I understand where you're coming from as I have felt this way before, but in order to become a staff member, don't you have to be able to handle situations in a more professional way? Not in a way in which you look heavily offended? I'm not sure if you're agreeing with me in your second paragraph, but I'll assume you are because of the way you've worded it. As I said before, if a mod is to express themselves, it should be done professionally so that it makes a good impression on normal players. No offence, but I honestly hate when people say things such as this. I'm saying that the community needs to change. You can't change one's personality easily. A person has to change themselves. Just telling somebody not to do something won't make them not do it at all. It's the way things work..
There was a debate on Online Dating going on in the chat, and some little insults got thrown around, I wasn't involved but when I saw (insert mod name here) say the next person to insult some get's muted I had to say this: Cory, you're annoying. Everyone else in the chat knew I was joking, and knew I was talking about myself, but apparently the moderator didn't and she muted me for 15 minutes. After that I got onto my alt and explain I was Cory and it was a joke, she proceeded to say that I could of been talking about someone else, and I remained muted. Guess that's what you get for trying to lighten the mood.
You are kind of overgeneralizing... As Shel said, that was a trainee staff member. That's why we have the 'moderator in training' rank. Also, that was one staff member. The staff that I know are both open to criticism and human. Just something to think about. Also, I did not intend to come off as rude, so please do not take it that way. I respect and understand your opinion better than you know. But we'll leave that for the history textbooks.
Just observing the player doesn't tell you much. It would make much more sense to provide video evidence so that people can see from a player's perspective if somebody was to be hacking. Sure the staff member was defending themselves, but wouldn't it be better to have done it in a professional way? I'd rather not state the person's name, but the person most likely knows that I had mentioned them.
Even if it was a trainee, a mod, or even a normal player, it should still be dealt with in what I've already said, a professional way..
Those sorts of things are like playing with fire. If you do it right it can certainly lighten the mood, but it probably could have been avoided if you said '*talks to self*' before it. Again, speaking from experience since have received multiple mutes for that sort of thing.
Or moderators can have a specific training course on how to tell the difference between a joke and an actual issue.
Observing a player can give you a lot more reliable information than a video can. I could edit a video to make anyone look good/bad, you can't edit live observations. I've seen people use X-ray before and it is very obvious if they're doing it. Random tunnels to ores everytime, looking down at the ground while mining, tunnels vary in y blocks yet always end up at some goodie, etc. Also I'm pretty sure a video was taken and gave into staff for one, if not both, of the occurrences. I guess that staff member could of done it more professional but I don't blame them for over reacting a bit. You have to understand he/she could have had a terrible day, got some bad news, or had something else that hinders their mood. From what I see, that was that staff member's only mess-up and you can't really judge a person off one event. If you provided me 5-6 more examples of the same person being unprofessional, maybe then I would begin to side with you on it. Staff are human too, they make mistakes. As long as they aren't making consistent mistakes, it's not big problem. I wasn't asking for any names. I just want the details of why he/she muted, whether he/she received any warning to stop and if he/she was offending/bothering other players.
Keyword: trainee moderator. If we're talking about the same incident then the moderator was on probation at that time, quite new. And since we're talking "staff", I also recall Krysyy stepping into that one and asking the player who made the original comment to contact her with further details. Now, I have to be honest that I never bothered to look deeper into the posts of the involved moderator, but to my knowledge she didn't exactly get a reputation of always answering players in a hostile way. Something tells me that if she did you'd have quoted those incidents here as well. So are we going to haunt a moderator for months to come for one small incident? One which was already covered by Krysyy? Sorry but... looks weird to me. Exactly. But just stating so won't make it happen. And if several players feel this way yet they all keep quiet when incidents happen then nothing will change. I'm one of those players who actually does sometimes respond when some players are being annoying / obnoxious. Yet its my experience that the majority of players usually keeps quiet when stuff like this happens. And like I said; that way nothing changes. The staff can do a lot, but staff can't shape an entire community.
Or you could have obeyed the rules, one of them says: "Listen to the staff". Like I said above: there are 2 sides to this story. And this one can't be resolved in a "right vs. wrong" kind of way.
The staff play a part in this but so do we. We have all regressed back into our pre-teen ages. We act like 5 year olds 90% of the time. We should fix ourselves before criticizing staff. I realize the staff quality drop, no offense, but we need to fix ourselves first.
In the case that staff needs more than just video evidence, there are staff that play UHC. To solve this, a training to catch hackers for staff should be given. Even if the staff member had a bad day or anything negative had happened, you can't take it out on a player. Not to mention, the statement that the player had said was NOT directed to anybody specifically which further proves that criticism couldn't be handled. It looks like Cory has said that it was him, so you can look at his post.
Shel please do understand that it is pretty damn obvious that what he said in town chat was a joke.. Please do excuse the language
It's only because we all cannot tolerate another's opinion. If one gives out an opinion everyone jumps on him and a flame war begins. We are all acting like babies, no one is excluded in this.
It was more than obvious. The fact that she tried to defend it by claiming that I could of been talking to another player just made it worse when she could of just admitted it was a mistake. There was no other person containing Cory connected to the server at the time, and there are very few people on EMC with Cory in their name.
-----Chris picks apart ShelLuser's comments: Part 1----- We're not supposed to name specific names of people in threads (obviously) or else [Name Removed By Staff Member] will "take action" against the people being called out. So what do you expect us to do? TL;DR Staff member gets upset that people are insulting each other. Nccoryg said "Cory is annoying" and got muted, even though his own name is Cory. Nccoryg asked "why" and Staff basically replied with "I'm gonna dig myself into a deeper hole and further justify what I was doing was right." He was joking. So apparently, silly joking is grounds for mods to take serious action. Ok then. Problem here is that you most likely weren't there so you don't have a side of a story to tell. -----Chris picks apart ShelLuser's comments: Part 2----- The problems here are that the player gave no names, yet the staff member instantly jumped in and assumed it was him that the first person was referring to. This blind accusation and blind assumption, from a mature staff member, is less than satisfactory. If you really DO know where this quote came from, then you know the user who said something about staff afk-ing on smp6 didn't name anyone specific, right? Idk, maybe because mods are expected to do their jobs? A nice message like "I'm busy" or "Hold on" would've sufficed instead of no reply or a "Note: That player is currently Away and may not see your message" chat alert. Also, there are some problems that only a staff member can solve. THAT'S why it's a big issue. The person asking the staff for something needed help and was denied after about an hour of waiting. Tell me: who waits a whole hour to discuss something in chat or PM with a regular member? It's not practical, and even the least mature people on EMC wouldn't do it, they would be bored if it was just a regular member and maybe go bother someone else. But it was a serious situation, and again, they should've responded that they were busy and/or edited their Away message so they'd at least know why the staff was busy. I don't mind how the mods reply in the first person's case; the problem in this situation is that they didn't. Also, there are few staff online, and during many griefing incidents I find no staff on at all. Sometimes that doesn't appear to be the case... when? Any examples? Wait, nevermind. You lost me at "sort of." I'm at least 400 days old. While I may have not paid much attention to chat during my more noobish days on EMC, I can confirm the community was nothing like it is now. I don't mean that in a good way, but darn I wish I did. Sometimes, telling them doesn't always work. And, in the case of Nccoryg earlier, we already established that the wrong people can be punished sometimes. The problem with this is that people feel outright intimated to even bother trying to take a different course of action, while others are too intimidated to talk to Staff, period. That's not how anyone should feel about Staff on any site or any server tbh. Kinda, idk... gives off bad vibes? And finally, to anyone defending staff, yes. I do agree we have some excellent and mature staff on EMC, and I do not hate EMC as a whole. But... no offense intended (meant in general) but with these kind of rants... do you seriously blindly believe that all staff are good and never make honest mistakes, nor own up to them? I imagine this thread will be locked soon -- not to jinx it, but it seems like the criticism is flowing well enough anyway for staff to want to lock this thread. And if they do, as mentioned privately already, it won't make them look any good. This is exactly what I meant by people blindly defending staff and their decisions. Remember, everyone: staff is ALWAYS right so you should ALWAYS do as they say! And if they make an honest mistake, it's YOUR fault! THIS is exactly the kind of mentality we SHOULDN'T have. And it's EXACTLY why a lot of people are INTIMADATED by Staff members for, as mentioned many times before, BEING ROBOTIC with a "catch-all obey the staff" rule. Don't take this the wrong way. I know Staff should be enforcing rules and I know it's their job so it's expected to listen to and obey the staff, and I would never disobey the staff myself. I am NOT supporting rebellion or disobedience against ANY staff member. However, if the Staff can't draw a line between something serious and something harmless then how can you think that's not even the slightest problem, especially in a community that's supposed to be family-friendly for people of all ages and of all maturities?
You previously said that if it was a normal player, he/she wouldn't be treated in such way, so why are you bringing up the mod being a trainee? We aren't haunting anybody. I was just using the quote as an example. Like I said, we can't change others, but others can change themselves. As you earlier said, this has been going on for quite the while. At this rate, shouldn't it be obvious that somebody is disrupting the community and that that somebody should change themselves?
Ok, so he made a joke while the staff member was trying to defuse a situation (the players were warned). He made a joke, but he also went against the staff member by doing so. He insulted himself more or less. So the staff shouldn't have jumped in? Then what? What are the odds that another player would have responded with an 'innocent joke'? Or with something which they perceived as such? What are the odds that if the staff would have stepped in against "player b" but nor Cory that player B would have started "he could make a joke and I couldn't?". So the staff should have let that one slide too? Then what? How much more players would have followed? Because that is the risk you take as a staff member if you don't step in after having given out a warning. If you don't then chances are high that other players will also pick it up as a signal that "no harm done". There is a time for jokes, and there's a time to keep quiet.
Ok, Im tired of this. Catac and nccoryg you guys need to honestly calm down. You guys think that by bashing down EMC that this is going to get any better? It won't, I bet it. Just drop it, we're humans. We are told to listen to staff and to their authority, if you disobey the given authority, theres consequences. So lets drop this whole thing and move on in life.