[Closed] Help with some desktop choosing :/

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShyguytheGamer1, Dec 29, 2015.

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  1. Hey guys,

    Not all too sure about what section this thread goes in...oh well :p

    Yesterday I got some startling news, which mostly involves being Scrooge McDuck over 2016 until Christmas of 2016 where I can raise up 600 dollars and choose my own desktop. Now I do want to save up an extra 200 for a monitor of my own and a desk from Ikea (Yes there is one on long island). So in total of 800 dollars. And I can save up gift cards and checks and tender money. All US currency of course.

    Now, the question is. What desktop should I get? Well here are the specifics:

    • Made by any company
    • Has to be 600 dollars USD, or below
    • Gaming Desktop (Most Important)
    • Buildable (I can build the PC if I want)
    • Can be light up or just plain, I don't care as long as it works ;)
    • Must be from a store and not an online store.
    • Windows 10 compatible
    I was told that I can build my own PC with the case and other goodies to shove into it. So just give me the necessary parts of a computer, and I was even told on top on the 600 dollars PLUS of my savings my brother would put in an additional 600 dollars on it, so everyone, search both Best Buy and Micro center, And make it as beast as possible (Maybe add some green LEDs into the mix as well ^.^)

    Now why is this in community discussions? This can be used for other people wanting to choose a desktop of their own. So this can really benefit the others in need of help in choosing a desktop.
    Also when you post a comment of desktop, give me specifics of the entire desktop( I prefer copy and paste) and a link to the desktop itself. Thank you,

    Amount Collected:
    commander_JS likes this.
  2. Building it yourself is the way to go. But if you aren't willing to shop online.. your $600-$800 won't get you as far.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. Yeah, well it was the deal my brother gave to me, it is what I might be only getting, I might even get more :p

    I'll change the OP if the pricing changes any time soon. Until then, 600 or less. Sorry. Also I just need a base computer, then I can build it from there.
  4. Like haro said if you dont build it your self then you wont really be able to run that many games above low settings
  5. Fixed up OP a bit :p
  6. That isn't what I said. I almost always regard buying a pre-built computer as being a horrible value for your money, and it's the worst thing you can do for yourself since the value can sometimes be worse than 50%. I said that if you aren't open to shopping online at places like Newegg, your options will be limited. Microcenter is the only half decent real store option, but their prices apart from motherboards and CPUs are not the best at all.
  7. Just saw you wanted an SSD..

    I don't think you're going to be able to cut an SSD with $600-800 by only shopping in real stores. Is there any way you can shop online?
  8. Well I can ask, but I think the post office hates me from 99Gamers :p
  9. I doubt the post office is that bad. They're generally the most reliable link in the chain when it comes to sending and receiving mail. If you didn't get something that you expected to, it's probably because of a crappy delivery company like DHL.
  10. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

    CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($189.99 @ Best Buy)
    Motherboard: MSI H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($47.98 @ Newegg)
    Memory: G.Skill Ares Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-2400 Memory ($29.99 @ Newegg)
    Storage: Crucial BX200 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($64.99 @ Amazon)
    Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB STRIX Video Card ($139.99 @ Amazon)
    Case: NZXT Source 210 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case ($76.85 @ Amazon)
    Power Supply: EVGA 600B 600W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($39.99 @ Amazon)
    Total: $593.54
    Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
    Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-12-29 17:39 EST-0500
    TomvanWijnen and Shyguy_1 like this.
  11. Real life stores only :\
  12. That is almost impossible.. we dont know the places that are around him that carry computer parts. especially one of each computer part.
  13. I bought most of my PC parts on amazon or at Frys electronics
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq_jkUVgrc0
  15. OP states that he's from Long Island, where there are several Microcenters. That is the only real life store anyways now except for Fry's which is western US, since TigerDirect has essentially admitted defeat at this point.
    Shyguy_1 likes this.
  16. This is why long island has Micro Center :D

    Ninja'd again
  17. Shyguy_1 likes this.
  18. Looks good, apart from the case, you might want to spend a little less on a case for a budget like this. "Apart from that", it seems really good! :)

    By the way, holy balls, I didn't know memory was this cheap nowadays... (in the US)
  19. Oh.. Didn't see that.. ill try to make a build on microcenter
  20. Just an example. Not to mention most of this stuff might be through FedEx so you never honestly know
    You got no idea...
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