My apology to the Empire

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by iiCory, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. But you didn't need to get that serious on a joking thread.
  2. I don't think so. I was referring to the less... medically correct(?) definition, mainly when people over-react to a small thing that's off just a little bit. I know that's not what OCD is, but it's what a large part of the internet community mistakes it to be.

    I did suffer from OCD myself a few years ago and it got to the point last year where it was detrimental to my ability to read fluently and perform other simple tasks, so I know how bad it can be... Not to say I had it that bad. Even in my own mind I'm confident that compared to other people my life could have been considered great.

    I don't consider OCD a light subject or a joke, so I'm truly sorry if my post appeared that way. It was not my intention.

    607 and UltiPig like this.
  3. OCD is not a joke, even if you think to believe it is, it never will be
  4. But this thread is, OCD wasn't even the main topic.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  5. You probably already know this, but it is pretty commonly used to refer to less obsessive behavior. I think unless you avoid forums and social media you may have a lot of harrumphing and tut-tutting in your future.
  6. I realize it could have offended some people so I removed that part of my post. Even if this is a "joke thread" I'm happy that I was told that my post could have been hurtful to some. I don't consider it an over-reaction at all.
  7. thanks for deleting it, i appreciate it
  8. Hm. I think I see what you mean. :p
  9. DeathPunchKitty likes this.
  10. Hmm, maybe Aikar has secretly made some space for yet another cool feature? ;)

    Or it was an elaborate trick to see if we'd notice all this 8)