2016 Share the LOVE Valentine Event

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Feb 2, 2016.

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  1. What are your plans for Valentine's Day?
    Going to see a movie with my other single friend and buy all of the cheap candy the next day ;)
    MoeMacZap and AnonReturns like this.
  2. 4) For those that are single/young: What are your plans for Valentine's Day?
    I'll most likely spend it alone (sadly). But if, on the off chance, I do get a date....well then I'd go on that date. Seeing as that's not really a big possibility, I'll just go with the first answer.
  3. 1) What is the nicest thing you could do for your Valentine?
    I would probably take her to a nice, beautiful, and a romantic place. I would also probably dance with her!
  4. Sounds fun! :)
    4) For those that are single/young: Spend the day with family and friends :D
    MoeMacZap likes this.
  5. 1) What is the nicest thing you could do for your Valentine?: Taking her to a paintball water balloon fight place. I don't know if those exist, but I'll make one.
    2) If your life was a Romantic Comedy movie, what would the title be?: We Watch Too Many RomComs.
    3) For those that are married/in a relationship: How did you meet your significant other?: Known each other for a long time, tried it out.
    MoeMacZap and AnonReturns like this.
  6. What is the nicest thing you could do for your Valentine? Take them to a movie.
  7. I'm gonna do the 4th question:
    For Valentines Day, I'll be at Lake Tahoe with my family because every year my parents get together with their closest friends and spend the weekend, and since we have a 4-day weekend, we're gonna be on a nice vacation. I'm probably gonna play a bit of racquetball (which I'm bad at), and start recording music
    AnonReturns likes this.
  8. 4) For those that are single/young: What are your plans for Valentine's Day?

    With only myself to celebrate it, Valentine's Day is just another regular Sunday for me guys. Most likely be cruising - Cause I mean it's the weekend, why not? :pEspecially if it's a beautiful day out, hanging with the Famly. I'll come around and hop on EMC for a few hours just to say hi and get in my usual gaming for the day. Maybe one day I'll finally have that special person that gives me a reason to celebrate Valentine's Day. . . we'll see. It's a long road ahead! ;)
    MoeMacZap likes this.
  9. I'll go for question 4.
    I plan to play minecraft, spend time with my family and learn something.
  10. 3) For those that are married/in a relationship: How did you meet your significant other?

    He was Cisco and Windows Admin at USC Marshall School of Business and I just retired from the Army and worked there too, but as a Computer Lab Supervisor. A friend I would occasionally babysit for worked with my husband and she set us up. Wedding anniversary is 19 Feb
  11. 3) I met my girlfriend by my brother bringing her home after a night of partying. Needless to say I can be very suave when I want to be.
  12. Solo in the Suburbs

    ArkWarrior1 likes this.
  13. Looks fun! I would have to go with question 1) probs take them to a movie...
    Gage9942 and ArkWarrior1 like this.
  14. 4) For those that are single/young
    I'll be at my brother's friend's house, playing (and failing at) an assortment of video games. :D
    khixan and jossytheninja like this.
  15. This sounds amazing! I'll answer all the questions because I love to answer this kind of stuff... Anyways...

    "1) What is the nicest thing you could do for your Valentine?"

    Alright, this is a tough question but the one that took me the most interest... Let's begin...

    What would I do? Well, I would look her in the eyes every morning and tell her she was the most beautiful person in my life (except for maybe David Hasselhoff... The dude is gorgeous and sings really good). I would cook a nice meal everyday for her.
    I would always be there for her and always support her when she needed. And if she feels uncomfortable I will hug her like it was the last time I would see her. I would make everything to make sure her dreams came true. I would simply love her, love her like I had never loved before, love her because she is my best friend, love her because love is simply love... Simply complex.

    "2) If your life was a Romantic Comedy movie, what would the title be?"
    The Clod and the Queen. (She loves calling me a clod... I think. And she hates me when I call her Queen.)

    "3) For those that are married/in a relationship: How did you meet your significant other?"
    We met here on EMC about 2-3 years I think, and we have been best friends ever since.

    " 4) For those that are single/young: What are your plans for Valentine's Day?"
    Well I'm 18 (so I guess you could say I'm young in love since I never really had a girlfriend before,) and she's a bit younger than me, but since she lives way up on Canada and here I am stuck in Brazil... Only thing I'll be doing is wishing we could see each other. But at least I'm gonna send her a package full of goodies. I do hope it gets there in time!
  16. 1) What is the nicest thing you could do for your Valentine?

    Make a batch of homemade chocolate treats. ;)
  17. Such an inspiration! Also who is it if you don't mind me asking?
    mercenaries2009 likes this.
  18. 4) For those that are single/young: What are your plans for Valentine's Day?
    Play on here!
  19. #1) What is the nicest thing you could do for your valentine?

    A little goes a long way :)
    Just a thoughtful card and a flower easily does more than anything else I could do for my significant other.
  20. (I noticed earlier)Im neighbor the the event res!!!!!!!!!!!
    UltiPig likes this.
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