In the upcoming 1.8 update, Mojang will be introducing the new Ocean Monuments. Highly requested, the monuments will make ocean exploring a lot more interesting. They will be the only place to find some of the new content 1.8 has to offer, so make sure you are ready to face the endless blueness of the Minecraft oceans to find the rare Ocean Monuments!
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Mathcraft – building an arch
Buildings in Minecraft can actually follow certain shapes or patterns. Making an arch in Minecraft can be a challenge if you don’t know what your doing. Luckily, the quadratic equation can help map out where to place the blocks of an arch so that you can build something that will blow away those who see your creation.
Slime Blocks and You: A Guide to 1.8 Slime Blocks
Slime Blocks:
Slime blocks are a new block that will be added in Minecraft 1.8 as a new block. Slime blocks are made of slime balls put together using a crafting table. Slime blocks are one of the many reasons everyone is looking forward to 1.8 and are arguably the most exciting feature. Slime blocks have a wide variety of capabilities in terms of redstone machines, decoration, and normal gameplay.
Building in Minecraft 1.8
Do you like building? Getting bored of what minecraft supplies you to make your creations? Well, look forward to the 1.8 update which adds many great blocks that you can use to add detail to some of your builds. These new blocks will brighten up your builds and add small details that will catch the eye to make your build look amazing!
First a good thing to mention about something we’ve been waiting for ages for would be the addition of the ability to craft chiseled stone brick(circle stone), mossy stone bricks and cracked stone brick. These sought after blocks were previously only available in generated structures, now with the easy accessibility of them they are now more survival friendly building blocks.
Minecraft EULA
The Minecraft EULA has brought a controversial wave of backlash throughout the Minecraft community, particularly from the loudest voices; server players (so… Everyone?) and owners. Is Mojang’s new EULA playing catch-up with other profiteering game publishers? Is it trying to verge its player base towards an apparently unsuccessful Realms? Is it an attempt to clear their hands of anything to do with children using their parents credit cards? Or is it simply doing what’s best for the Minecraft community, and shedding out the shady and massively grossing servers. Either way, this new change in the Mojang EULA and their attitude towards monetisation will have an impact on all multiplayer servers. We’ll take a look at what’s to come and how the Empire will be managing the changes.
June 5, 2014 – The news is leaked [Read more…]