Deck the halls, trim the stockings, and sing this Christmas song!
In December 2013, a member of Empire Minecraft by the name of _Stads_ had the novel idea to create a Christmas song and have all of the Empire Minecraft staff provide the voices. The staff didn’t have the best vocals, but they tried their best. Multiple recordings were sent in and combined over the course of a month to create a pretty neat song parody, just in time for Christmas. While the vocal track to the Christmas song no longer exists, we wanted to spotlight the lyrics for our Christmas Eve blog post as a throwback special to 2013.
So grab the nearest hairbrush, remote control, or other microphone substitute and sing this Christmas song at the top of your lungs. If you have an ear for music, maybe you could even make your own video using this song, or maybe try making your own Empire Minecraft Christmas song parody. If you do, comment below so we can see it!