Only read the first post, so here goes my try: The Netherlands (or Tunisia if that doesn't count ) Oman Mauritius Vietnam Armenia Nepal Wales Iraq Japan Norway England Nigeria Yay, without cheating, but the last n did take me some time to get.
Dubai isn't a country though (not like I didn't know this until a few weeks ago, but it's apparently a city and a "state"/"province" (or actually an "emirate"))
S... erm... Scandinavia T... this is harder... Transylvania? Turkestan is a place, right? O... oh dear, wait, I got it! Oh Canada N... Nigeria E... England (Had to cheat...) S... Can I say the same thing twice? Yes? Then, Scandinavia K... Krypton? Y... Yin-Yang?
Ehm... Was a bit challenging for me. Peru Iraq Norway Kenya Canada Austria Kuwait Egypt Russia Spain Ethiopia Netherlands Portugal Argentina Iceland
P-Pakistan. I wanted to say Palestine, but that technically isn't a place H-Haiti E-Egypt L-Luxembourg P-Papua New Guinea S-Slovakia
Wales is a country. (Great) Britain is a land mass. The UK is a collection of countries, a kingdom. Each member within the UK is a country of their own right, par northern Ireland which is a province of the UK (but sometimes regardes as a country).
I think your name would be more like this: J apan Oman Slovenia Hungary Russia Oman Canada Kuwait San Marino
Hungary Austria Senegal Haiti Honduras Oman Guinea-Bissau I did not quite enjoy thinking up three that began with H... I almost had to use the "Hash's Republic of Hashland" for the third one until I remembered Honduras... And it slightly disturbs me that "Guinea-Bissau" was the first one to pop to my mind for "G" when I was just in Greece a month ago. Plus who wouldn't think of Greece before Guinea-Bissau? My mind works strangely sometimes...
B- Bolivia L- Libya I- Ireland N- Norway K- Kuwait Y- Yemen B- Brazil I- Indonesia N- Nigeria K- Kazakhstan Y- Yemen