Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. I was able to log in, should be all good.
  2. I just got on. I didn't do anything but wait and refresh :)
  3. i still cant get on
  4. Definitely Mojang issue. When has these spurts of issues. People will randomly be able to connect. It will be very sporadic until becoming completely stable.
    Tuqueque and ShelLuser like this.
  5. Can confirm - Login problems here as well.

    Multiplayer session service

    This service is down! We are doing our very best to resolve the issue as soon as possible

  6. I really don't get this...
    Seanawesome14 likes this.
  7. Its EMC Side, may be a Bungee Problem, after the login servers go down, then they always have issues after they come back up, as if it is not updating on the server side.
    Tahitan likes this.
  8. This is still going on? I see people in game on the live map, but I still can log on?

  9. My site has a more-thorough checking system than mojang's and xpaw

    Mutli-Player session keeps going between unstable and warning

    Right as I uploaded this, textures became unstable
    cadgamer101, PenguinDJ, _Ulti and 3 others like this.
  10. I wanted to get one and play EMC since it has been a while, but I can't connect either...
    sam3984 likes this.
  11. Can players still not get on? I still cant.
  12. I'm getting the same Login Servers error message, and Mojang is reporting all of their servers as healthy at the moment. I suspect EMC will need to restart something on their end to get things back up.
    _Ulti likes this.
  13. I was finally able to log in, but it seems the problem is sill ongoing as the number of online players is slowly dwindling (currently only 4 left standing on smp4).
  14. some how when i was refreshing it went from 80/1000 to 81/1000 :p
  15. Well, I also got issues. Can't log on and while messing with a single play (hardcore, kinda cool) I also noticed an insane amount of lag and block lag. I wonder if that's related (seems unlikely, but it is a strange coincedence).

    Must. get. online. Need. ma. blocks :D
  16. I think we'll have to wait for Aikar on this one. Multi-servers are fine. EMC can't connect.
  17. i cant get on either
    WolfInAction likes this.