[Museum] 16500 EMC Museum

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Hashhog, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. The museum is CURRENTLY closed while I update the items. It should be reopened within a couple days. :)
    Tahitan likes this.
  2. Booooo! ;)

    Nah, truth be told I am a little sad that you closed it (more or less cleared the 2nd (or 3rd?) floor) but I can well understand why.

    Hope you'll get things sorted out soonish!
  3. Museum Update #15 - The Reorganized Update

    Part 1 - New Items on Display!
    • There are a ton of new items on display, so I'll just list the highlights!
    • Empire New Years Firework 2015 and new version of the Cupid's Bow have been added!
    • Not Special Dirt finally gets a place in the museum!
    • 2016 New Year Aikar Head and Aikar's Head (birthday edition) added!
    • Blizz Ard's Arm, Blizz Ard's Eye, and new Avalauncher added!
    • All remaining Voters Gear items added, including Voters Fishing Rod!
    Part 2 - Tiny Changes/Bug Fixes
    • All items with multiple versions (such as iron, gold, and diamond) have been consolidated into one regular stand rather than a triple stand in order to save space.
    • 2016 Promo Items floor has been added.
    • The Event Items floor got too crowded, so it has been split into a Super Rare Items floor and Other Event or Award Items floor.
    • Mob heads have been moved to the Mob Drops and Wild Items floor (see spoiler at end of post for a picture of the new layout).
    • Two new spires have been added to the teleport section in order to provide teleports to the Flags/Staff Heads and Gift Shop areas.
    • All former staff heads have been removed and places have been added for all new staff.
    • Residence permission flags have changed! You now only have permission to use buttons, so you can't mess with doors, levers, or other items! Bwahaha!
    • Move and TP flags turned back on. I figured this was kind of an important detail. :p
    Part 3 - Minor Ownership Changes/Loaning Policy
    • Huge thanks to Dufne for donating the Supporter Gift item! It is now on permanent display at the museum.
    • Certain items have been given back to their owners, including Orange Krysyyjane Head and a few others.
    • I'd like to remind all people currently loaning items to the museum (forum list is not up to date in main post; I'll be doing that in a second) that the loaning policy of EMC is very clear that as good as a contract is, should I be banned or have something happen to me, you will not be able to retrieve your items. If this changes your stance on loaning and you would like your item back, please let me know; I completely understand.
    Part 4 - Major Structural Additions
    • Staff heads and Flags have been moved to a separate hallway accessible by the teleports or by staircases on either side of the museum lobby. There is an image of the staff head hallway in the image spoiler at the bottom of this post.
      • Note that this section is not finished–flags are not labelled, and the buttons above the staff heads currently do nothing. This will be changed in a Part 2 update within the next few days.
      • Hallway was designed by myself, if you're wondering.
    • Yes, THERE IS A NEW GIFT SHOP! Unfortunately it has nothing in it at the moment (this will change in the Part 2 update), but you can still check it out! Use the teleport to get there or take the staircase located within the staff heads/flags hallway.
      • Again, staircase and gift shop were designed by myself, though the sandstone pillars on the sides that span across the ceiling (North, South, East, and West sides) are obviously the same as those in the lobby, so credit to AlexChance for that design yet again. :)
      • You can also donate items in the gift shop; the North, West, and East sides have little chests that you can put items in, whereupon they will be sucked down into hoppers. I appreciate any donations greatly! Thanks to ob1bob69 for the redstone that allows for these anti-thieving designs.
    • As a gift for you all having to wait so long, I have installed beacons in the museum, one on each corner. You will now have Jump Boost II and Speed II everywhere on the residence so that you can get around even faster. :)
    Part 5 - Future Plans
    • Yes, I already have things to change. The following changes will be pushed out ASAP, hopefully by this weekend.
      • Add info to staff head buttons.
      • Add signs (and maybe buttons) to label flags.
      • Fix up the original post of this thread with any new info.
      • Add items to gift shop (including promos and a couple of books in the works).
    Thank you all so much for your patience on this update! I know it isn't really a big one, but it took me a lot longer than expected to get this done. I hope you continue to enjoy it. If you'd like to see a few brief pics of some of the changes, check out the spoiler below.
    The newly organized Mob Drops and Wild Items floor.

    One of the donation stands in the gift shop. Thanks to old friend ob1bob69 for designing the redstone that makes these work. When you put items in the chest, the pistons slam down and block anyone else from accessing it, so you're able to donate large quantities of items without worrying about others coming along and grabbing them quick before they all drain into the hoppers.

    One picture of the gift shop. Wolf in one corner, lion in another, moose in a third, and phoenix/eagle in the fourth. I'll let you figure out if they represent anything.

    A picture of the staff head hall (continues around corner).

    Oh, and I forgot to add to the Future Plans part... it's very possible that a secret room is in the making.
    Sachrock, Dufne, SirTah and 4 others like this.
  4. yusss, i foresee a museum visit coming very shortly ^.^

    thx 4 all ur hard work hashhog!
    Hashhog likes this.
  5. Wow Hash, it's certainly looking great! I'm going to have to update new items in my museum soon enough! I can see that you've put a lot of effort into this and the updates are awesome :)
    ShelLuser and Hashhog like this.
  6. what does shell do on his "off" day? visit 16500. It is impressive as always Hashhog. we're currently going over .. well, to be honest I'm not sure on which floor I am right now (time of writing) but I will say that the beacons weren't as intrusive as I first assumed they would be.

    One thing though... your gift shop seems to be donation only, not selling things. I'd love to have had the option to buy a souvenir just now (I know it sounds a bit silly, and I'll also admit / agree that roleplay / funny things like these might probably not appeal to everyone). Still.. yah :)

    Other than that: impressive as always my friend. We still haven't cleared it all (also because we started out new, then ended up looking for that head Aya auctioned off because she feared that she sold off the only one you had, but I proved her wrong). Definitely coming back here soon!
  7. Believe me, it's not really a gift shop until it has things to buy in it. :p The "Part 2" of this update will be coming out within the next few days and will primarily center on updating the gift shop so that it has items, including promos, special books written specifically for this purpose, and eventually (probably not directly in this update) souvenir map art. I just happened to set up the donation areas before the gift shop stands because I already knew how they would function, whereas I hadn't planned out the gift shop stands quite yet.
  8. nuuuu, its closed again. I have to protest Hash; you locked it down without proper warnings? :(

    Why? ;)

    If you can use a hand with some stuff then please let me know, I'd be happy to try and help out. But yeah; I actually visit this place from time to time :p
  9. The gift shop is finally getting its items put in as well as some of the other stuff from that Future Plans list. :) Shouldn't be closed much longer.
    CloverOcean and ShelLuser like this.
  10. Museum Update #16 - The Commercial Titan Update

    Part 1 - New Items on Display!
    • Ender Dragon head added!
    • Squid head added... I admit, this is one of my favorite items in the museum. :rolleyes:
    Part 2 - Miscellaneous Changes
    • Retired staff members removed and all staff members changed to current names.
    • The buttons above each staff member's name now work. They give the rank of the member, when they joined EMC, when they most recently joined their current team, and a link to the wiki page with their bio.
    • Signs added underneath each flag that give what the flag is for, when it was added (approximately), and why it was added (or the assumed reason)
    • All the mob head statues have been given armor matching the color of the mob they represent (see image at bottom of post).
    Part 3 - Structural Changes
    • Carpet added to the gift shop to match the orange theme on the upper floors.
    • Chairs added to the gift shop so that you can rest your poor tired feet.
    • All the red sandstone in the gift shop was changed to regular sandstone because it didn't quite fit with the theme of the museum.
    • The gift shop seemed a bit gloomy so far underground, so I have added a skylight (designed by me). This meant slight changes to the lobby flooring as well. Check out a couple screenshots in the image section below!
    Part 4 - Gift Shop Stock
    • Yes, the gift shop is finally stocked! Here's what is currently available for sale:
      • Hashhog's Head (6500r) - This is my highly desired creepy fish head. Enjoy.
      • Hashhog's Signature (3000r) - This is my official signature book. Note that all my books are signed by me and could be considered signature books; this one is simply special and intended exactly for that purpose.
      • Take 4 (500r) - This is the suprisingly interesting (in my opinion) history of how the 16500 Museum came to be. Though it's also available at the DAWN bookstore, it's cheaper here!
      • 16500 Shield (1300r) - Be a corporate warrior, don the Museum's colors, and grab one of these awesome shields before heading into battle in our name! Designed to look like a ghostly specter rising from an appropriately orange mist, this shield will strike fear into the heart of any enemy.
      • 16500 Rocket (1150r) - Show your support for 16500 by blasting its colors into the sky! Crafted with fine diamonds and carefully selected dyes, this rocket will light up the sky like no other.
      • Dusty (650r) - This cute little bat is as of today the official mascot of the 16500 Museum. Buy him for yourself! I may release a few of these guys into 16500 in the future just for the fun of it. ;)
    • Luckily for you, there are also some upcoming items not added yet!
      • Promonomics - This book will be a basic guide to the custom item economy, discussing how much custom tend to cost and how those prices settle and rise over time.
      • 16500 Map - I would love to have a special map (usable only on SMP8) for the museum, so I'm looking into commissioning one of those at some point.
    Part 5 - Move Flag
    • Move flag is back on. :p
    Part 6 - Future Plans
    • While I don't have any specific plans at the moment, expect an overhaul of the main post of this thread. I intend to update it listing the available items at the gift shop, changing format, etc.
    The new, well-dressed crew on the Mob Drops and Wild Items floor.

    A view of the modified gift shop, complete with the sky light added to give the gift shop a more open feel.

    This view was taken from a high point of the museum and shows the renovated lobby floor, including the top of the sky light.

  11. I haven't seen it yet but I will be sure to check it out!
  12. Very nice museum i really liked it :p
  13. "We'll" be sure to visit again soonish :) I'm even tempted to get two shields to show our support :)
  14. Museum Update #17 - The Move Speedily Update

    Part 1 - Minor Changes
    • The namedtp flag has always been set as true, but I feel I should make a public service announcement about how you can use it to quickly teleport to individual floors from anywhere on SMP8 (via the /v 16500 [TPNAME] command). If you did know about these teleports (each floor being assigned a /v 16500 floor[#] teleport), the order of those numbers has changed slightly and more descriptive teleports have also been added.
      • Promo Items (2013) - promo2013, floor1
      • Promo Items (2014) - promo2014, floor2
      • Promo Items (2015) - promo2015, floor3
      • Promo Items (2016) - promo2016, floor4
      • Super Rare Items - rareitems, floor5
      • Other Event or Award Items - awarditems, eventitems, floor6
      • Mob Drops and Wild Items - mobdrops, floor7
      • Vouchers and Token Items - vouchers, tokenitems, floor8
      • Voters' Gear - votersgear, floor9
      • Starters' Items - startersgear, floor10
      • Staff Heads and EMC Flags - staffheads, flags
      • Gift Shop and Donation Area - giftshop, donations
    • The floor# teleports were chosen by going left to right in order of the physical teleports in the lobby. A few less useful but still randomly interesting teleports have also been added.
      • Museum Roof - roof
      • Inside the chandelier - chandelier
    Part 2 - Minor Fixes
    • Added the item sprite to the item frames of some of the stands that were missing them.
      • All stands with heads now have my head in them; I know this isn't an accurate depiction of how the actual head looks, but it's better than nothing.
      • Added villager eggs to the Enraged Guardian and Enraged Zombie stands
    • Expanded an underground room not accessible to anyone... yet ;)
    Perez2428, FDNY21, Sachrock and 3 others like this.
  15. gladranger7 and Hashhog like this.
  16. Where is 16500?

    Well, res 16500 on SMP8, obviously... But jokes aside, as you can see, 16500 hasn't had some updates in a while, so time for an explanation and where we're going!

    16500 currently has 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 promo floors. The problem? We have no more room and need one for 2017. Thus, I am redoing how I'm showcasing promos. These floors will be consolidated along with the 2017 into a lesser amount that showcases promos not by the calendar year in which they were released but by when they were released within the year (so, for example, one floor might be January through June). This will give a lot more space, as it will allow consolidation of certain items, such as Labor Benches, for which there are lots of similar versions.

    This also means a lot of new items being added, since clearly I haven't added the second half of 2016's items or any released in January of 2017. There are also a few others caught here and there... the new Remote Shop Sign, for example, and somehow a 2015 Veterans Day Rose that escaped being added.

    The staff heads area also needs an update. Look forward to that. :)

    A few features have also been announced as coming soon for a while–this stops now! I'm in the process of writing "The Promo Economy," listed as "Coming Soon" in the gift shop, and the secret area is well underway.

    And, of course, the thread is getting updated. :)

    So, when is all this happening? I'm starting the renovations this week; don't worry, we won't be closing. ;)

    Lastly, I'd like to give a HUGE thank you to ShelLuser for the 500,000r he's donated to the museum. This will definitely be useful in acquiring some rarer items. Thanks so much! :D
  17. Museum Update #18 - The Redesign Update

    Part 1 - Gift Shop Remodel
    • Added two donation chests two gift shop area.
    • Added tavern and auditorium seating in gift shop area.
    • Added new gift shop items:
      • Model museum
      • Fake JustinGuy/IcecreamCow heads
      • New version of my Fancy Signature
    • Gift shop now accessible via an elevator on the lobby's left side
    Part 2 - Other Major Additions
    • Added firework launch area on roof
      • Accessible via teleports by each firework
    • Added Hashhog's office
      • Accessible via a not-so-secret entrance
      • Contains a few special items on display
        • ???????
        • ???????
        • ???????
        • Ancient Skulls?
    • Created 16500 Diamond Award – see below for more information
    Part 3 - Item Additions

    • Due to poor record-keeping, I have not mentioned a number of items that have been added to the Museum over the past few months. These include but are not limited to:
      • Chocolate Egg
      • Carrot Juice
      • Declaration of Independence
      • New versions of I-Day Fireworks
      • 2017 Aikar New Years Head
      • Remote Sign
      • Much more that I'm forgetting
    Part 4 - Major Changes

    • Staff Heads moved to their own floor! Yay!
    • The op of this thread has been COMPLETELY redone.
    • Promotional item floors have now been restructured; rather than being organized by year, they are now organized by month of release. The new floors are:
      • Promotional items: January – June
      • Promotional items: July – October
      • Promotional items: November – December
    Part 5 - Minor Changes
    • The promo and voucher floors have had their descriptions written in a new style. Over time I will transition other items over to this style.
      • Names now mentioned in color in the book.
      • Item descriptions stored in a Google Doc to increase editing speed in the future.
      • Release date added to every item with the new format.
      • A few items are labeled as "16500 Favorites," as a tribute to them and to raise awareness of them. I may do more with this in the future. As of now, this applies to the following items (will likely change somewhat):
        • EMC Treasure Voucher
        • Lucky Bow
        • Magical Eggcellent Wand
        • Independence Boots
        • Declaration of Independence
        • Labor Bench
        • Remembrance Poppy
        • Turkey Slicer
    • Items with several different versions (such as Labor Bench and fireworks) have been placed into single item stands; the display item in the stands' item frame has been renamed to show how many versions are contained within the stand.
    • Namedtp flag turned off temporarily while I restructure and rename residence locations.
    • Beacons turned off and removed due to ugliness.
    • Book of Colors and original Valentine's Gift moved to Super Rare Items floor
    • Voucher and Token items floor renamed to Functional and Token Items floor to accommodate the Remote Shop Sign
    • Side tp's (formerly for flags and staff heads) removed
    • Elevator added to left side of lobby
    • Old entrances to staff head/flags hallway cleared
    Part 6 - Planned Updates
    • Switch of all other item information buttons to new format, with release date and colored name
    • Addition of more 16500 Favorites (and possible removal of others)
    • Two more secret areas are under development (one of them not hard to find, the other much harder)
    • Addition of map art and possibly other items to gift shop
    • Addition of residence locations and reinstatement of the namedtp flag
    The 16500 Diamond Award

    16500 is by all measurements a fully fledged and functional museum with a lot to offer, but there are a lot of other amazing museums out there on the Empire. As of today, July 15th, 2017, I have created the 16500 Diamond Award, an honorary award to recognize excellent museums on EMC of all shapes and sizes.

    Museums are granted the award for being of extremely high quality and additionally bringing something unique to the table or utilizing new techniques, display methods, or physical designs to set themselves apart from others. If you see a museum listed as having won this award, please, go visit it immediately; it's a great experience. These winners can be found listed at the bottom of the op and marked with a picture of the award as shown above.

    To be considered, a museum does not have to be a standard custom item museum; eventually I'd like to grant the award to head museums or perhaps museums of other kinds, once I come across them. If you think your museum is pretty awesome, shoot me a private message with its information. I will place it in the Other Museums section of the op if I deem it suitable, and if EXTREMELY high quality may consider giving it a 16500 Diamond Award.

    Recipients of the 16500 Diamond Award are given an Award Certificate and a decorative trophy head, a diamond model of the 16500 museum.

    I thank all recipients of this award for their dedication to excellence in the world of EMC museums.

    Without further ado, I present the first two recipients of the 16500 Diamond Award:
    • Residence 14006 of SMP7, curated by Mman – When Mman opened his doors, he started a revolution. His original museum (though 14006 does not at all resemble that first creation) was the first largescale rare item collection to be displayed and advertised in the modern method, providing an example to all who wished to own such museums. Today, he continues (in a much nicer, beautiful building) to give knowledge to the EMC community with a well-kept museum, though the rarest items have been removed and are now housed across the Town spawn. Congratulations, Mman.
    • Residence 18200 of SMP9, curated by FDNY21 – 18200 and 16500 share many parallels; both designed by AlexC__, they utilize a "megamall" style of flooring. However, 18200 is significantly earlier in origin, providing a beautiful level of organization in its item display that had not been seen before in a largescale museum. 18200 additionally offers promo sales directly from its museum, has an area to display various heads, and is one of the first (if not the first) museum to have housed specimens from other collections, using a showcase room built into the lobby. 18200 provides an utterly classic museum experience and should not be missed. Congratulations, FDNY21.
    Please, visit these guys and check out their museums; they're awesome.

    Stay tuned for more updates!

    I am also GREATLY in need of an unused Independence Helmet. If you've got one, shoot me a private message. Prices negotiable.
  18. A brilliant update there Hash, a lot of work has been put into that for sure! I too will be working on putting some of the newer promotional items out in 18200 soon. You've gone above and beyond and updated a lot in terms of your layout as well though, which is great!

    I'd also like to thank you for the Diamond Award, it is an honour! I agree that our museums share a lot of parallels, I think they both share items to the public in an efficient way and I think it's awesome that people can come over and view such items whenever they want. The same to Mman's museum as well as many others and I hope to see them join the list in the future too! Congratulations to Mman (and indeed to all future Diamond Award recipients!) :)
    Hashhog and AncientTower like this.
  19. Hi HH,

    Like the new updates... was wondering though, thought you should use some of your duplicate Aikar heads for the Itemframes over Aikar chests instead of your own... just thought it would look better (Not that yours doesnt look ok too... :) )
    Hashhog likes this.
  20. Museum Update #19 - The Cakes and Camis Update

    Part 1 - Item Additions
    • Added 2017 EMC Birthday Cake
    • Added HxCami10's Head
    Part 2 - Changes/Fixes

    • Updated staff heads
      • Added new members
      • Switched ElfinPineapple and Eviltoade to minties
    • Added res locations and turned on namedtp flag
      • Promotional Items (Jan-Jun) - promo1
      • Promotional Items (Jul-Oct) - promo2
      • Promotional Items (Nov-Dec) - promo3
      • Staff Heads - staff, heads, staffheads
      • Super Rare Items - rares
      • Other Event or Award Items - eventitems, awards
      • Mob Drops and Wild Items - mobdrops
      • Functional and Token Items - vouchers, tokenitems
      • Voter's Gear - votersgear, voters
      • Starters' Items - startersitems, starters
      • Gift Shop - basement, giftshop
      • Lobby - lobby
      • Roof - roof, fireworks
    I may, but I don't have enough duplicates to do this for all my special heads, so I'm holding off for now.