[Giveaway] Giveaway of Idiotic Proportions!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ThaKloned, Sep 29, 2015.

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  1. I will enter, sorry to hear about that. My biggest mistake was when i was about 200 days or so on emc and i mistakenly deleted my res when trying to reset the flags and lost a lot of items. Lost about 25 horses that meant a lot to me like my first horse ever on emc (not a starter horse as when i first joined it wasn't out yet), my first ever promo (Lucky Bow) and a few other promos and a little over a stack of diamond blocks. I was so close to quitting emc for good because of my stupid action and not reading the warning before but i stayed because i had friends on here that helped me pull through and thats why i love emc. The community is just the absolute best and i love each and every player <3

    Edit : I also have another HUGE fail but i know you can only submit one so if you wanna know what it is just send a pm or something lol
    Birosquinha and ThaKloned like this.
  2. I've quitted many games for much less than this. Heck, I've quitted other MC servers for losing much less than this.
  3. I'll enter, my biggest mistake was throwing away a "Tales of Eternia" book before I knew what it was about
    golddigger221 and Doofni like this.
  4. Throw it away? Like, on the floor?
    BlinkyBinky and ThaKloned like this.
  5. Updated the prizes on the main post:


    1st Place
    Marlix Helmet
    Enraged Gaurdian Egg
    Enraged Zombie Egg
    3 Stacks of Iron Blocks

    2nd Place
    Dramanya Head
    Enraged Gaurdian Egg
    Enraged Zombie Egg
    2 Freedom Steaks
    2 Stacks of Iron Blocks

    3rd Place
    Magical Eggcellent Wand
    Enraged Gaurdian Egg
    Enraged Zombie Egg
    2 Freedom Steaks
    1 Stack of Iron Blocks

    Bonus: Best Fail Job
    50,000 Rupees
    2015 Labour Day Bench

    All items are view-able at Utopia /v 5775@pickup

    Just under 6 days to get in. Make sure to get post before Midnight on October 31st to get it. Remember a simple post enters you for the main draw (3 Winners) AND a good fail job story enters you for the bonus draw. If you've already posted but did not include a story and want to, then just edit your post. Once the draw is over I will go through each post and with possible help from someone, we will pick a winner. (Just so it's all fair I will prob keep out of picking that :p ) Random.org will be used to draw the 3 other names.

  6. My biggest fail happend when I was 5 years old and saw someone on the street, so I felt like being a bad boy so I shouted something kid like (Don't remember what) and ran towards the open door to my house...Instead of running through the door in to the house I tripped and flew with my head first in to the house wall and got a big bump on my head and cryed all day.
    That's one of many fails in my life! Hope you enjoyed reading this!:D
    Spookres and ThaKloned like this.
  7. Forgetting to sign a book and having to rewrrite the whole thing
    Deadmaster98 and ThaKloned like this.
  8. Biggest fail I can remember is giving a zombie pigman my god sword, I think you can imagine how that turned out!
    MustangLover25 and ThaKloned like this.
  9. Biggest fail was finding a dungeon with tons of cool items then falling in lava. :(
    ThaKloned likes this.
  10. Hmm my favorite fail. Well I have one or two but I think I will go with my first fail on EMC:

    I joined WAYYYY back when, right off the bat I was eager and didn't read much of the rules (other then the obvious ones of being nice to other players bla bla bla) didn't think much about residences etc. I wanted to go out and get supplies first, for a house or something idk. So I went out into the wild within moments of joining the server.

    So I traveled out into what was the wastelands (which was basically the wild before it became called the wild) right off the bat I saw some slime balls a little ways from the spawn point laying right on the ground right in front of me. Possibly from a careless player who died to a monster and never went back for them. At least 5-15 of them I grabbed them up with excitement and turned around and headed right back to spawn so I could sell them or something because I knew slime balls were harder to get back then (just from common sense and playing single player minecraft beforehand) run, jump, run, jump and before you know it I found myself falling down a hole a 1x1 hole in the ground and splat! Right onto some stone/bedrock dying instantly seeing my items exploding from me and falling around down there.

    I rushed back to the wild knowing I had 5 minutes to collect all of my starter stuff and I had no idea where I fell down or anything. I had lost everything, which back then wasn't really anything but starter stuff so it wasn't that much, just all I had to my name.

    Luckily a player I had just met called "Golden_assassin" was in the wild and offered me a place to stay. I then went to his res and started all over with literally nothing while helping him build a shop. He offered me id say a 1/9th? of his res where I built a very small building and dug downward building farms etc. Eventually having a shop that lots of players came to all the time selling just the basics. And eventually after so many months with the help of a mod (don't remember which one unfortunately) heard my plight of wanting this specific res and helped make it available to me right at that moment, and the rest is history.

    And that, is my very first fail on the server, but had a happy ending. :p
    ThaKloned and padde73 like this.
  11. Great story!
  12. Biggest fail in real life:

    Parkour Featuring...

    Golf Carts!
    ThaKloned likes this.
  13. My Fail in Minecraft: Digging down and falling in a ravine :/
    mercenaries2009 and ThaKloned like this.
  14. Enter me please :)
    My biggest fail would be when I was out with my friends and it was pouring with rain, so I was waiting inside a foyer until my mum came to pick me up cause she was on her way. A car pulled up outside the doors, and since it was the same model and colour of my car, I sprinted into the rain and open the back door of the car and dived into it. I then put my seat belt on and started putting my stuff on the floor of the car, all while talking non-stop about something that happened just before. Only then I decided to look into the drivers seat, of where a very startled old lady was sitting. I apologized profusely and shamefully got out of the car. :oops:
  15. Bump

    Last call to enter. Get in before 11:59 PM EST tonight to be entered!
    tuqueque likes this.
  16. so I was texting my friend about hwo we should go out to a party and how my parents wouldn't let me. I then texted my friend that I would sneak out of my house at night and go. Little did I know, due to my stupidity I texted my mum. I was grounded for 2 months. This wasn't the first time either. I did things like this several times before... I've failed so hard on many occasions. Save me.
    MustangLover25 and tuqueque like this.
  17. Thanks. I've now decided to chain my daughter in bed before I go to sleep :D
    FWRonald and tuqueque like this.
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