2016 Share the LOVE Valentine Event

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Feb 2, 2016.

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  1. Deadline to receive a box: February 12th at 5 pm EMC time.
    You get to open your box: February 14th after 10 am EMC time.

    Mini-party for opening starts at 9:45 and the chests will remain up until Sun, Feb 21st for any late-to-the-party valentine sharing <3

    This is an event aimed for the nostalgia of days long gone for some of us, and a reminder of something in our normal lives for those that are a bit younger. Ever remember your teacher having you decorate a box for your classmates to put valentine's day cards and goodies into? Well that's what we are going to do, except the boxes are already made for you, so all that's left is to claim them and fill them up with goodies/cards (books).

    There are 324 'boxes' on the residence. However, we'll start with the first 100 and go up as more and more players claim them. If we need more than 324, we can make that happen, so don't worry.

    In order to enter and receive your own Valentine's Day Card Box, please post on this thread the answer to one/all of the following questions before the deadline. Your name will be pink once your chest is added. You will be assigned the next number in the series and the access sign will be placed so that people can begin filling your chest with V-DAY goodies. If a chest gets full, please let Krysyy know so she can add another. We don't want to put a limit on love sharing, but PLEASE don't fill the chests with junk on purpose and no alts allowed. This is about Sharing Love, not hoarding it.

    In addition, Krysyy will visit each of the chests and drop in a special valentine's day signature card (book) for all participants to have and cherish for the rest of their days :p

    Questions to choose from:
    1) What is the nicest thing you could do for your Valentine?
    2) If your life was a Romantic Comedy movie, what would the title be?
    3) For those that are married/in a relationship: How did you meet your significant other?
    4) For those that are single/young: What are your plans for Valentine's Day?

    Share the LOVE at /v love on smp8!

    1. PeculiarPotato
    2. ThaKloned
    3. TheDarkModRises
    4. ElmofiedBaby
    5. xXBuffa1oXx
    6. BenMA
    7. SteveClasher
    8. Skeletin007
    9. ChumMiner
    10. DrMadFate
    11. poofasaurus
    12. PlasmaBanana
    13. Faithcaster
    14. omarsgifford14
    15. NetherSpecter
    16. tuqueque
    17. charlie_boi
    18. Gage9942
    19. b0bbythebuild3r
    20. DJ__Krazy
    21. SavageKyle
    22. fallibleelf131
    23. RaiinNL
    24. 2_Kawaii_to_Live
    25. Runningrhino
    26. bralukwie
    27. PheonixAffinity
    28. robbi_j
    29. Redstonebosss
    30. ChristheHylian
    31. luckycordel
    32. MissFable
    33. Zion_Moyer
    34. EnderMagic1
    35. DragonRock13
    36. theaustinx
    37. Rhythmically
    38. HxCami10
    39. WitherDoggie
    40. moneyblower6
    41. Birosquinha
    42. SkareCBoi
    43. iGayBoi
    44. ThisIsShyguy
    45. ArkWarrior1
    46. Roslyn
    47. AnimalGirl120
    48. ESSELEM
    49. pinkqueen95
    50. ocarinaDP
    51. Qkazoochan
    52. GeneralWillikers
    53. jossytheninja
    54. Krysyy
    55. FunGem
    56. SuperKatt_HD
    57. Wolf_King_the1st
    58. bunni6
    59. Parkerjv
    60. EmoryCrafts
    61. xHaro_Der
    62. WayneKramer
    63. TrapThem
    64. Keliris
    65. ElfinPineapple
    66. Merek_Shadower
    67. Kittensse
    68. samsimx
    69. kevdudeman
    70. _Devil__
    71. Davinchicken
    72. JarrettLTenney
    73. tonia
    74. Goldfish_Cannon
    75. TromboneSteve
    76. ReversedTARDIS
    77. Shadow_dcord
    78. Dr_Chocolate14
    79. MustangLover25
    80. neonkillah
    81. LovelyBrookie
    82. Vardalaka
    83. neffykitty
    84. Olaf_C
    85. TechNinja_42
    86. Luckygreenbird
    87. StoneSky
    88. FoxyRavenger
    89. khixan
    90. PenguinDJ
    91. SirTah
    92. ZoraFay
    93. Blondekid42
    94. TBird1128
    95. iamcavie
    96. UltiPig
    97. tnt_creeper64
    98. Chizmaro
    99. VictorianFleur
    100. TechCode12

  2. 101. LadyJaye
    102. Olga
    103. SteamboatWillie
    104. 6thDoctorWho
    105. Nickblockmaster
    106. Evesthery
    107. Czarina_Julie
    108. bitemenow15
    109. JoFliskberg
    110. LtCaptainMe
    111. Rhythmicaly
    112. mercenaries2009
    113. Eviltoade
    114. 2_Sugoi_to_Die
    115. TsuriNeko
    116. Aeroflyre
    117. Salmon_Cannon
    118. Hashhog
    119. Empire_Rule
    120. JVEnraged
    121. Ethy202
    122. dshadowx1
    123. HennessyVenomG
    124. CallMeTower
    125. mykenagrace
    126. DeathPunchKitty
    127. GeistKitsune
    128. Twinkett
    129. NickkG
    130. Jinkers
    131. Mman
    132. RealTomsmasher
    133. Alyattayla
    134. Agent_Notch
    135. Kephras
    136. Dj__Pepe
    137. Aphaea
    138. fBuilderS
    139. BanditLM
    140. Arystina
    141. HannahEB
    142. Crazy_TJ
    143. iCrazyEvestar
    144. Jadzia14Forever
    145. Kyzoy
    146. Allicanto
    147. ShrinkingMatt
    148. AnonReturns
    149. Twitch1
    150. DayHum
    151. L1K34K1NG
    152. AlicetheFox
    153. FDNY21
    154. crafter31211
    155. Abele
    156. Zarembo1
    157. battmeghs
    158. PowerLily69
    159. SoundlessVoice
    160. Philter23
    161. ItsMeWolffpack
    162. nltimv
    163. cj12115
    164. God_of_Gods
    165. DarkSniper2000
    166. Dramanya
    167. WapaMoli
    168. mehtryx
    169. Seanawesome14
    170. gladranger7
    171. padde73
    172. crystaldragon13
    173. MoeMacZap
    174. Shop_Ko
    175. killerwolfgirl
    176. Sachrock
    177, TallestJawa
    178. TotoStyle
    179. Rosy2696
    180. Call_Me_Jack2
    181. Casualist
    182. DatzMine
    183. LeoV
    184. Scarmanzer
    185. WeezerNL
    186. geewhizz222
    187. Jelle68
    188. highlancer54
    189. Lone_Wolf_Gamer
    190. MaglorYavetil
    191. GameBoy999
    192. EvKem
    193. friendypig
    194. EQuiPeX
    195. Sweetcutey
    196. Little_Pixel_Pig
    197. Chascarrillo
    198. Harp4Christ
    199. joe_the_gamer_
    200. Domitianvs

  3. 201. Jennypoo10
    202. MercenaryCrow
    203. candypopniki
    204. 8comimi
    205. jewel_king
    206. ArchDukeMelon
    207. QuarterShop
    208. BearJedi
    209. KillerGamez101
    210. Amora65
    211. AsternFlyer624
    212. taeila
    213. JediKittySC
    214. AmyLeePlayz
    215. candiapple8
    216. skyrimed
    217. KatieKittyWitch
    218. Miss_Peevle
    219. ChickenDice
    220. NathanRP
    221. CuteEmoWolf
    222. WolfInAction
    223. LonnyStriker
    224. Tiger991
    225. RoseWolfie
    226. alpharaiden
    227. _Shadow_Fox_
    228. DWmom
    229. thatsillyjohnkid
    230. cowland123
    231. Chicken_Kid
    232. willies952002
    233. Carconductor
    234. mama_lofu
    235. -EMPTY-
    236. erai1210
    237. MrGraywolf
    238. ChristopherJay
    239. heathermarie
    240. AussieZaid
    241. NatureGoddess777
    242. Wanderton
    243. WyntyrRaevyn
    244. PetuniaFigtree
    245. MCSaw
    246. Gawadrolt
    247. AinsleyBear
    248. SupaLily
    249. FrozenForger
    250. RedCraft85
    251. MuffinSenpai
    252. ItsMasterCake
    253. 8104SAM
    254. alphawiz1
    255. SaphireMoon11
    256. Grisillo
    257. NISMO_370z
    258. Danizaurs
    259. IsMachineMaster
    260. Darkness656565
    261. jjp360
    262. RaYzAmi
    263. PipInAction
    264. Sweetpea490
    265. theglowstonegirl
    266. yoko1006
    267. Jesse592
    268. BaadGamer
    269. Sparticals
    270. HeidiBug21
    271. AmBox
    272. oceanshoreline
    273. ElfinCarrot
    274. Dreacon78
    275. Zane_Darkkins
    276. CeDerPoint
    277. iGittanotheHorze
    278. DancingFire28
    279. Zelock
    280. OddGamerOut
    281. JNightwind
    282. 607
    283. caleb_moyer
    284. vartanian2000
    285. SlvrBuildsBlocks
    286. AMahanes
    287. XxEmily_LeexX
    288. NexusRend
    289. coin2012a
    290. clacton_man
    291. fullmetalphoebe
    292. samtheboo
    293. CowMan18
    294. KaliaLlama
    295. So_Inferno
    296. q1zx
    297. TheEduarson26
    298. SeattleScott
    299. DrawingJust4Fun
    300. BreezyMan

  4. 301. BrizeeMC
    302. plamencia
    303. Gadevoir
    304. Jellyfish_Cannon
    305. rebecca9415
    306. supitsmegan
    307. Ascher_Malachi
    308. JPGamerz
    309. Lorice
    310. EllieBlues
    311. SkaterBoi86
    312. nutriciousbudha
    313. ShadowGiratine
    314. MatthewDA
    315. Theravenite
    316. AnimusTheScholar
    317. Brooke1965
    318. SoulPunisher
    319. Cyberazaz101
    320. cul1002
    321. N4mberz
    322. XxGreenPandasxX
    323. PumpkinOreos
    324. Petero555
    325. PineappleGem
    326. nosnhojhtiek
    327. LexiBret59
    328. BretLexi95
    329. MLG_Potato_King
    330. redneckcrazy120
    331. BeIIa
    332. OriginalScuf
    333. Ziemer2
    334. NatureRabbit
    335. ThePerfectAsian
    336. MJ_03
    337. ItsKarateKat
    338. rainisawesome16
    339. xXBOOM0918Xx
    340. schanaman10
    341. Acemox2k
    342. TamTamV
    343. endermanhunter1
    345. SkatingLejend15
    346. Monkeyrancher
    347. BurgerKnight
    348. Vansengard
    349. xPastelle
    350. RandomZh
    351. XendorDawnburst
    352. SabrinaCheetah
    353. IAmGodzChild2
    354. Nitro014
    355. BayouBird
    356. YoBenji
    357. SUPERI0N
    358. Apcmagician
    359. TheBKLounge97
    360. ru42lines
    361. she_wolf9178
    362. Hiro_H
    363. CDJS
    364. Trucker1
    365. _itsmewolfpack5d
    366. DancingFire28
    367. SirGold_
    368. rainisawesome16
    369. BrightSMC
    370. Matthew94544
    371. Uber_Corq
    372. PhoenixAngel
    373. lucklloyd90
    374. SpiritTigerJ
    375. MrsWishes
    376. CatLady808
    377. MarcoFLC
    378. EquableHook

    379. jhtk01
    380. BEK11
  5. Reserved for expansion
  6. Yay! First :p Bragging rights (Anything above me doesn't count :))
  7. 4) For those that are single/young: What are your plans for Valentine's Day? EMC and Walking Dead. :)
  8. Woo. It wasnt a coincidence that the residence was on smp8. :rolleyes: (Theres too many marriages XD)

    1) What is the nicest thing you could do for your Valentine? I would give her a box of chocolate strawberries.. :D
  9. 3) For those that are married/in a relationship: How did you meet your significant other?

    well I walked into work one day and saw a new girl behind the counter. She had jet black hair and green eyes. I knew right then that she was the one for me.
  10. 4) For those that are single/young: What are your plans for Valentine's Day?

    Stay at home :3
    commander_JS likes this.
  11. Second! (I think)
    EDIT: Fourth, dang it.

    If I ever had a Valentine, I'd give take her to Charcoal Kabob (that place is really good :D)
  12. Nice!
    I met my significant other on a bus :p
  13. I'll answer number three. I met my wife while helping her friend move into a new apartment. Many nights of Mario Kart later, we were dating.
  14. 1) What is the nicest thing you could do for your Valentine?

    Take her to dinner, and have a lovely dance. :p

    EDIT: Buy her a big box of chocolates too.
  15. Ninja'd 4 times.

    and for question 4 : Live a normal day of winter, cold and full of homeworks. #gradesfirst
  16. I would definitely give my valentine the best thing anyone could give, serenades :D
  17. 1. A nice set of earrings or other jewelry.
    2. When the Music Goes On Too Long
    3. We met in college.
    4. I'm not young. ha ha ha
  18. what do i do i dont get it
    MustangLover25 and gladranger7 like this.
  19. 4) For those that are single/young: What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Sit at home an play minecraft an eat pizza mmm pizza oh an also drink coffee lots an lots of coffee.
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