot better than somebody who will be pro-big business and will put us further in debt and possibly in war with Mexico over a wall.
  5. If all Bernie wanted to do was enhance the education system I wouldn't mind him. But Bernie's sole goal isn't just making the education system better. It's taking money from people who have worked hard to earn it and giving it to those who haven't. It's having me pay for insulin for the diabetic who eats a box of donuts everyday. It's me paying to send a pill junkie to a party school. It's causing hyperinflation by raising the minimum wage to $15. It's destroying the development of new, life saving drugs because companies will be taxed heavily, and then forced to sell their products for dimes on the dollar. It's placing massive taxes (Practically sanctions) on Wall Street that threaten the market. It's a 7% tax on small business that will go to providing people who aren't working health care.
    How is Donald Trump going to put us further into debt, and Bernie isn't? Just because Bernie has page on his website that says he will take 300 million here and 6 billion here doesn't mean he can or will, or that it will pay for what he proposes. You claiming Trump would bring us into a war with Mexico is absurd. You're smarter than to honestly believe that would happen in the near future.
    Equinox_Boss and cj12115 like this.
  6. OMG! I can only hope someone will shut this thread down because I can't sit back and see the falsities that are going on. You are just doing this as a joke, right? Do you even look at what you have typed before you push enter? Alright here we go, unlike the republicans that want to decrease revenue (do you know what that term means?) to give even bigger benefits to the filthy wealthy and corporations that want to pollute the earth (remember the republicans want to get rid of the environmental protection agency because they don't want to protect the environment, gotta allow big business to pollute as much as they want because they give the republicans lots of money). I am an accountant and guess what when it comes to debt there is revenue and expense. Bernie won't increase the debt because he will increase revenue. Oh please no, don't make the filthy rich pay their share!! Right? The republicans want to allow big business and the rich to pollute the earth to get richer on the destruction of the rest of us. And you are all good with that? I'll assume you're not a multimillionaire. Do you have kids or ever want to? Do you want them to ever have anything descent? Please rethink what you are saying. It's not too late.
  7. I agree with your first sentence... I can't sit back and look at responses like this. People work hard for their money, and it should just be taken away from them where it can be wasted? When money keeps getting taken away from the people who work hard for it, they'll stop working hard to get it. What happens when there is no more people with money to take from?
    Equinox_Boss and DH32 like this.
  8. votes are tied 57 to 57 as i type this
    not a fan of either of these people
    but im voting for my party

    btw feel the bern
  9. There's no reason to be rude. I have been friendly to the best of my ability in all of my responses. To be honest, I take no interest in responding to what you've said as it is written to come across as an attack on my intelligence. But rather than not responding, I'll treat you as you treated me.

    OMG! It's like he's not even reading what I'm writing. I can only hope someone can bring him to realize that his theories are wrong. I hope he's just joking around trying to make me mad. Dude do you even think about what you write? Alright, the Republicans don't want to decrease (do you know what that term means?) revenue to give bigger benefits to the "filthy wealthy" corporations (Even though corporations do well when there's revenue, so that doesn't really even make sense). The benefits they offer will bring back some of the companies that have left the USA because of failed liberal economic policy. No corporations want to pollute the earth. You've been mislead if you think everyone with money is some evil low life who spends his weekends dumping toxic waste into rivers. I don't know why you keep going to pollution, seems off topic. It doesn't take an accountant to understand debt, but thanks. How will Bernie increase revenue? The filthy rich won't pay their share if Bernie was somehow elected. They would leave. I'd leave as well if I had millions and a socialist came to power in America and tried to take it away from me. How will Bernie increase revenue, by making taxes higher? By putting even more regulations on businesses? Please. As a republican I think we should have masses of factories that are only there to pollute the world (Don't forget, they'll all be owned by big corporations who want to steal your money!). Why don't we just dump all of America's waste into the Pacific. That's what all of us evil Republicans want to do. No, I'm not a multi-millionaire. And yes, I'm excited to have kids one day. Yes. I want to be able to leave my kids a good sum of money. That'll be hard with the Government taking 1/2 of my wage. I want my hard work to pay off in the lives of my children. But no, the fruits of my labor are taken and given to those who do not work. Please rethink what you've said. It's not too late.

    I'm done with this thread. PM me if you want to debate me, rather than attack me.
    Equinox_Boss, Gawadrolt and cj12115 like this.
  10. To begin with, saying that the rich "work hard for their money" and the poor "do nothing" is both wrong and misleading. This idea that poor people just want to take advantage of government benefits and live off of everyone else's tax money and that they're ruining the country is ridiculous. It's a strategy used by political forces to polarize opinions, demonizing the poor while sanctifying the private sector. "You can either support the corporations and the economy or you can give our money to the poor and sink the country". Always be careful around arguments like that: more likely than not we're not presented with the more sensible options that lie in between.

    Just look around yourself. Do you really think that waiters' and cook's works are easier than that of the restaurant owner? Do you think that janitors and cleaners work any less than a company's CEO? I'm not saying that rich people don't work hard, a lot of them do. All I'm saying is that it's wrong to generalize and condemn people based on their social status.

    Also please stop talking about debt already. You people talk as if the american debt was abnormally large and that it was ruining your economy in some way. It is not. Japan's debt is 226% of it's GDP, France's is 94%, Germany's is 80%. The American debt is just 72% of it's GDP. Of course, US's GDP is higher than the other's, but that doesn't matter; what matters is the countries capacity to pay it, and US's is higher than most countries.

    You just went from plain wrong to moronic. Please keep stupid comments like these to yourself.

    It was done successfully in a lot of countries around the world, why wouldn't it work in the US? And please do not use the "Things work differently here in America" argument. That's not an argument, it's an excuse, and it's already been used for: not banning guns, not giving women right to paid maternity leaves, not making healthcare free, etc.

    Please watch this video. Don't underestimate Trump, no one knows what someone like this could do if elected.
    And the fact that you had to add "in the near future" in the end of the sentence proves that even you believe it's not such a far fetched prediction.
  11. Lemme dumb it down for some ppl...

    Imagine you are in a class, and you are working super hard, studying everyday to get an A on the test. While you and some other people work hard, others around you fool around and don't study at all. Test comes, half the class gets As and half get Fs. The teacher takes half the grade of the ppl who studied hard and gives it to the people who fooled around so that everyone gets a C. Why would you continue to study hard for an A if you are going to get a C every time? You and others stop studying, and pretty soon everyone gets Fs, and everything falls apart.

    lol I'm done with this thread too. Talk to me in game if you want to debate or something
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. You know what stinks? How corporate earnings get taxed twice. Once, when the corporation earns it (which is fine) , but then when the corporation pays said earnings to its owners, the shareholders have to pay a dividend tax. What the crap right? It was already taxed (assuming the company couldn't find loopholes) at one of the highest rates in the developed world, only for more money to come out of the pockets of those who rely on it for income. Also our tax system should be way simpler. No loopholes and shady stuff to where only people in the know get ahead. Sigh the whole system is screwed up. What doesn't need changing?
    God_Of_Gods likes this.
  13. You're right that was dumb.
  14. I totally agree.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  15. Come on, guys, keep the insults away...
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  16. Those poor businesses they actually get taxed more than twice. If I work for one I am also taxed on income I earn by Federal, the State, and the City I live in. If I spend some of what is left over, I pay a sales tax.

    If I buy something like a house, I pay property tax yearly based on its value. A tax isn't always called a tax to hide what it is. If I buy a car I pay a sales tax and yearly Registration fee. My phone bill has a "Federal Access Charge", it has three "Emergency 911 Operational Assessments": this county, the region, and state, "Federal Universal Service Fee", and a "State Access Fund".

    If instead of spending what is left over, I put it the bank and earn interest, I am taxed on the interest.
    If I have any left over when I die that is taxed also. Something a business will never do except metaphorically.

    But then, that business would not exist without the people working there and they and the business depend, at least in part, on some of the things that those taxes pay for.

    Taxes have been around since people have been. We are surrounded by them and the things they are used for. Some of our ancestors paid it to kings. Now we just have more kings and more knowledge of how it is spent.
    Birosquinha and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  17. Ok good, now you can understand
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. Actually, you only pay tax on your estate at death if it exceeds $5.43 million. But you are exactly right and none of it can you actually decide how it's spent. Like nuclear bombs, I don't want to buy those.
    TuckerAmbr, Gawadrolt and Pab10S like this.
  19. Prior to world war 2 income was not taxed whatsoever. Yet, they had roads, schools, fire departments, police departments. In fact police started as the company "private eye" it was privately owned and so successful that they ended up working around the world similar to the CIA.

    Claiming that non-voters are the problem is ridiculous. Especially when all the candidates that have won and are now running are complete garbage, it doesn't matter who wins. The president is decided by super delegates, people that have been put in that position because they will play nice with the banks. So again, it doesn't matter if you vote, it doesn't effect the outcome of a superficial popularity contest.

    I thought this one was pretty funny:

  20. I like how the votes in the poll are evenly split.
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