When will EMC start following the EULA?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by C0ldZer0, Dec 3, 2015.

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  1. This is what everyone has been saying to Mojang back last year when it was a big deal. It's been expressed to them that it'd be essentially ruining multiplayer but they've always stuck to their stubborn consensus. Though they haven't shown it, I do think they understand what they'd be doing by enforcing it and that's why they aren't.
    ElmofiedBoby likes this.
  2. I really dont know what is pay to win ?? the extra few rupees given to diamond over regular is almost nil. You could make and get and do just as many things as a non supporter as diamond supporters do.
  3. Servers like Hypixel or hive do have ranks, but all the perks from them are cosmetic only, I have MVP+ on hypixel but I get no ingame advantage over regular players.
  4. He wasn't claiming that we have 'say', he was just asking for more information about Starlis' stance on the situation; not influencing it but just asking for it.
  5. Any ingame advantage, which Mojang have already ruled any amount of currency counts, is not allowed. Cosmetics only.
    C0ldZer0 likes this.
  6. That supporters get 4-13x daily rupees+discounts on staff service.
    Salpai and TheDarkModRises like this.
  7. All of these perks, according to the EULA, are invalid.
  8. The Supporter Forums isn't invalid, that's outside of reach for the eula
  9. My bad, minus that one.
  10. .... just don't take our emc away?
  11. Personally I couldn't care less about the EULA. I like playing on EMC, I think it has a fair balance of free vs paying perks, and to be blunt, no one is making anyone play here if they don't like it.

    I believe the owners/managers deserve to be compensated in real money for keeping EMC up and running and to pay for operating expenses. By having a few paid for perks, those bills get paid. I think changing the perks to donators could damage EMC. If not enough people donate, the server will go away.

    Why mess with something that is working? I think it is incredibly hard to keep something like this going so why make it any harder? Why not show a little gratitude instead of complaining about perks?

    I don't think EMC should change unless they get a notification from Minecraft that they have to.
  12. First of all: the EULA wasn't changed. Not at all. Mojang tried to give a different meaning to it but if you paid attention to the last date of change... It is now...

    Second: the EULA is shakey at best. Just because Mojang wants to give this a different meaning doesn't mean it has one. Ask a lawyer, I somewhat did. You can make shiskabab from the EULA where legal stance is concerned.

    Third: EMC doesn't do "pay 2 win". What you get from payment is purely cosmetic.

    So yah; this is really a non-issue.
    MrsWishes likes this.
  13. False.
    • Automatic Rupees - Automatically receive your daily rupees each day!
    • Global Town Chat - Chat in Town even when in the wild!
    • Supporter Chat - Private GLOBAL channel only for supporters!
    • Senior Staff Discounts - Receive 25% off SS Services
    • Supporter Server Utopia Access [Learn More]
      » Access to the Frontier/Wastelands
      » HUGE 120x120 Residences!
      » Able to fly in Town - Build with ease!
      » Always daylight, with no fall or hunger damage!
      » SOON: Boosted Custom Mobs Spawn Rates
    • 1300 Rupees Bonus - Receive more money per day!
    • 4 Residences - Have multiple homes on different servers!
    • 5 Base Stables - Increased room to store your Horses!
  14. So please explain to me how I win this game?

    What counts for winning? You cannot answer that because there is nothing to win.
  15. Normal players can get supporter vouchers so technically EMC does follow the EULA right?
    HxCami10 and Seanawesome14 like this.
  16. The EULA state does not say pay to win lol. It says pay for any gameplay advantage, which they have elaborated on in numerous sources stating any currency gain in specific is not allowed through payment. Anything non-cosmetic would be violating the terms.
    ShelLuser and PenguinDJ like this.
  17. Heres an example: I get a Utopia plot as supporter. A utopia plot is 4 regular plots big. Therefore a regular player either has to get 4 accounts to get 4 regular size plots or donate to get the same plot to compete. Thus being a supporter in sake of having a utopia plot equals a win.
  18. When did I complain? I was really just seeing what the community opinion is about this.
    SkareCboi likes this.
  19. "Donations for something in return" is a concept that emerged many years ago and has basically been ruled out at this point as counting as paying for something in court, at least that's how it turned out in a case of Jagex vs a RuneScape private server that tried to claim they were only giving things away in exchange for generosity of donations.
    Roslyn likes this.
  20. Um, getting free rupees, discounts, more room to build shops, etc. isn't pay to win? It definitely is.
    Roslyn likes this.
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