So I've heard that a lot of people like my resource pack and would like to use it . Basically I found a load of texture packs and combined them to make the ultimate one. Note that some of the textures are created by me and this Is because I didn't like any of the textures the other resource packs were offering. I guess this could become a big thing but I'm not sure I want to release it. Please vote what you would like me to do ; Keep It to myself or publicize it. Here are some examples of the resource pack in EMC. If you would like to see more images of the resource pack -maybe its a certain block you adore- don't hesitate to ask me And yes, i did make the XP bar Haha.
You are not allowed to post any texture/resource pack that has contents of others you are only allowed to make it public with permission from the original texture creators there are others but i forgot
I have not used any faithful in my pack as all is 64x64. i also have mostly used pvp packs which is completely fine as they are custom made and they had to ask to use them.