That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. hashtag geoff ramsey
  2. That moment when you go through old chests and the crafting table that you always saw and didn't care about was actually a Labor Bench from 2013... :eek:
  3. That momenthe when you find diamonds and fall in lava.
  4. That moment when you and your friend fall into a 1 block wide space at waste and can't get out
  5. sometimes i feel bad liking these... i promise it means empathy, not HAR HAR HAR...
  6. that moment when you lose your stuff fighting a marlix... and when you're going to your deathpoint a blizzard spawns so you can't get to your stuff without DYING SIX FREAKING TIMES...

    sidebar, there's a marlix AND a blizzard hanging out in the top right hand of the swamp north west of the northwest spawn point... go nuts.... i'm going back to my playstation for a bit...screw you, minecraft...
    TromboneSteve and Rhythmically like this.
  7. That moment when you go to welcome a new player but you're in residence chat.
  8. This happens way more than I want to admit when it comes to messaging people, I always seem to be in residence chat... :p
    tuqueque and TromboneSteve like this.
  9. When you find a Blizz Ard super close to spawn, but die a few seconds after you find it.
    When you get a Avalauncher drop off of your 2nd Blizz and you bought one for 10,000 tokens a few hours before.
    When you have duplicate drops.
    When you have an Ore Buster, but want a Flaming a Mob Launcher.
    TromboneSteve and welshficwitch like this.
  10. it's worse when there's someone on your res... because then someone KNOWS you messed up... and you look like a fool... A FOOL, I TELL THEE!
    tuqueque, TromboneSteve and FDNY21 like this.
  11. That's so true, it's even worse when that happens, and when you accidentally /tell something to someone else too! xD
  12. When you find two full-health Blizz Ards in the protected spawn only to find a marlix after that. :rolleyes:

    Edit: Another blizz ard just spawned! :eek: I'm a mini-boss magnet today :eek:
    TromboneSteve and Rhythmically like this.
  13. at least no one has done that schoolyard thing of messaging me "omg how annoying is welshie...she's PMing me at the moment and won't shut up..."
    TromboneSteve and FDNY21 like this.
  14. And you hope you haven't done a similar thing to anybody else either! :p
    TromboneSteve likes this.
  15. That moment you kill your first Momentus and now that's all you want to do.
    TromboneSteve and welshficwitch like this.
  16. if you're smp6, there's one in the swamp to the north west of the north west spawn...

    there's a marlix nearby too...

    and there was a blizzard, been avoiding him too... [edit: 2...2 blizzards.. ah ah ah...]

    seriously, can someone come kill these [censored for welshie's opinion of mean giant mobs] for me?
    607 and TromboneSteve like this.
  17. That moment when you're ore buster breaks...

    That moment when you think Rythmicaly is Qwerty189 but it's actually Dufne who goes along with it anyways and the real Qwerty189 is Rythmically who tells me the day later...
  18. That moment when all the squids in a ocean monument spawn outside the area so the guardians only go after you...
  19. :]
    cowland123, 607, tuqueque and 3 others like this.
  20. Haha, I like dumping crap on people's res's too.
    ShelLuser likes this.