Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Servers went down!
    Please fix asap :D
  2. ...aaaaannnd we're back.
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  3. #ChinBrokeIt
  4. No it appears Yanii was mining again and hit a wire. She's being held for questioning now.
    fBuilderS, DrMadFate and YaniiMarie like this.
  5. I can neither confirm nor deny these accusations.
  6. Not again... :confused:
    YaniiMarie likes this.
  7. I'm assuming this is the appropriate place to post this .....if not, my apologies.

    While out hunting Super Turkeys, and gathering Obsidian for my Shop, I have come across some tell-tale signs that there are some people who are using X-Ray on the Empire Server(s). I play on SMP 3, and spend 99% of my time there. While using the /waste command to spawn randomly there, I have not ventured far from the Spawn points, as I have been chasing the elusive Turkey using the hints given. The assumption made here is that this is happening on every one of the Empire Servers ....and probably by the same people crossing Servers.

    While chasing said Turkey, I've also been collecting Obby, because the chase seems to land me in the bowels of the Waste, where strip mining seems most prevalent. It is here where I have come across MUCH tell-tale signs that there are X-Ray diggers playing, and I find that to be rather sad.

    What are the tell-tale signs? How about digging straight down? There are many cobble filled 1 block holes. Maybe this is upwards digging .....but when you get to the bottom (Bedrock), the trails leading from these single block holes are extremely telling of a person using X-Ray. How you ask? Find one of these holes, and follow it. The digging pattern is NOT linear, Ores are exposed and not collected, and these single fingers radiating from the 1 block holes end abruptly. In my experience, it is clearly X-Ray digging.

    My experience in the last week of hunting says that these tunnels are at pretty much all of the Waste spawns, and many are located within 100 blks of them. The reason for this post is 2 fold ..... 1) to make the Staff aware of this issue (as I know it can mess with the nature of the Economy etc.) as they can also identify those who are doing it , and 2) to put those who choose to cheat this way on notice ...should you be one of those people, and happen to be reading this, STOP IT NOW ! There are many other ways to get Diamonds .....and Diamonds aren't the only thing that matter here !! Why not try putting forth a bit of effort an hour's time, you could find a stack of them, if you wanted without cheating.

    Should any Staff member wish to see one of these tell-tale instances, contact me when you see me on SMP3, and I'd be happy to lead you to, in my opinion, a clear example of what X-Ray digging looks like. Thank you for your time {steps down off Soap Box}
    DatFoxMan and LtCaptainMe like this.
  8. Could you post a few screenshots of the described mining areas?
  9. Please do not use this thread to report things like that, and ultimately 'signs of xray' won't help us find anyone.

    We have to catch players in the act.
    chickeneer likes this.
  10. Thank you very much for mentioning this. As you likely know, this is an offense which results in a permanent ban if caught. Naturally we can not view what each player has installed on their individual clients, but if we physically observe those tell-tale signs (while vanished); this will result in a ban.

    Your post does tell me that we (myself as a developer and senior staff), need to re-evaluate our frequency of our patrolling process. Of course we do not reveal the entirety of our staff methods of investigation to avoid exploit/by-passing our methods. But I will be further investigating improvements to our existing cheat detection methods.

    I will definitely be looking at specifically methods which encourage neutral observations/tracking by the system. I want to minimize unnecessary vanished observations by our senior staff. Not only can it be a waste of our time, but can seem as almost an infringement of privacy. I know it is uncomfortable to think about someone could literally be watching me play this game at any/all the time. We want our illegal mods investigations to be treated the same way the senior staff investigate private chat. That policy is to only investigate if there is a report or in the process of investigating an issue. Catch all the cheaters without actually watching them at all times.
  11. SMP7 keeps crashing.....
  12. Just about every server now is having some serious TPS lag and rubber banding. / commands are delayed as well.

    Maybe related to the reset?
  13. Definitely caused by the reset. We're all done now.
    AbstractToast9 likes this.
  14. Thanks for the reply!! It is all better on my/ our end now too!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  15. *Strange Villager Thing*

    Just now went through my villagers again, see if I could get rid of some resources to get some ems for books. ^_^
    One of my librarians suddenly only offers the first and last available trades. So, the paper/em and the last book before nametags are available (It's smite V fyi). I have no idea what happened, but everything in between is just missing. It's only that one villager. Is that just a thing that happens?

    Any assistance/insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    HannahEB likes this.
  16. Nevermind. I'm an idiot. :D
  17. I can't log in to the server, it gave an error about contacting login servers - I'm not the only one having this issue

    :D Multiplayer servers are down atm

    And they are now slowly coming back online :D
    FDNY21 likes this.
  19. Yes, annoying. i think mojang login servers are down.
    Clicked at the link above me, after posting this. that site say everything up. But still cannot login.

    Yup, Mojang is down. :(
  20. The authentication servers are currently down for maintenance.